Laminated Stair Railing, Hondo Mah

Listing #2227 Listed on: 07/31/2009 Company Name: Kalin Architectural Woodwork
Name: David Kalin

From the first floor to the second, a rise of over 10 ft., the stair does a 360 degree travel. The entire railing and cap from the first floor to the second is one large assembly. A worm shaped piece of ply-wood (if you will). Eight plys,1/4 inch ea., of Honduras Mahogany make up the 2" dia. rails. The cap is 24 ply making it 6 inches wide. All built in place.

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Posted By:nick B
great work, I am a lover of fine wood work,and enjoy seeing works like ths and all the problems and solutions. would like to know how long it took to do the spiral and percentage of waste an methods. thanks for sharing.
Posted By:Pat B
You laminated it on-site then? Didn't use plywood though, right? How did you form it up? Really nice work.
Posted By:james edwards
very cool did something like that a few years ago nice

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