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TC Woods, LLC

Listing #230   Listed on: 03/20/2009

WOODWEB Content Editor, Brett Hagstrom, Interviewed Dan Odell in July 2009.

Listen to the "TC Woods, LLC" audio interview

Trees have always interested Dan Odell. Ever since he was a kid he has been involved with them in some manner, and his current involvement includes sawing lumber and building furniture. Dan put his interest in trees on hold in order to complete a degree in Russian language, but he couldn’t stay away from trees for very long. He started milling lumber around 1996 after acquiring a "Better Built Rip-saw" band mill chainsaw attachment. Dan has worked with many beautiful logs over the years and realized he could do more with them than cutting them for firewood or throwing them in the landfill. After using the bandsaw mill for a while, he became serious about sawing. In 1998 he started using a 10 hp, 22-inch throat electric MSG bandsaw that he still uses today.

Continue Reading about TC Woods, LLC

Company Name:   TC Woods, LLC
Contact Name:   Dan Odell
Location:   Lafayette, CO  80026
Year Founded:   1996
Sq. Footage:   10,000
Employees:   2
Gross Sales:   80,000

Product Specialties:
    Hardwood Lumber
    Other Wood Products
    Softwood Lumber

Service Specialties:

Sawmill Equipment:
    Sawmills: Stationary - MSG 250E
    Sawmills: Portable - EZ Boardwalk

Viewer Comments:

Posted By: Tim McBride     [08/15/2009]
Very cool Dan!!! That chainsaw mill looks like a lot of work. Your custom work is awesome. Good luck in the future!!!

Posted By: Chelsea Lassen     [04/10/2011]
Hi, we've been looking for a custom piece for our kitchen and I saw the picture of the butcher block kitchen island you made and we love it! How much does one cost?

Posted By: Gary Yates     [08/26/2012]
Beautiful table. How much would one cost?

Posted By: colleen mahlmann     [10/13/2014]
how much is this butcher block kitchen island?

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Company Description Continued

Roughly 25% of his business is custom sawing, and he keeps about 40,000 board feet of lumber in stock, dried and stored. When customers show up they can choose what they want on the spot.

Grading lumber is something Dan would like to do in the future, as there are a lot of lesser quality species, such as cottonwood, that need to find their proper market. Dan mentions that only about 5-10% of the millable logs are currently being diverted from the waste stream, and he believes it wouldn’t take too much effort to achieve an 80% salvage rate.

Dan works predominantly with hardwoods including ash, elm, Russian olive, and walnut that is infected by the twig beetle. He acquires the logs both from individuals in pickup trucks and from larger tree companies with grapple trucks.

Dan’s main piece of primary processing equipment is the MSG bandsaw previously mentioned. Four to twelve foot lengths, and eight to thirty inch diameter logs, are typically milled by this machine. Last year Dan purchased a 24hp EZ Boardwalk mill that can cut boards up to 34 inches wide and 24 feet long, and can also be used as a mobile mill to take ‘on site.’ A chainsaw mill with a four-foot bar that cuts four-foot slabs is also used for the biggest logs.

About 90% of the lumber is air dried, and the passive solar kiln with 4,000 board feet of storage Dan built last summer is also used. The kiln creates a 50-70 degree gradient from outside temperature.

Dan advertises in the Yellow Pages, but 60-70% of his business comes from word of mouth referrals. Most customers are local hobby wood workers, with about 10-15% doing high end work. Once he has a bigger facility, Dan would like to expand his clientele to include cabinetmakers. His lumber has been shipped to North Carolina, Michigan, and even as far away as Hawaii. Dan’s business is open six days a week and people can walk in, choose lumber, pay for it, and take it home the same day.TC Woods is a Sawmill and wood processing facility salvaging trees from the urban forests of Boulder county. We have 2 Bandsaw mills and are capable of milling logs from 3-24' long and 8-54" dia. In our woodshop we can surface boards up to 20" wide and build custom furniture. We also offer on-site, as well as mobile milling services.

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