Handmade Games Table

Listing #2261 Listed on: 08/17/2009 Company Name: Wheathills Handmade Furniture
Name: Wheathills Member

A beautiful bespoke, handmade Games Table that we made for a customer some time ago. Made from sixteen different types of timber.

The top is inlaid for chess and backgammon, the chess board formed from Satinwood and Rosewood surrounded by Boxwood and Ebony stringing, banded in green and red dyed Lime.The backgammon board is inlaid in Macassa Ebony, Satinwood, Burr Walnut and Mahogany, strung in Ebony and Boxwood and banded in dyed Lime.

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Viewer Comments:
Posted By:Pat B
That is outstanding! Very creative. The various woods and grain patterns are really nice.
Posted By:JD
Fantastic!!! Great variation of wood and grain.
Posted By:Joel
You've got everything and the kitchen sink going there and it works! Great
Posted By:woodnut
beautiful piece, really like the end grain, you were able to add it to the design flawlessly.
Posted By:V
Fabulous, but eight legs wood really make it. Let the players fumble a bit for the look of it.The spheres follow through with eight.
Posted By:Pete
Wonderful work. What timber are the oysters?

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