Cherry and Glass Door w/ "Floating" Panels

Listing #3082 Listed on: 01/18/2011 Company Name: Ivan Industries
Name: Ivan Moses

Cherry Stiles and Rails with Bronze Reflective Glass and "Floating" Cherry Panels. Before you ask, the panels are not glued to the glass.
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Viewer Comments:
Posted By:Bob G.
Very creative. With a little 1/4 sawn white oak, it could be mission style, my personal favorite
Posted By:Travis
Are the cherry panels sandwiched between glass sheets? How DID you get them to stay in place?
Posted By:ivan moses
The panels are not sandwiched between the glass. Cheers!!! The process is called VOODO (patent pending) :)
Posted By:Kevin Gavagan
I'm guessing the glass was ordered with holes in it and the panels are placed on either side, then glued together through the holes with dowels or something similar.
Posted By:Travis
So, what exactly is VOODO?
Posted By:ivan moses
There are no holes cut in the glass, although that would be one way to achieve this. I would love to tell you the process, but...(patent pending)
Posted By:Luke Goossen
I would suggest strong magnets implemented into each side of wood and something to keep them from sliding on the glass??? -rubber strips???

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