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Barrack Farms

Listing #509   Listed on: 04/30/2014

Barrack Farms is located in the lower Mississippi delta near Louise, MS on land pioneered by grandfather back in the early 1900’s. The farm still contains about 80 acres of mature delta bottomland hardwood forest. I mill logs into dimensional lumber, beams and slabs using a Lucas 825 portable sawmill. We try not to cut live trees and mill those trees from our 80 acre woodlot that have met their demise as a result of old age, wind blow-down or lightning strike. Of those, there are plenty. Future plans may include thinning of certain species from the woodlot and might require taking live trees.

I own the Lucas Slabbing attachment which utilizes a rip chain to cut slabs from logs up to a maximum practical limit of about a 54” width and a 8” thickness. Planing slabs flat (once dried) is done as required with a proprietary circular planning blade made by Lucas.

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Company Name:   Barrack Farms
Contact Name:   Charles Barrack
Location:   Yazoo City, MS  39194
Year Founded:   2006
Sq. Footage:   5,000
Employees:   1
Gross Sales:   N/A

Product Specialties:
    Hardwood Lumber
    Milled Lumber / Lumber for construction
    Other Wood Products

Service Specialties:
    Custom Sawing

Sawmill Equipment:
    Planers - Lucas 825 planer
    Resaws - Laguna HD 16
    Other - Kubota 8560 w/ log handling accessories
    Woodworking - Laguna planer/joiner/drill press
    Sawmills: Portable - Lucas 825
    Canters and Slabbers - Lucas 60"

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Company Description Continued

The normal set up of the mill uses a 21” circular blade which I use to cut dimensional lumber (mostly 2x6”, 2x4” and 2x2” stock). I also use the circular blade to cut beams of any size but mostly up to 12”x12”.

Lengths can go up to about 20 feet with my setup but I usually cut logs to 11 feet unless I need something special. This provides me with boards that are manageable and that fit in my drying shed easily. All of my lumber is air dried but I hope to add a kiln in the future if sales warrant one.

The 85hp Kubota with front forks and a rear lifting bar does all of my log extraction and wood handling. I started with a 55hp but it quickly became evident that more ponies were going to be needed. I would say that 85hp is the lower end for an AG tractor that will be used for log and lumber handling.

When running the mill, I cut between 500 and 1000 bf/day. It varies dramatically especially with slab and beam cutting. Production is always best with logs measuring 30” or better as lots of b.f. can be generated without handling many logs. Production, however, is almost never my primary goal as I spend a great deal of time planning cuts to expose the best grain patterns and wood shapes. I sometimes spend months without milling lumber while I procure logs and work on projects built with the wood I have previously cut and dried.

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