In this issue:
Information Poll WOODWEB wants
to know if our registered users are interested in receiving product information
on a regular basis, and if so, how frequently they would like to receive the
information (in email form). Let us know by casting your vote at our latest
poll. The current results for the poll
will be displayed immediately after voting, and you may return and view results
at any time by clicking the "Vote Now and View Results" link at the bottom
of the poll.
Project Learn how this one-of-a-kind
King Neptune door came to be through CAD modeling, CNC machining, hand carving...
and more. 
This issue of the WOODWEB Update is sponsored
in part by RouterCAD: AWFS SPECIAL – 20-30% OFF ALL SOFTWARE We
can put the profit back in your shop! We offer AutoCabinets, RouterCAM, Dovetail
DrawerCAD, MDFDoorCAD, CountertopCAD or Beaded FaceFrameCAD. Please call
or email us for an online demo. 888.549.3203
Threads This shop has a plan
for making some concave and convex doors and drawer fronts, but are running
their ideas by the great minds of the Architectural Woodworking Forum first.
Help troubleshoot the process:
following the proper drying schedule for cherry, this lumber emerged from the
kiln with hairline cracks. What gives? The Wood Doc has some ideas. A
shaper equipped with sharp, clean cutters is still producing cope and stick
tearout. Is the solution in new technique, or new tooling? Offering
a lifetime warranty seems like smart marketing to this furniture maker. Other
pros play the devil's advocate...
Built Equipment Feature A digital
outboard fence for the shaper - made mostly of used parts from eBay - is detailed
here. Check it out, then consider adding your own custom built creation to
the new Shop Built Equipment Forum. 
Member Profile
Richard Lach's business, Timeless Arts Furniture
Refinishing, specializes in restoring wooden furniture. Explore their work by
visiting Richard's member profile and website: Becoming
a member at WOODWEB is free, easy, and offers many benefits. At your personal
Control Panel, you can: - Create a Member Profile. - Receive notifications
of new posts at your favorite Forums and Exchanges. - Access a list of your
current posts at the Forums and Exchanges. - Create a list of links to your
favorite pages at WOODWEB. - Use Forum and Exchange post forms that are automatically
filled in with your information. Sign
up and become a member at:
This issue of the WOODWEB Update is sponsored
in part by C.R. Onsrud, Inc.: Manufacturer of CNC routers,
inverted routers, and routing accessories Web highlights:
Video Demos OnlineMachine
Specifications24 Hour Parts and ServiceUser
Base Highlights See a complete
list of the most recent additions to our Knowledge Base at: Practical
tips on climb cutting door parts are served up here... along with a nice, strong
cup of caution... Speeding
up inset door production - while maintaining accuracy - is the name of the
game. Thoughts on how to tool up for accurate cutting and minimal edge sanding
are presented. 
a moulding mill bring sawmill operations in-house? This detailed and authoritative
examination explores the potential pros and cons. Here's
a cold look at the hard numbers for furniture building. Between rock-bottom
overseas competition at the low end, and popular established competitors at
the high end, it's hard for a small shop to find a profitable niche.

accuracy and consistency with multiple small parts, what's practical and economical:
a belt sander, a planer, or a fly-cutter on the CNC? Waterborne
finishes will skin over with even a short pause in the action. Use this advice
for keeping your spraygun tip clean.
This issue of the WOODWEB Update is sponsored
in part by AWFSFair: Surround
yourself with tools for tomorrow. Help yourself to woodworking’s newest products,
technologies and business- building practices. As the markets recover, it’s
never been more important to put profit-making innovations to work in your company
- and at the AWFSFair, July 20-23, 2011 in Las Vegas, you’ll get exactly what
you need to compete strong and set yourself up for success in tomorrow’s economy. Register
today! |
Favorite Quotes "Deadlines...
I love the whooshing noise they make as they go past..." "Tell
me and I'll forget; show me and I may remember; involve me and I'll understand." This
collection of woodworkers' favorite inspirational and entertaining quotes at
the Business Forum is ever-growing! If you haven't already added your own "shopisms,"
please do:
Additions to the Woodworkers Directory The
following companies recently created free web pages at the Woodworkers Directory.
Create yours at: Just
Killen Time Woodwork Willow
Ridge Woodworks Whittington

This issue of the WOODWEB Update is sponsored
in part by WMS: Register now to attend the Woodworking Machinery
& Supply Expo - Canada's largest woodworking event. Pay only $10, a $20 savings. WMS
takes place Oct. 27-29 at the Direct Energy Centre, Toronto. |
Video Pick
Her-Saf presents assorted panel router
videos including a template system, depth control feature, eccentric nut material
thickness adjustment, and lock clamp. To view the videos, click on the link below
and scroll down to Her-Saf's video link:
Buying Guides Updated Get current
pricing on hardwood lumber for all regions of the US: 
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WOODWEB, follow the instructions at the end of this message. Replies to this
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Find out how to promote your company on the Web. If you're a supplier to the
wood industry, visit WOODWEB's Media Kit:
If you're a woodworking professional,
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The WOODWEB Update is Copyright (c)
WOODWEB, Inc. 2011