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Bagdad Lumber Sawmill & Kiln

Listing #439   Listed on: 08/06/2012

WOODWEB Content Editor, Brett Hagstrom, Interviewed Ron Harris in April 2013. You can listen to the audio interview by clicking on the respective links below.

  • Listen to Part 1: Intro and Species Sawn
  • Listen to Part 2: Species Sawn Cont.
  • Listen to Part 3: The Sawmill
  • Listen to Part 4: The Kiln
  • Listen to Part 5: Kiln Setup
  • Listen to Part 6: Kiln Efficiency and Lumber Sales
  • Listen to Part 7: Lumber Sales Cont. and Board Foot Explanation

    We are a sawmill and kiln operation. Our main focus in sawing our logs into furniture grade lumber, kiln drying it and selling the lumber. We also sell firewood slabs and sawdust.

    I have an older model "1988" Wood-Mizer LT 40 hydraulic. It is a solid old machine and I bought it off an old man that used to saw for me before I decided to get into it. I fell into this by accident. Five to seven years ago I had the land and trees and I like to wood work. I had some equipment and started taking down trees. Back then I was hauling the logs to other mills and having them sawed up for my own use. The next thing I knew I had 10,000 bf stacked up and decided to sell some of it. My phone rang off the hook and I thought it was fun so I picked up the pace a little.

    Continue Reading about Bagdad Lumber Sawmill & Kiln

    Company Name:   Bagdad Lumber Sawmill & Kiln
    Contact Name:   Ron Harris
    Location:   Bagdad, KY  40003
    Year Founded:   2005
    Sq. Footage:   5,000
    Employees:   3
    Gross Sales:   N/A

    Product Specialties:
        Hardwood Lumber
        Softwood Lumber
        Wood Waste

    Service Specialties:

    Sawmill Equipment:
        Sawmills: Stationary - Wood Mizer LT 40
        Kilns - Nyle L200

    Viewer Comments:

    Posted By: MarkH     [08/15/2012]
    Hey Ron, good info. Thanks for posting and look forward to doing business with you! Glad you're close by!

    Posted By: Matt Jackson     [08/16/2012]
    Looks like a clean and efficient operation. Good to hear you're busy and getting busier. Best of success in all your expansion endeavors!

    Matt Jackson
    The Timber Tailor

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    Company Description Continued

    Finally I said the heck with it and purchased my own saw and put in a kiln and now I have two guys working for me full time sawing lumber everyday as hard as they can go and our kiln has run non-stop for the last year. I'm drawing plans to put in a second kiln right now, BIGGER! We have a Nyle L 200 right now and the next one will be the same but I'm going to make the chamber bigger to do the full 4,000 bf. My goal is to do 20,000 bf a month right now we're sawing 10,000 a month but only drying 4,000. We have a 5,000 sf building and I'm keeping myself open to take this as far as it will go. This is like a second career for me and I'm loving it. My first career was "sales" so I've have 30 years experience selling and now I’m taking that and doing it with the lumber.

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