Residue-Free Labels Latest in Tools and Supplies

Lamination and Springback
A chair back curvature problem leads to a discussion about predicting and minimizing springback in bent wood laminations. December 6, 2009

Laminage et retour élastique
Un problème de courbure du dossier d'une chaise conduit à une discussion sur la prévision et la minimisation du retour élastique dans les lamelles de bois courbées. 6 décembre 2009

Machines combinées dans les magasins de meubles
Les fabricants de meubles partagent leurs expériences avec les équipements combinés. 6 décembre 2011

Combination Machines in Furniture Shops
Furnituremakers share experiences with combo equipment. December 6, 2011

Troubleshooting a Cupping Table Top
Moisture-related wood movement works its bad voodoo again. July 15, 2011

Digital Modeling, Furnituremaking, and the Artist's Vision
A question about CAD and CNC for furnituremaking evolves into something much broader and deeper, as some extraordinary creative visualizations knock heads with some hard-bitten practical criticism. Technology versus Art: it's smackdown time for 12 full rounds. December 11, 2007

Conference Table Disaster
One of life's hard lessons: Moisture-related wood movement has caused severe bowing in an unbalanced conference table. August 21, 2006

Advice for a Young Woodworker Starting Out
Feedback from the old-timers for an ambitious youngster. September 17, 2014

Compound Curved Veneered Panels
Theoretically, it's impossible (or "impractical") — but hey, we can dream. January 20, 2010

Crowns on Band Wheels
Why do crowns exist, and do they improve band tracking? January 29, 2004

Cupping and Bowing in Resawn Stock
Furnituremakers discuss drying issues such as casehardening that can cause lumber to move when ripped or re-sawn. April 18, 2015

Vacuum Veneered Drawer Faces
Vacuum laminating is ideally suited for creating curved surfaces. May 23, 2006

Getting Mahogany Flat
Very hard woods with alternating grain patterns sometimes develop waviness when sanded with wide-belt equipment. Here's an extensive discussion of the characteristics of Mahogany, and of ways to approach it using both hand tools and power equipment. November 12, 2005

Stabilizing Details for a Mahogany Island Top
Concerned about wood movement, pros consider options including threaded rod reinforcement, sliding dovetails, or thin-sawing the wood. December 10, 2008

Cabinets and Furniture: What's the Difference?
A cabinetmaker who seeks greater satisfaction by building furniture sets off a long and thoughtful discussion on why furniture is different. December 12, 2008

Thick Slab Table Top Construction
Thoughts and stories about large slab table tops, and some interesting examples. December 14, 2009

Showroom Strategies for a Furniture Maker
A successful niche furniture maker looks for ways to broaden his appeal in his local market. October 3, 2011

Moisture Conditions and Furniture Shrinkage
A discussion of the way changing humid or dry conditions can affect furniture, and how to deal with the risk. April 24, 2014

Framing Lumber for Planting Boxes
A discussion of treated wood, naturally rot-resistant lumber, outdoor exposures, and pests. April 14, 2010

Table Leg Attachment and Veneer Details
This thread offers good analysis of table structure, veneering techniques for complex shapes, and the business problem of trying to compete with cheap manufactured goods as a custom furnituremaker. October 1, 2010

Troubleshooting Cupping in a Bar Top
A solid Ipe bar top starts to show cupping. Furniture-makers chime in on wood movement and the nature of the problem. January 13, 2006

Japanese-Style Black Finish with Red Undertones
Finishers pitch in with different takes on how to imitate an ancient Oriental lacquer finish for a custom job. March 9, 2008

Unstable Cabinet Geometry and Toppling Risk
A furniture maker wrestles with the stability and safety issues of a tall, narrow freestanding cabinet with one heavy glass door. August 21, 2006

Trimming Tenons
Woodworkers bring massive brainpower to bear on a miniature problem. August 21, 2006

Designing a Unique Rocker
Inspired by Nakashima's "Conoid" chair, a Woodweb member gets advice and criticism from the Furniture forum before creating, and executing, his unique vision for a custom rocking chair. March 16, 2015

Air-Dried Oak for Furniture
In theory, kiln-drying is better; but people have successfully made furniture from air-dried hardwood. April 20, 2011

A Laminated Bent Chair Leg
Furniture makers take a close look at the concept of building a bent chair leg by laminating cross-grain thin sawn layers into a thicker member. May 18, 2010

