In this issue:
IWF Poll
Do you plan on attending the International
Woodworking Fair (IWF) next
month in Atlanta? Let us know by voting in our latest poll. Current results
for the poll will be displayed immediately after voting, and you may return
and view results at any time by clicking the "Vote Now and View Results"
Shop Built Equipment
Forum Feature
Forum Technical Advisor Gary Katz uses this
open angle coping jig to cope
corners. It enables the crown to turn to the angle of the cope, so the
blade on
your saw can be held plumb...

Hot Threads
The super-fine dust that MDF makes is clogging
this cyclone dust collector.
Without replacing the system, what changes can be implemented so that
filter can be cleaned less frequently?
A pre-cat lacquer that was supposed to come
out high-gloss is instead a
little orange-peely. Is it possible to get back to that mirror-like

Help compile a tool checklist for cabinet
installations, and get this 14' box
truck outfitted and on the road. The goal is to streamline installs and
eliminate trips back to the shop for items that were forgotten or overlooked.
The pressure is on: this cabinetmaker has
been asked to modify a vintage
built-in in a Frank Lloyd Wright house. The updated piece needs to hold
a TV on a lift, and involves replacing a 16' long, 18" wide L-shaped countertop. Advice?
This issue of the WOODWEB Update is
sponsored in part by
RouterCAD announces 3 great new products!
RouterCAM Express - gives you the ability
to shape parts
and generate g-code and nesting. $995.00
Cabinets to Go - order entry program
with RouterCAM for
nesting and g-code generation. $2995.00
AutoCabinets CNC Express - gives you
the ability to design
cabinets, lay out a room, cutlisting and RouterCAM for g-code
and nesting. $3995.00
Featured Member Profile
Lake Shore Hardwoods is a kiln-dried lumber supply house in Pulaski, NY.
Learn more about the business at their member profile and website:
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Knowledge Base Highlights
See a complete list of the most recent additions
to our Knowledge Base at:
One cabinetmaker describes how he succeeded
using a determined program
of cold sales calling.
This particular big, old, dead cottonwood
stump may not be worth the effort.
But here's some advice on how to break a hard-to-manage log up and get
good-sized slabs and burls out of it.
Lock nuts on shaper spindles can be stubborn
and awkward when it's time
to change the spindle. Here's how some machine owners tackle the problem.
Here's a method for fast, even spray application
of wiping stains by thinning
5-to-1 with naphtha.

Snap, crackle, pop: Why, oh why, are your
bandmill blades breaking
prematurely? Here are some ideas...
A severe glue spreader accident is a sobering
reminder of the risks of cabinet
work. (Caution: Graphic and disturbing images.)
Featured Sawmill
Maryland Horse Fencing uses their Wood-Mizer
LT70 to mill more than just
horse fencing... Learn about their operation at:
This issue of the WOODWEB Update is
sponsored in part by
C.R. Onsrud, Inc.:
Manufacturer of CNC routers, inverted routers, and routing accessories
Web highlights:
- Video Demos Online
- Machine Specifications
- 24 Hour Parts and Service
- User Testimonials
Recent Additions to
the Woodworkers Directory
The following companies recently created
free web pages at the
Woodworkers Directory. Create yours at:
RKL yacht carpentry
Mango Custom Cabinets

Pacific Shoji Works
Cirque du Bois
Video Pick
Delta Power Equipment Corporation offers
a sneak peek into the
manufacturing process of the Unisaw. To view the video, click on the link
below and scroll down to Delta's video link:
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The WOODWEB Update is Copyright (c) WOODWEB,
Inc. 2012