Dog crate/endtable

Listing #2063 Listed on: 04/29/2009 Name: Betty

This is a dog crate/end table I made from magazine plans. I donated it for a dog rescue group raffle to benefit their efforts but would like your input on it. It is red oak with stain and poly. Thanks.

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Posted By:Dog Town
I have a dog that would gnaw her way out of that in minutes. She would like it, though.
Posted By:sean m titmas
nice idea. i am doing something similar by making a few different size wooden framed dog beds and will donate them to the local pound to be given away at their discretion. i am still researching a chew safe finish for the wood so that there is not any issue if the dogs chew and digest any of the finish. i think all finished are inert when cured but i want to be sure.
Posted By:David krenz
2 parts apple bitter 4 parts finish, I prefer polycrylic. Seems to hold up better.

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