Residue-Free Labels Latest in Tools and Supplies

Utilizing Municipal Trees -- Ideas from Across the Country
How municipal tree removals are being utilized for traditional wood products. May 26, 2002

Loading and Moving Big Logs with Minimal Impact
This starts out as a conversation about block and tackle mechanical advantage, but develops into a detailed and useful discussion of ways to skid and load logs without tearing up the woods or lot. June 18, 2010

Sawing and Drying: Does the Season of the Year Matter?
Here's a long thread that separates the science from the rumor around the question: "What's the best time of year to cut trees and dry lumber?" May 15, 2012

Troubleshooting a Chainsaw Mill Motor
Chainsaw's getting cranky when it's running hot — what's up with that? Find out here — this forum knows chainsaw motors. April 20, 2011

Chain Saw Tooth Modifications for Ripping
Detailed, specialized advice on chain selection and tooth grinding and sharpening for chainsaws used to rip logs into rough thicknesses. April 20, 2011

Felling trees near power lines
Recommendations on how to do it, and whether to do it at all. May 14, 2002

Small Scale Timber Management
A balanced discussion of low-impact sustainable horse logging versus one-time heavy harvesting. April 18, 2009

Safe and Cost-Effective Tree Felling
The how and why of wedge cuts. February 26, 2005

Tree-Climbing and Felling Technique
Advice on felling 100-foot trees while leaving a 10-foot stump. April 14, 2005

Limbing practices
To prune or not to prune your future sawlogs. (Forestry Forum) March 23, 2003

Winches for Skidding Logs
If you want the muscle to move logs, you should look at hydraulic winches, not electric. Read on for other skidding advice. July 3, 2008

Log trailers
Bought, homemade and home-improved varieties. October 9, 2002

Sap Content and the Seasons
Despite rumors to the contrary, live trees contain the same amount of sap, summer or winter. July 28, 2012

Squirting Tree Phenomenon
Stand back: trees in wet locations, infected with bacteria, may squirt smelly water when cut. Here, experts explain why. August 29, 2006

Harvesting and Selling Eastern Red Cedar
A discussion of the potential market for Eastern Red Cedar logs, boards, or standing timber. April 24, 2014

Managing a Neglected Old Stand of Red Pine
A sixty-year-old red pine plantation is now crowded and unhealthy. What to do? June 14, 2014

Seasonal Moisture Content of Living Trees
Moisture content of living tree wood is constant throughout the year. May 31, 2010

Shopping for a Metal Detector
A conversation about finding a good metal detector. October 1, 2009

Fine Points of End Coating
Advice on applying Anchorseal or roofing tar to log ends immediately after felling. October 19, 2013

Logging arch
Designing and building your own. November 22, 2003

Eradicating Tree Stumps
Details on a variety of methods for getting rid of tree stumps after cutting down trees. June 14, 2014

Calculating board footage
Professor Gene Wengert explains it all. February 18, 2003

Horse Skidding Advice
Thoughts on horse temperament and tips on harness, feed, training, and handling. May 18, 2010

Log weight
Locating a chart and doing the calculations. September 2, 2002

Leveling your mill
Instruments and methods for ensuring your sawmill is level when you set it up. November 18, 2002

Seasons and Logging
The time of year when a tree is cut may affect drying time, and also can have other effects. April 18, 2009

Advice for Ripping Large Logs
How the pros make longitudinal cuts in the field, in order to expedite getting their harvest to the mill. January 25, 2005

Suitable Breeds for Horse Logging
Some horses are suited to skidding logs, and others are not. October 1, 2010

Slabbing a Large Diameter Burl
Ideas include a modified chainsaw mill, or a two-person manual saw. January 25, 2005

Skidding Extra-Heavy Logs
A sawmiller needs to move some multi-ton oak logs using a farm tractor, and gets advice on how to manage it. November 13, 2005

Log Loading Winches for Small Trailers
Advice on getting logs onto a trailer. April 18, 2009

Slabbing a Large Cherry Trunk
Advice on getting the best from a large Cherry tree growing in the courtyard of a home. December 31, 2012

