Wood Engineering Handbook
Author: Forest Products Laboratory (U.S.)
Published: 1990-01-01 by
Research Developments in Wood Engineering and Technology
Author: Alfredo Aguilera, J. Paulo Davim
Published: 2014 by Engineering Science Reference
"This book examines the latest research advances and technological developments for wood material as an engineering product and the innovation it provides for environmental friendly materials"--
APA Engineered Wood Handbook
Author: Thomas G. Williamson
Published: 2002 by McGraw Hill Professional
This unique handbook shows you what you can do with glued engineered wood composites in both residential and nonresidential building construction applications -- products that not only perform better than traditional solid wood products, but also reduce the pressure on available wood fiber resources. The APA Engineered Wood Handbook provides standards and guidelines for getting the most from some of the most exciting wood based materials available in construction today. Book jacket.
Civil Engineering in Context
Author: Alan Muir Wood
Published: 2004 by Thomas Telford
Sir Alan Muir Wood sits in the pantheon of great civil engineers of the twentieth century. In Civil Engineering in Context, Sir Alan Muir Wood draws from his long career to place as he says 'civil engineering in context'. The book contains many personal reminiscences of his life as an engineer from early days as a wartime marine engineer in the Royal Navy, through his more than 25 year career as a Partner and Senior Partner with Halcrow and as a tunnelling engineer of world renown. Civil Engineering in Context also presents Sir Alan's strongly held and sometimes controversial views on how civil engineering as an industry has developed since the pragmatic enterprise of the nineteenth century, through a twentieth century where much of the momentum was lost, and how it should be developing in the twenty-first century. Sir Alan ranges across many topics which directly affect the role of the engineer, including management and the law, systems and design, and ethics and politics. He also discusses his contribution and the wider aspects to some of the major projects of the twentieth century such as the Channel Tunnel. Civil Engineering in Context provides an enlightening insight into the civil engineer and civil engineering through the eyes of one of it most eminent protagonists.
Timber Engineering
Author: Sven Thelandersson, Hans J. Larsen
Published: 2003-03-14 by John Wiley & Sons
Timber construction is one of the most prevalent methods of constructing buildings in North America and an increasingly significant method of construction in Europe and the rest of the world. Timber Engineering deals not only with the structural aspects of timber construction, structural components, joints and systems based on solid timber and engineered wood products, but also material behaviour and properties on a wood element level. Produced by internationally renowned experts in the field, this book represents the state of the art in research on the understanding of the material behaviour of solid wood and engineered wood products. There is no comparable compendium currently available on the topic - the subjects represented include the most recent phenomena of timber engineering and the newest development of practice-related research. Grouped into three different sections, 'Basic properties of wood-based structural elements', 'Design aspects on timber structures' and 'Joints and structural assemblies', this book focuses on key issues in the understanding of: timber as a modern engineered construction material with controlled and documented properties the background for design of structural systems based on timber and engineered wood products the background for structural design of joints in structural timber systems Furthermore, this invaluable book contains advanced teaching material for all technical schools and universities involved in timber engineering. It also provides an essential resource for timber engineering students and researchers, as well as practicing structural and civil engineers.
Wood Composites
Materials Manufacturing and Engineering
Author: J. Paulo Davim, Alfredo Aguilera
Published: 2016 by
Product Design
Techniques in Reverse Engineering and New Product Development
Author: K.N.·奥托 (美), Kevin N. Otto
Published: 2003 by 清华大学出版社有限公司
Wood Handbook
Wood as an Engineering Material
Author: Forest Products Laboratory
Published: 2000 by
Forests, distinct from all their other services and benefits, supply a basic raw material - wood - which from the earliest times has furnished mankind with necessities of existence and with comforts and conveniences beyond number. One major use has always been in structures, particularly in housing. But despite wood's long service in structures, it has not always been used efficiently. In these days when the Nation is trying to utilize its resources more fully, better and more efficient use of the timber crop is vital. As an aid to more efficient use of wood as a material of construction, this handbook was prepared by the Forest Products Laboratory. It was the first institution in the world to conduct general research on wood and its utilization. The vast accumulation of information that has resulted from its engineering and allied investigations of wood and wood products over seven decades - along with knowledge of everyday construction practices and problems - is the chief basis for this handbook. Individual chapters describe not only the wood itself, but wood-based products, and the principles of how wood is dried, fastened, finished, and preserved from degradation in today's world. Each chapter is climaxed with a bibliography of allied information. A glossary of terms is presented at the end of this handbook.
Design to Cost
Author: Jack V. Michaels, William P. Wood
Published: 1991-01-16 by John Wiley & Sons
How to accurately estimate, in advance, the cost of producing products or services by means of the design-to-cost method, which systematically constrains design goals according to available funds. This book shows how to use value engineering, cost estimating, and cost control to devise, and adhere to, realistic cost goals. Touches on techniques from management methods to specific engineering approaches, and provides actual case studies of projects and services that have now become affordable through the application of the design-to-cost method.