Troubleshooting a Moving Table Top
Another good discussion on a typical learning experience: a table top is restrained on one face from moving in service, and instead the wood cups. December 8, 2012

Too-tight biscuits
Biscuit joining tricks and techniques. March 23, 2002

Crating and shipping products
Advice on finding the most cost-effective and reliable shipping solutions. July 29, 2003

Wrapping a cone with laminate
How to determine the size, shape, and positioning of cone "skins." April 9, 2003

Troubleshooting Shrinkage Cracks in a Veneer Tabletop
Water-based glue may have caused expansion, then shrinkage, leading to gaps between the veneer pieces. June 10, 2006

Indoor Humidity and Wood Moisture Content
A discussion with data, about typical indoor humidity levels and the corresponding effect on wood moisture content. October 13, 2010

Walnut Slab Table Top Finishing Tips
Woodworking and finishing tips for a craftsman working on a Walnut slab table. January 8, 2010

Table-Leg Design Issues
A discussion of table leg thickness and related considerations when designing in the Arts and Crafts style. March 13, 2007

The Ultimate Primer on Single Head Wide Belt Sanding
With understanding of how successive grits function, you can improve the efficiency of your belt sanding and orbital sanding process while optimizing the quality of the results. November 12, 2014

Wood Moisture Movement Issues with a Conference Table Top
Here's an extended discussion with photos, about why an architect's wish for a wood table top with mitered corners is impossible to grant. February 10, 2009

Joint Design for a Solid Oak Desk
A conversation about how to create the joint between a solid Oak desktop and its support so as to accommodate wood expansion and contraction. June 17, 2013

Sliding Dovetails in Bookcases
A furnituremaker tries dovetail joinery for bookcase shelves, and likes the result. February 3, 2011

Edge Sanding Curved Parts
Craftsmen discuss off-the-shelf and shop-invented solutions for smoothly sanding unique curved wood items. May 16, 2014

End Joint Splitting in Table Glue-Ups
Here's a long troubleshooting discussion about splits that form at the end joints between boards in a round table top. August 29, 2014

Filling Dents with Burn-In Sticks
Detailed advice from experienced pros on how to touch up dings and dents in furniture. November 8, 2007

Wood Table End Options
Woodworkers discuss breadboard table end details, and a slick mitered-end alternative. January 10, 2006

Making Furniture from Air-Dried Oak?
A beginner asks about drying wood for use in rustic furniture. April 20, 2011

Choosing Between Red Oak and White Oak
Furnituremakers consider the choice between Red Oak and White Oak for a display cabinet. August 17, 2009

Wide Miters in Wood Countertops
This long discussion about a proposed custom project includes good explanations for why miters in wide solid wood don't work, and some suggested methods to use instead. November 14, 2014

Artificially Aging and Weathering Wood
Advice on creating erosion and graying on the surface of boards, without waiting a hundred years. This discussion touches on everything from cow manure to chemistry. February 15, 2009

Joinery for a Solid Teak Table
Furnituremakers advise on a tricky table construction project. January 18, 2011

Wood Movement Destroys Table Top
Another designer learns the hard way, as a table top cracks because of ambient moisture changes and restrained wood movement. May 3, 2011

Fabricating Curved Side Panels for a Custom Desk
Furnituremakers brainstorm about how to make custom curved veneered side panels for a desk. February 15, 2009

Joinery Puzzle: Letting a Table-Top Into Round Legs
Advice on making a tricky table-top-to-table-leg joint. June 30, 2009

Selling Furniture Through A Retail Store
Woodworkers discuss reasonable terms of the deal when showing furniture at a retailer's showroom. Markups on already made pieces, prices for custom orders, and simple referrals each involve their own reasonable market value. June 23, 2006

Stability in a Large Solid Wood Table Top
Pros discuss moisture-related movement and the associated design issues in a big table top. July 24, 2006

Why Heat the Shop?
A start-up furniture maker hears about ten reasons not to work in an unheated garage during the winter. August 21, 2006

Flattening Oversize Table Tops
If a table top is too big to fit through the wide-belt or drum sander, how do you get it flat? Here's an extended discussion with several valuable suggestions. June 29, 2008

Steam Box Construction Ideas
Here's a handful of ideas for building a simple steam box for steaming and bending wood. December 9, 2010

