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Palisade Tree Service

Listing #270   Listed on: 12/19/2009

WOODWEB Content Editor, Brett Hagstrom, Interviewed Chuck Leibbrand in 2011.

Chuck Leibbrand was introduced to woodworking and sawmilling at a young age. His grandfather was a cabinetmaker and wood carver and his father owned a sawmill. The family ties to woodworking intrigued Chuck and eventually spurred him to work for a tree service after high school. While working for the tree service he noticed that healthy and millable trees were going to waste and he wanted to do something about it. Using skills he acquired during his tree service time he bought a chipper and stump grinder and worked for local customers before eventually setting up his Wood-Mizer LT10 in Berthoud, Colorado.

Local cottonwood and black walnut are the predominant species milled at Palisade Tree Service. He locates, removes, and hauls logs to his mill in a solo effort. He mentions that cottonwood “is a popular waste wood and can produce really nice lumber if acquired at optimum age.” He mills black walnut due to its quality heartwood. Other species milled are elm, honey locust, blue stained pine, and willow. Beetle kill events have decimated a significant portion of the timber supply in the Berthoud area and some of the logs he obtains are from the beetle kill, as long as they are still in millable condition. Black walnut is the most affected species due to the emerald ash borer.

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Company Name:   Palisade Tree Service
Contact Name:   Chuck Leibbrand
Location:   Berthoud, CO  80513
Year Founded:   2004
Sq. Footage:   0
Employees:   1
Gross Sales:   N/A

Product Specialties:
    Hardwood Lumber
    Milled Lumber / Lumber for construction
    Other Wood Products
    Softwood Lumber
    Wood Components
    Wood Waste

Service Specialties:

Sawmill Equipment:
    Sawmills: Portable - wood mizer LT-10

Viewer Comments:

Posted By: jason a     [12/31/2009]
How much wood could a would chuck, chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood? I think we have found the answer. Nice wood chuck and good luck!

Posted By: Steve Black     [08/03/2010]
Black Walnut and Oak, Eastern Ks. Large timbers.
Need to move. some are fallen and some are not. Mostly Oak.

Posted By: Don     [04/16/2012]
Jason asks:
"How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
A woodchuck would chuck as much wood as woodchuck could chuck, "if" a woodchuck "could" chuck wood :)

Posted By: Dave Winters     [04/25/2012]
Hey Chuck-
Saw your stuff here on Woodweb. I'm a woodworker over in Steamboat Springs, and would love to come over sometime and see what you have. I use walnut for my cutting boards and of course prefer air dried stock when I can get it. And I'm a woodturner as well so I'd be interested in any thick and figured stock as well as burl.
Looking forward to meeting you..

Posted By: Tom     [05/04/2016]
What degree blades are you using on your mill. Do you do custom cutting if someone has their own log? I have a log that I need to cross cut for table slabs.

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Company Description Continued

The Wood-Mizer “has been a great machine and handles the log volume very well.” Chuck has constructed quite a few jigs that clamp in unique places on the mill enabling curved logs to be milled efficiently. A mobile milling setup in the near future would be nice due to the “lack of capability with the current setup.”

The most common species milled are black walnut and honey locust, with honey locust being an “underappreciated species” in Chuck’s view. Rustic furniture intrigues Chuck, and often he visualizes ideas for rustic furniture projects after sizing up a tree.

Lumber is stickered and air dried in a hay shed, with a solar kiln in the works. Chuck is an ISA certified arborist and most of his customer referrals generate from his involvement with the International Society of Arboriculture. The customer radius covers roughly 100 miles.

Palisade Tree Service has enjoyed success “due to an increased public awareness of tree preservation.” Chuck says “there is not enough legislation requiring tree preservation, and as a result excavation companies continue to dig very close to trees without penalty, eventually compromising the trees in the area.” “Preservation and recycling” are terms Chuck constantly reiterates in his work. The most satisfying part of milling for Chuck? “Starting with a tree and ending with a quality finished product”.

Chuck's "Rustic Furniture" Project Gallery listing can be viewed here.

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