Your search for springback found 62 documents (of 13032 searched).
1-62 of the 62 results are displayed below.
Knowledge Base Results:
Calculating Springback Simple formula for determining amount of springback in bent solid wood. April 18, 2004
Lamination and Springback A chair back curvature problem leads to a discussion about predicting and minimizing springback in bent wood laminations. December 6, 2009
Eliminating springback problems Determining the radius to aim for when creating a curve with vac-laminated plywood. September 23, 2003
Steam-Bending and Laminating Steam-bending before laminating is a way to reduce or eliminate springback when using thicker strips of wood. November 28, 2006
How to Make an Elliptical Jamb Advice on various approaches to laying up and gluing an elliptical door jamb. December 9, 2013
Raised-Panel Wainscoting for a Spiral Stairwell true frame-and-panel wainscoting with concave panels rising up a spiral staircase. Woodweb's top trimwork minds chime in on this one for a top-flight discussion of a very tricky topic. July 9, 2007
Laminating Teak Strips Advice on adhesive choice, wood prep, and springback when laying up curved laminated members from Teak strips. November 3, 2010
Laying Up a Laminated Door Arch An extended discussion with pictures goes into depth about various ways to make a laminated wood arch for a doorway. September 5, 2006
Laminating Stock for Arched Casings Here's a wide-ranging discussion of gluing and clamping processes for laying up arched casings using multiple thin laminations. November 26, 2007
Strip Laminating Teak Advice on adhesives and techniques for gluing up Teak strips to make rough stock for a curved moulding profile. June 26, 2009
Steam Box Construction Ideas Here's a handful of ideas for building a simple steam box for steaming and bending wood. December 9, 2010
Making a Curved Face Frame When the top and bottom face frames on a cabinet need to follow the curve of a shelf, there are several simple options. December 27, 2008
Reinforcing Stair Stringers with Epoxy Here's a convoluted and somewhat contentious, but also informative, thread that is mostly about using fiberglass and epoxy to stiffen stair stringers. July 7, 2011
Ways to Machine Radiused Casings Woodworkers discuss various methods of making curved mouldings, including CNC and moulder techniques as well as ways to join segments. December 2, 2006
Radius countertop edge Making a radiused wood edge without resorting to segments. January 3, 2003
Veneer Over LVL for Door-Building Issues of moisture content, wood movement, and splitting when veneering over LVL for custom door construction. April 5, 2007
Glue Choices for Curved Railing Glue-Ups A discussion of suitable adhesives for curved stair railing laminations. Long open time and minimal spring-back are the issues. December 6, 2008
Steam Bending Tight Turns For very short radius bends, you'll have to laminate strips. For more gentle curves, here are a few technical tips. August 30, 2005
Building and Using Your Own Steam-Bending Rig Turkey fryers and pressure cookers, PVC pipes and plywood boxes — woodworkers show their inventive side in this thread about steam-bending apparati. January 27, 2008
Optimal Joint Method for Making Curved Beams Woodworkers discuss the best way to fabricate a curved beam, and learn about an interesting historic example of curved laminated timber barn construction. October 19, 2013
Figuring Helical Trim Twist Here's a long and detailed thread with pictures and photos about a real head-scratcher of a problem: calculating, modeling, or mocking up and then fabricating a piece of molding that follows the underside of a helical staircase. January 20, 2011
Vacuum application FAQ All aspects of vacuum and how it is used by the woodworker. March 18, 2002
Laminate and Substrate Movement A question about what might cause melamine laminate to pull loose from a countertop leads to an in-depth look at the materials involved. April 18, 2006
Glue Joint Movement — Causes and Cures Here's a wide-ranging discussion of adhesive properties and glue joint behavior, triggered by a specific problem involving a raised glue line in a Cherry countertop. October 19, 2014
Radius Shoe Molding Determining radius of cabinets in order to match molding. July 20, 2004
Arched Door Casing Against a Curved Wall Pros discuss a complex trim problem: The intersecting circular arcs resolve to an ellipse, but that doesn't make it easy. October 4, 2005
Laminating Stile and Rail Stock for Doors Here's a long discussion on how to lay up stock for architectural door stiles and rails from multiple laminations of wood. February 10, 2009
Stickers and sticker shadow A discussion on synthetic and traditional stickers, and an explanation of reverse sticker shadow. May 30, 2001
Correcting Warp in Cabinet Doors A cabinetmaker collects many suggestions for working the warp out of a set of oversized cabinet doors. He tries one. It fails. January 13, 2015
Fabricating a Curved Jamb Laminating, piecing together, or sawing out of large stock: there's more than one way to build an arched door jamb. April 18, 2015
Steam Bending Alder Pondering whether to steam-bend alder for a curved shutter frame, a woodworker hears that other woods, or other methods, may meet his needs better. April 21, 2011
Curved Raised Panels Woodworkers discuss ways to fabricate curved raised panels for the interior of an archway, with photo examples. December 2, 2006
Helical Handrail Math for Spiral Stairs Woodworkers puzzle over the twisted math involved in making a profiled handrail follow the curve of a spiral stair. January 26, 2008
Bending Mahogany Trim A furniture-maker gets tips on making tight curves with Magohany. October 2, 2005
Bending Wood: Steam or Heat? In steam bending, is it the moisture or the heat that makes the wood bendable? The doctor explains, it's both. October 17, 2012