Cutting Clean Through-Mortises in Oak
Techniques and equipment for volume production of accurate through mortises, without tear-out on the punch-through side. January 9, 2007

Large Double Pedestal Dining Table Construction
In this interesting thread, a furniture maker first asks advice on an extending dining table concept, then reports back after the project is built. October 19, 2013

Learning to Design With Drawing Practice
Daily drawing practice is the key to developing your gifts for design. December 2, 2013

Round Dining Table Dimensions
A conversation about choosing the size for a dining table meant to seat 8 people. September 3, 2011

Construction Details for a Super-Sized Rustic Table
The "rustic" label may add a "character" forgiveness factor, but there's still some head-scratching involved in building a table eight feet wide. October 28, 2014

Tinting and Staining Wood Filler
Furniture makers discuss how to make wood filler match wood, and debate wood filler's proper role in the shop. December 1, 2005

Selling Furniture at a Street Craft Fair
A craft fair is no place to sell pricey furniture. However, they do offer opportunity for some. August 3, 2009

An Edge Band around a Solid Wood Table
It's impossible. However, here are some ideas to play with. August 3, 2009

Distressing Oak to Create Deep Grain Texture
Outstanding examples and explanation of how to create a deep, worn-in grain texture using wire-brush wheels. January 19, 2012

Wide Board Table Tops
Wide boards are a historically proven and viable table-top material. But think the issues through before you start. May 10, 2007

Jointing Heavy Slabs
Furnituremakers discuss how to get a glue-ready edge on heavy Walnut slabs for a bookmatch table top. December 31, 2013

Dealing with Rough Edges in Table Top Glue-Ups
Advice and suggestions for gluing up table top when the outside boards have "live edge" irregularities or bark. January 8, 2010

Ripping hardwood straight
Why do ripped pieces come out banana-shaped? July 9, 2002

Signing Your Furniture Pieces
Custom furniture makers share thoughts and suggest techniques for signing pieces. December 15, 2005

Laying Out, Routing, or Templating an Ellipse
Here are several approaches to cutting a large ellipse: elegant jigs, slick pencil layout tricks, and sources for paper or MDF templates. May 16, 2008

Marketing for Furniture Makers
For furniture makers, word of mouth and cultivation of personal relationships are the best way to build an exclusive high-end clientele. But advertising and web marketing can also attract custom furniture buyers. October 19, 2014

Support and Span Limits for a Concrete Top
A discussion of table design involving issues of wood deflection and concrete span capability. June 15, 2009

Solid Wood Table-Top Thickness and Warping
Ideas about how to make a solid wood table-top that will stay stable. March 26, 2007

How much time to allow based on thickness and proposed radius of wood. September 23, 2003

Describing Loose Tenon Joinery to Customers
Domino joints have two mortises and a single floating tenon to connect them. But if you call that it a "loose" tenon, will customers misunderstand and think it's not strong? June 4, 2012

Dealing with Insects in Furniture
Advice on heat-treating a Persimmon hutch that is being attacked by beetles. February 14, 2010

Repairing an End Grain Crack in a Table Top
A discussion (with pictures) of using epoxy to fill and patch small cracks in end grain. December 12, 2008

Mitering a Solid Wood L-Shaped Top
A discussion of the risks inherent in building a corner into a solid wood table or counter top. April 24, 2014

Repairing a Broken Lathe-Turned Table Leg
There's more than one way to drill out, glue, and splint a busted table leg — and many opinions on which way is the best. November 14, 2014

Eliminating springback problems
Determining the radius to aim for when creating a curve with vac-laminated plywood. September 23, 2003

"High End" Ready-to-Assemble Fasteners
Furnituremakers take a look at Lamello's new line of knockdown assembly connectors for cabinetry and furnishings. March 28, 2012

Flipping a Heavy Table Top by Yourself
Ideas for muscling around a heavy conference table top in a one-man shop. December 6, 2011

Basic descriptions of various types of tenoning machinery and their capabilities. November 13, 2008

Cedar for Outdoor Furniture
A discussion of the health issues concerning Cedar sawdust, and of fastening and strength issues. December 6, 2011

Joining boards end to end
What's the best way to do it when creating a 20' oak top? April 2, 2002

