17Th Century British Ship

Listing #501 Listed on: 01/11/2007 Name: DEN HOLMES

Company Name: DENS MODEL SHIPS17Th Century 64-Gun British Ship, built from scratch.
The scale of this ship is 1/96 so it would be 168' long x 42' wide, and draws 21' of water. The model is 27" long x 12" wide, and 25" high mid-ship. And has 5 different deck levels, plank-on-frame construction. Total work hours on the model, 1,175, and about 10,000 pieces. About 61' of rigging.

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Posted By:urbanlumberinc

Wow, talk about tedious work, you must have the steady hands of a surgeon.

Posted By:RCB

Greetings DEN HOLMES, And here I thought Russell Crowe was the Master and Commander.
Awsome work!..........................RCB

Posted By:Harry DeVrieze

Outstanding detail.!


Harry DeVrieze

Posted By:Adam

I would have to quite drinking coffee to have hands steady enough to pull off that gem. Outstanding detail.

Is it for a customer, yourself, or a museum?

I'm blown away by the wake, Adam

Posted By:Chris Bolton

Absolutely incredible. You must have the patience of Job.

Posted By:dan

Very nice! Curious George wants to know what a piece like this price range would be?

Posted By:CharlesK

Wow! I'm speechless.

Posted By:Roney
Unbelievable work, but I've got to ask what did you do with the rest of your evening?
Posted By:Graham Shell
Superb detail and craftmanship...labour of love I am sure!
Posted By:Daril Atkins
Wonderful work. I need to ask you if I may use the image on the cover of my fiction novel. I will give you full credit in the list of acknowledgements.

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