Value of Dead Standing Oak
Moth-killed Chestnut Oak (also called Rock Oak) need not be felled immediately, and can produce valuable boards and timbers. October 1, 2009

Sawing Storm-Downed Walnut and Cherry
Advice on recovering high-quality lumber from Walnut and Cherry trees blown over in a storm. February 14, 2010

Unusual Bar Shape on an Old Chain Saw
Back in the day, some chain saws came with a bar that was interrupted in the middle, advantageous for limbing and for cutting stumps. June 15, 2014

Value of Salvaged Burnt Timber
Trees killed by wildland fire still produce good lumber beneath the charred portion. January 8, 2010

A Simplified Procedure -- for Developing Grade Lumber From Hardwood Logs
A USDA report on maximizing grade lumber yield from factory logs. January 2, 2003

Circular Sawmills - and Their Efficient Operation
A primer from the USDA Forest Service. February 16, 2004

Crosscut Saw Manual
Comprehensive manual for the care, maintenance, and sharpening of a crosscut saw, from our friends at the U.S.D.A. Forest Service. January 5, 2007

Business Basics for a Timber Sale
Sawmill pros and foresters advise a landowner on how to approach structuring a deal to cut and mill standing timber. July 30, 2007

How to move logs
Creative and practical ways of loading, unloading and transporting logs. Illustrated. (Sawing and Drying Forum) March 23, 2003

Bulldozed Saw Logs
Trees that have been pushed over may have various kinds of damage near the butt — and pulling them out of the pile can be hazardous, too. June 22, 2012

Planning for a Successful Timber Harvest
Plan carefully and balance your priorities as you decide who should harvest your saleable trees, and how. July 30, 2007

How to Notch When Felling Timber
A discussion of the pros and cons of different notching strategies used when cutting down trees. June 14, 2014

Books About Historic Lumbering and Sawing
Sawmill forum members recommend some interesting reading about the history of logging and sawmill operations in various regions of North America. April 18, 2015

Pecan Wood for Use as Ties
A little info (and some unanswered questions) about the usefulness of Pecan wood for railroad ties.June 14, 2014

Blown Down Tree Lumber Possibilities
Uprooted tress may yield undamaged timber when snapped trees do not. June 15, 2014

Felling trees correctly
Suggested techniques for safe chainsawing. December 17, 2002

Chainsaw Compression Release
Explanations of the purpose and value of a compression release valve on a chainsaw, and some advice on starting a stubborn saw with less pull-back on the rope. February 22, 2011

Doyle scale basics
A primer for those unfamiliar with the Doyle scale. March 28, 2001

Certifying Sustainable Forest Management
Rewarding Good Deeds in the Woodlot September 1, 2001

Log scale and overrun
Different types of scales, formulas and methods of figuring overrun. January 28, 2002

Lyme Disease as a Risk for Foresters and Loggers
Here's a long discussion about the risk of Lyme disease for people who work in the woods, and about precautions and treatment. June 14, 2014

Measuring Logs and Lumber
Lumber measurement - Professor Gene Wengert clears up questions regarding proper measurement techniques. May 28, 2001

Waste wood into profit
Sawyers turn wood otherwise destined for the landfill into a business. June 5, 2002

Estimating BF in standing trees
Guidelines for accurately estimating lumber yields in standing timber. July 26, 2000

Cambium miner's effect on lumber grade
Gene Wengert on cambium miners, what they do, and whether the result affects lumber grade. 1998.

Characteristics of butt log lumber
Denser, darker wood than the rest of that from the same laod may be from butt logs. 1998.

Identifying bird's eye maple
What causes the unique patterns in bird's eye maple lumber? 1998.

Tree identification guide
Recommended resources for identifying the trees in your region. February 28, 2001

Hiring a timber consultant
When selling your woodlot, who should you enlist for help with all the choices you'll need to make? August 12, 2001

Sustainable forestry
How sustainable forestry relates to the woodworker and consumer demands. June 3, 2003

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  • Baker Products
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