Table Leg Joint Reinforcement
Thoughts on how to reinforce table legs so the assembly will not rack. November 25, 2008

Sleigh Bed Construction Issues
Sleigh beds are traditionally made with veneers, but in this case a customer is asking for "solid wood." This brings up a discussion about wood movement and construction methods. November 26, 2006

Water-Based Polyurethane Over Boiled Linseed Oil
Water-based poly isn't compatible with BLO. Now this furniture maker has to strip off the poly and apply a more suitable top coat. October 1, 2010

Table Saw Cutting Out of Square when Set on the Bevel
A little help with the problem of a table saw that cuts out of square, but only when the blade is tilted over to 45 degrees. November 16, 2010

Maintaining a Point of Reference
Picking the brain of custom furnituremaker David Fay. July 17, 2002

Straightening Cupped Slabs of Pine
Detailed information and advice on removing cup from wide boards. April 30, 2009

Why Glass Tops Can Warp Tabletops
A cautionary tale of a table that cracked because of glass resting on it. October 19, 2005

Wide-Board Table Top with no Warping
Can it be done? Maybe. February 26, 2005

MDF and fine furniture -- a contradiction in terms?
Do the two go together, or is MDF inherently lower in quality? March 4, 2002

Mitered Frame and Panel Table Tops
Wood movement is likely to wreck a mitered solid wood table top with a wood panel center. Other methods stand better odds of success. August 30, 2007

Filling Big Cracks in Walnut Veneer
Guidance concerning the art of crack filling for a Walnut veneer table top. April 20, 2011

Making an Antiqued Round Solid Wood Slab Table Top
How to make a heavy solid wood table top and give it that "old and busted" look. July 24, 2006

Glue Choices for Chairs and Stools
Furnituremakers discuss which glues they like, and why. April 30, 2006

Attaching Leather Seat Bottoms
A discussion of practical methods for attaching leather to wood for chair seats. February 14, 2010

Drying and Cupping in Table-Top Boards
Here's a discussion of moisture-related wood movement and table construction. November 27, 2007

Flattening and Truing Big Matched Burls
A CNC is handy for dimensioning big, heavy awkward pieces accurately. But a shop-built router jig can also get it done. July 18, 2008

Furnituremaking: Education Versus Experience
Thoughts about skill-building for a young craftsman. December 11, 2007

Ideal Humidity in a Wood Shop
Indoor humidity levels correspond with wood moisture content. Here's advice on humidity control. October 26, 2012

Engineering for Tables
A discussion of the stresses applied to a heavy table in use, and what they imply in terms of appropriate dimensions and construction details. March 28, 2012

Table Top Mistake/Wood Movement
A craftsman gets into trouble with incorrect wood orientation in a table top. It's a learning experience. April 20, 2011

Guess the Wood
Another wood identification mystery leaves the Woodweb forum guessing. What species is this highly figured, iridescent, almost glowing orange/yellow burl in a unique table. April 20, 2011

Surfacing curly woods
The best machinery and tooling to handle the job. October 9, 2002

King Size Platform Bed with Storage
Suggestions based on experience for building a bed with storage drawers underneath. November 16, 2010

Finishing Delays and Wood Movement in Solid Wood Cabinets
Woodworkers discuss the risks involved when one side of a solid-wood cabinet panel is finished a week or two before the other side. June 18, 2009

Adapting to an Oversize Table Saw Arbor
Ideas for modifying blades to fit an oversize arbor, or vice versa. August 21, 2006

Nitrocellulose Versus Catalyzed Lacquers for Furniture Finishing
Compared to modern cabinet finish formulas, old-fashioned nitrocellulose offers more ability to fine-tune the color. June 18, 2009

Conference Table Stability Concerns
A custom conference table design draws criticism for being top-heavy (and easy to scratch). February 17, 2011

Loose Tenon Joinery for Chairs
Loose tenons are easier than traditional mortise and tenon joinery, and they are a more robust and authentic solution than dowels or biscuits. October 26, 2011

Furniture Shipping and Tropical Moisture Issues
Shipping from the tropics to the temperate zone, how do people deal with humidity changes? Here are some thoughts and possible solutions. November 8, 2007

Repairing Damaged Veneer
Pros troubleshoot a water-damaged veneer table top, and consider possible fixes. October 30, 2005