Wood Pole Structures for Electrical Transmission Lines
Recommended Practice for Design and Use
Author: James M. McGuire, Nelson G. Bingel, III, Otto J. Lynch, Vicki Schneider
Published: 2019 by
MOP 141 provides a vital overview on the design and use of wood poles for overhead utility line structures using sound engineering practices.
Concise Encyclopedia of Wood & Wood-based Materials
Author: Arno P. Schniewind
Published: 1989 by Pergamon
73 articles, newly commissioned or revised from the acclaimed Encyclopedia of Materials Science & Engineering, cover the whole range of knowledge and current research in wood science. Topics discussed include the availability of economics and timber resources, wood products such as plywood and mineral-bonded wood composites, the major commercial and wood species of the world, fundamentals of wood properties and behavior, factors causing deterioration and their control and principal processing methods. Recent developments in the use of acoustic emission techniques and biotechnology in wood processing are dealt with and the range of materials covered includes woody materials such as bamboo, coconut wood and rattan, not hitherto treated by any similar publication. Extensively illustrated, with nearly 200 photographs, drawings and tables in over 300 pages, each article is intended to serve as the primary source of information on a given topic. The reader is guided to further reading by helpful cross-references and nearly 500 up-to-date citations in the bibliographies at the end of each article. A comprehensive, three-level subject index is also provided. The Concise Encyclopedia of Wood & Wood-Based Materials will be invaluable to architects, engineers, builders, plant managers, wood technologists, purchasing agents, politicians, timber merchants, and furniture manufacturers.
Structure and Nature
Timber Structures
Author: Jakob Schoof
Published: 2021-10-29 by Detail
Thanks to high-performance composite structures made of wood and steel or concrete, wooden buildings are now being erected far beyond the high-rise boundaries. An end to the increase in altitude is hardly in sight. Wooden constructions are also on the uptrend in residential and office construction, sports halls, industrial buildings and bridges. They are the epitome of sustainable building and, thanks to new prefabrication processes, are also competitive in terms of construction costs. The book shows the current development of structural planning with wood on the basis of around 20 outstanding engineering structures. The engineers involved in the planning describe the conception of the supporting structures as well as individual solutions for their implementation.
Wood Composites
Author: Martin P. Ansell
Published: 2015-08-01 by Woodhead Publishing
Recent progress in enhancing and refining the performance and properties of wood composites by chemical and thermal modification and the application of smart multi-functional coatings have made them a particular area of interest for researchers. Wood Composites comprehensively reviews the whole field of wood composites, with particular focus on their materials, applications and engineering and scientific advances, including solutions inspired biomimetrically by the structure of wood and wood composites. Part One covers the materials used for wood composites and examines wood microstructure, and wood processing and adhesives for wood composites. Part Two explores the many applications of wood composites, for example plywood, fibreboard, chipboard, glulam, cross-laminated timber, I-beams and wood-polymer composites. The final part investigates advances in wood composites and looks at the preservation and modification of wood composites, environmental impacts and legislative obligations, nano-coatings and plasma treatment, biomimetic composite materials, the integration of wood composites with other materials and carbonized and mineralized wood composites. Comprehensively reviews the entire field of wood composites in a single volume Examines recent progress in enhancing and refining the performance and properties of wood composites by chemical and thermal modification and the application of smart multi-functional coatings Explores the range of wood composites, including both new and traditional products
Structural Wood Design
A Practice-Oriented Approach Using the ASD Method
Author: Abi O. Aghayere, Jason Vigil
Published: 2007 by John Wiley & Sons
A simple, practical, and concise guide to timber design To fully understand structural design in wood, it is not sufficient to consider the individual components in isolation. Structural Wood Design: A Practice-Oriented Approach Using the ASD Method offers an integrative approach to structural wood design that considers the design of the individual wood members in the context of the complete wood structure so that all of the structural components and connectors work together in providing strength. Holistic, practical, and code-based, this text provides the reader with knowledge of all the essentials of structural wood design: Wood structural elements and systems that occur in wood structures Structural loads--dead, live, snow, wind, and seismic--and how to calculate loads acting on typical wood structures Glued-laminated lumber and allowable stresses for sawn lumber and Glulam The design and analysis of joists and girders Floor vibrations The design of wood members subjected to axial and bending loads Roof and floor sheathing and horizontal diaphrams Exterior wall sheathing and wood shear walls The design of connections and how to use the connection capacity tables in the NDS code Several easy-to-use design aids for the preliminary sizing of joists, studs, and columns In keeping with its hallmark holistic and practice-oriented approach, the book culminates in a complete building design case study that brings all the elements together in a total building system design. Conforming throughout to the 2005 National Design Specification (NDS) for Wood, Structural Wood Design will prepare students for applying the fundamentals of structural wood design to typical projects, and will serve as a handy resource for practicing engineers, architects, and builders in their everyday work.
An Introduction to Tropical Engineering: Concrete, Wood, Metals
Author: J. Paul Guyer
Published: 2014-01-01 by CreateSpace
This publication provides an introduction to engineering design in tropical climates using concrete, wood and metals.
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