In this issue:
Featured Project
A creative and unique wood carving is one way this contributor showcases appreciation for his daughter:

Combustible Dust Poll
Virtually all pro shops have a dust collection
system ... do you
consider combustible dust an important issue, and if so, what
precautions are you taking? Voting is still open and current results for the poll will be displayed immediately after voting, and you may
return and view results at any time by clicking the "Vote Now and View
Results" link.
Hot Threads
Calculating sales commission can be complicated. Read about how these business owners break down the sales process and steer this shop owner in the right direction.
A J-hook coming undone is causing a door
seal failure with this interlocking threshold installation. Thorough advice
is shared to help keep the J-hook in place and the seal working properly.
A large commercial bid is on the table for
this questioner, who has previously completed a number of residential and
small-medium commercial bids. See how the following advice may help him
handle this new, and large, bid.
A number of options regarding a job-site air
filtration system for solvent application are available to this finisher. Can he
settle on a choice and properly vent the finish fumes?
This issue of the WOODWEB Update is
sponsored in part by
C.R. Onsrud, Inc.:
Manufacturer of CNC routers, inverted routers, and routing accessories
Web highlights:
- Video Demos Online
- Machine Specifications
- 24 Hour Parts and Service
- User Testimonials
Recent Additions to
the Woodworkers Directory
The following companies recently created
free web pages at the
Woodworkers Directory. Create yours at:
israelcabinets llc
Architectural Millwork Drafting
Red Stick Woodworks
Knowledge Base Highlights
See a complete list of the most recent additions
to our Knowledge Base at:
Here's a detailed thread about how to handle
a problem with a soft, dentable finish applied over a beautiful one-of-a-kind custom maple countertop.

A veneer jobs shows checking after nine months
in service. What could be the cause?
Contractors discuss ways to get heavy materials
up to and down from
an upper-floor loft in the shop. Included is a participant's video.

Based on a Paul Downs column in the New York Times,
here's a
thoughtful thread about how to optimize your workforce for skill,
teamwork, efficiency, and morale.
Cherry is photosensitive and prone to blotching,
so trying to
overcome the natural differences in color between pieces by
sealing and tinting has low odds of success.
Read how wax or a specialty lubricant can improve the
performance of a jointer or planer.
Featured Forum Technical
Dr. Gene Wengert is Professor Emeritus in Wood
Processing, Department of Forestry, at the University of Wisconsin (Madison). He frequently contributes to trade journals serving the primary lumber processing
industry, and is president of The Wood Doctor's Rx, LLC, through which he provides
educational and consulting services to lumber processing firms.
Visit the Sawing and Drying, Value Added Wood Processing and Commercial Kiln
Drying Forums at:
Video Pick
Delmac Machinery Group features assorted videos
including two edgebander videos. To view the videos, click on the link below and
scroll down to Delmac Machinery Group:
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The WOODWEB Update is Copyright (c) WOODWEB,
Inc. 2013