Greensburg High School Woodshop
Listing #1076 Listed on: 07/02/2010

Greensburg High School is a small 1A high school in southwest Kansas. I have been the teacher here for four years. There is a lot of community support for our program and through the years there have been several shop teachers who have made a big impact. We had a really awesome shop, which is why I moved here four years ago. It was probably over 10,000 sq ft when you include the metals and auto areas. They used to have a second teacher to teach metals, but he left right before I started. I do a little metals but and more of a wood man. Right at the end of a very successful first year here we had a tornado which pretty much wiped everything out. We have been trying to pick up the pieces and get things back together again ever since. The school is almost finished and will be ready for classes next fall. The last three years have been spend in a campus of mobile trailers. The wood shop is what it is for now. Hopefully sometime soon we will get a pretty sizeable addition and have a bigger wood shop and a decent metal shop. We make do. Once we get going we don't have much space, but we have really nice equipment. We got a large donation of machinery from WHM Tool group which really helped us get back on track. We build mainly furniture. We have done some light construction, but it just depends of how it works out with the kids and their other classes. For construction we really need two classes back to back for an hour and a half or you just cant get much done.
Company Name: Greensburg High School Woodshop
Contact Name: Peter Kern
Location: Greensburg, KS 67054
Year Founded: 2007
Sq. Footage: 3,200
Employees: 1
Gross Sales:
Product Specialties:
Cabinets - Custom Cabinets
Furniture - Custom Furniture
Woodworking - General
Shop Equipment:
Viewer Comments:
Posted By:
Frank Williamson [07/04/2010]
Emotional to see your pictures. God has blessed you and your town in so many ways. To teach the kids how to give back by using your shop is one heck of a lesson. Great job Peter! Keep it up
Posted By:
Ryan Hellmer [07/14/2010]
That's fantastic. I've really been impressed with the rebuilding of Greensburg. Heard lots about the new hospital but it's nice to see the school is coming around and keeping woodshop in the curriculum. That's where I learned, the ol' high school shop.
Posted By:
Sauli Jokinen [07/21/2010]
A really nice set of pictures! It's odd to watch damages made by a tornado, since we don't have tornados in finland.
Posted By:
Jeff M [07/24/2010]
NIce job. From a fellow shop teacher of 17 everything in your power to put SawStops in your shop. No matter how much you stress safety, there's always that chance of your kids getting into a saw, especially cutting dadoes. I had a student loose 3 fingers early in my career....believe me, you don't want that on your mind.
Approach it as a liability to the school. There have been lawsuits against schools claiming negligence because this technology was available and not purchased.
I have 3 sawstops in my shop at school and one in my home shop. Believe me, your stress level will go way down when you hear that saw start up!
Posted By:
Peter Kern [08/17/2010]
Thanks for the comments. It has been quite a journey. We just cut the ribbon for the new school on Monday and school starts on Thursday. It will be quite a year. Plans are in the works for a much needed 80x80 addition to the shop sometime in the near future. Jeff- we had to replace our Delta Unisaw after the storm and I had the superintendant sold on a SawStop but then the big donation from powermatic came through so we didn't get it. I am looking into buying one and then trading it to the school for the powermatic and use the powermatic in my own shop. We have never had an accident in my 8 years (knock on wood) but it only takes one mistake, so it would be nice.
Posted By:
Edwin Bennett [08/29/2010]
Great series of pictures! You guys did a marvelous job rebuilding. Your spirit is something never to forget. In the future with a spirit like that anything can be accomplished. WHM has been truely a good neighbor in "The Good Samaritan" sense of the term. Best of luck to all and God bless who made it happen.
Sincerely Ed Bennett
Posted By:
Holden Graham [05/09/2014]
Hello I am a student in high school from New Jersey and I wanted to go to my school board and eventually build up a wood shop so my question is how is the best way to get money for it and what steps need to be taken