Search Tips
WOODWEB's search engine
helps you find documents on this website. Here's how it works: you tell WOODWEB's
search service what you're looking for by typing in keywords, phrases, or questions
in the search box. WOODWEB's search service responds by giving you a list of all
the Web pages at our site relating to those topics. The product information will
appear at the top of the results (Companies are listed in aplphabetical order),
followed by reference material. The reference material is sorted by relevence,
with the "best" hits at the top of the list. Links at the top of the search results
page allow you to choose between product results and reference results.
How To Use:
- Type your keywords in
the search box.
- Press the "go" button
to start your search.
An Overview........
"All Terms" Vs. "Any Term"
Choosing "All Terms" will display results containing *all* the individual words
entered in the text field, regardless of where the individual words occur in the actual page result.
Choosing "Any Term" will display results containing *any* of the individual
words entered in the text field.
Example - entering dust pipe as a search term, and choosing "All Terms" will display
pages that contain *both* words: dust *and* pipe. Entering the same term dust pipe and choosing
"Any Term" will display pages that contain *either* word: dust *or* pipe.
Generally speaking, searches using "All Terms" provide more specific results.
What is a phrase?
You can link words and numbers together into phrases if you want specific words
or numbers to appear together in your result pages. If you want to find an exact
phrase, use "double quotation marks" around the phrase when you enter
words in the search box.
Example: To find information
about curly maple, type: "curly maple" in the search box.
To narrow your search even
further, enter two phrases, with "double quotation marks" around *each*
Example: To find information
about curly maple that was written by Gene Wengert (The Wood Doctor),
type: "curly maple" "Gene Wengert" in the search box.
Expand your search using
wildcards (*):
By typing an * at the end
of a keyword, you can search for the word with multiple endings.
Example: Typing lat* will
find: lathes, latex, later, and latest.