In this issue:
Dust Collection Poll
What type of dust collection setup does your
professional wood shop use?
Let us know by participating in our Dust Collection Poll. Current results
be displayed immediately after voting. You may return and view results
any time by clicking the "Vote Now and View Results" link.
Featured Project
Here's a wonderful insider's look at how
an Art Deco table with hidden
trompe l'oeil interior was constructed. A professional video shows the
magnetic key unlocking a secret drawer...

Hot Threads
A new convert to prefinished plywood requests
advice on the ins and outs
of construction and installation from those with ample experience.
How to get rid of the rust and pitting inside
this spindle taper? Ideas are
piling up at the CNC Forum...

Hurt by Hurricane Sandy? A host of generous
woodworkers at the Business
Forum offer up their assistance to any shops in need.
With some new tooling, this shop owner is
set up to machine MDF raised
panels. Now he needs to hone his system for smooth, efficient production.
Any thoughts?
This issue of the WOODWEB Update is
sponsored in part by
RouterCAD & ez-Router are offering
a total solution for your shop:
Heavy Duty Industrial Router – State of the Art CNC Software
Package includes:
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FaceFrameCAD, MillworkCAD
2.) Onsite integration, full week of training on software and
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Starting at $750.00 per month. 100%
financing available with
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BOSS CNC Router by ez-Router
with AutoCabinets 2012/RouterCAM software
Total Cabinet Shop Solution!
Featured Member Profile
Loh Interior Improvement, Inc., of New York, New York, specializes in
commercial and showroom construction. Learn about the business at
Ken Loh's member profile and website:
Becoming a member at WOODWEB is free, easy,
and offers many
benefits. At your personal Control Panel, you can:
- Create a Member Profile.
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Featured Sawmill
From his beginnings building birdhouses
to his present day milling business,
equipped with a Wood-Mizer and a Nyle kiln, the growth of Kelvin
Potter's Raven Farm Sawmill is detailed in this interview:

Recent Additions to
the Woodworkers Directory
The following companies recently created
free web pages at the
Woodworkers Directory. Create yours at:
Specialty Lumber Services, Inc
HBH Joinery - Wooden Gates

Sean Gallagher Design
American Design

This issue of the WOODWEB Update is
sponsored in part by
C.R. Onsrud, Inc.:
Manufacturer of CNC routers, inverted routers, and routing accessories
Web highlights:
- Video Demos Online
- Machine Specifications
- 24 Hour Parts and Service
- User Testimonials
Knowledge Base Highlights
See a complete list of the most recent additions
to our Knowledge Base at:
Here's some realistic and practical feedback
on a proposed long-span use
of an 8x8 sawn beam.
A few tips and cautions about working with
ipe wood are offered here.
In particular, the difficult problem of achieving a lasting glue bond

A skilled woodworker asks: Do I have the
right personality to run a
Thoughts about how to construct and join
the shelves and face frame for a
curved-face open-shelf cabinet are presented here, along with some pictures.

When you buy dressed lumber, the quantity
is tallied based on the rough
board footage, before milling. The "rip-off" percentage can sometimes
confuse the buyer.
Keeping the blond appearance of stripped,
bleached wood, without
ambering, is possible with the right choice of coating.
Video Pick
Porter-Cable features assorted power tool
demos including: the tiger claw,
random orbit sanders, compact belt sander, palm grip finishing sander,
mac-saw and razor saw blades. To view the videos, click on the link below
and scroll down to Porter-Cable's video links:
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contact WOODWEB, follow the
instructions at the end of this message. Replies to this Update mailing
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Find out how to promote your company on
the Web. If you're a supplier to
the wood industry, visit WOODWEB's Media Kit:
If you're a woodworking professional, visit
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View past WOODWEB Updates at:
The WOODWEB Update is Copyright (c) WOODWEB,
Inc. 2012