Solid Wood Edges on an Oval Table
This discussion of wood movement and the practicalities of constructing and oval table includes some nice photos of contributors' work. January 14, 2013

Veneering Table Legs
A furnituremaker gets advice on applying veneer to glued-up table legs. March 26, 2013

Lipping the Wood Edge of a Laminate Table Top
Advice on setting up to make wood edges flush to laminate table tops on a production basis. July 3, 2008

Wood Apron on an MDF Table
Furnituremakers discuss moisture-related movement issues for an MDF table-top with a Maple apron. March 28, 2010

Making a Large Conference Table in Pieces
Ideas and discussion for making a large White Oak table in pieces for disassembly and moving. July 11, 2009

Working with Wormy Chestnut
Advice on machining and finishing wormy Chestnut. February 21, 2011

Reattaching Neoprene Mounts on an Eames Lounge Chair
These well-known, valuable chairs seem to have an Achilles heel — a neoprene part that ages and fails. Here's advice on fixing it. January 20, 2010

Can Machinery Make Dovetails that Look Hand-Cut?
The simple answer is "no," but here is some discussion. March 28, 2010

Mahogany Table-Top Glue-Up
A discussion of how to avoid problems in a large round table-top slab. March 13, 2007

From Slab to Tabletop
How one craftsman took a big chunk of tree and turned it into furniture. January 27, 2007

Notching Out Dovetail Drawers
Notching out for drawer hardware is tricky, slow, and sometimes blows out a dovetail. Here, custom furniture makers suggest ways to handle that delicate operation. October 19, 2005

Ripping a Glue Line on Site
Have to glue boards edge to edge on the job site? Here are a couple of tips on preparing the edges for a satisfactory match.January 23, 2014

Fish-Eye Problem in Re-Finish Following Water Damage
The story starts with water damage to a conference table caused by leaks during a re-roof of the building, and just gets better from there. August 22, 2013

The Role of Plywood in Building an Ottoman
A furnituremaker who's learning asks about construction materials for a sofa. October 26, 2013

Engineering a Wide Pull-Out Table
Furnituremakers puzzle over ways to construct to a wide-span, narrow table able to roll away from the wall as needed. November 3, 2010

Waterproofing with Epoxy
Waterproofing outdoor furniture may be a losing game. But if you're using epoxy to protect exposed wood, choose the right product. May 16, 2014

Green Cedar, Wood Shrinkage, and Furniture Joinery
A discussion of whether to worry about what's green and what's dry when making roundwood furniture from Cedar. June 30, 2009

Indoor Conditions for Museums with Wood Furniture
Maintaining constant, correct humidity is the paramount concern. February 15, 2009

Wide Board Mahogany for a Table Top
Forget the "ripping and flipping" myth — just use good joinery and the right supports. March 26, 2009

Is Mahogany Okay in a "Mission Style" Furniture Piece?
The customer is always right, of course. But technically, what types of wood are legit in a "Mission," "Stickley," or "Arts and Crafts" piece of furniture?February 17, 2014

Large Veneered Conference Table Top
A discussion of how to lay up veneered components and assemble them for a large conference table. March 13, 2009

Duplicating A Gadroon Molding
More complex than egg and dart (because of the asymettrical tadpole detail), a gadroon pattern is probably best carved by hand. March 12, 2006

Combining Teak and Holly in a Table Top
Considering the wood movement issues when building a table-top of Teak with Holly accents. June 30, 2007

Cost Cutting and Productivity Boost for Small Box Production
Outsourcing some lumber profiling for a small custom item could carry a big comparative advantage. April 15, 2012

Why Did a Finger Joint Break?
Woodworkers diagnose a broken joint and suggest repair strategies. March 28, 2012

Drying a Walnut Slab
This thread about how to slowly air-dry a Walnut slab has some beautiful photos of a Walnut slab table. August 16, 2012

Accurate Resawing with the Bandsaw
Tips for scribing or kerfing wood in order to keep bandsaw cuts precise and accurate. December 14, 2009

Drying Shrinkage Causes a Desktop to Cup
A typical example teaches a lesson about moisture changes and wood movement. January 14, 2008

Spanish Cedar for Furniture?
Characteristics of Spanish Cedar make it problematic, even for porch furniture. January 27, 2007

Assessing an Old Bedstead
Before he tries to refinish it, a furnituremaker asks for advice on a bedroom piece's worth. October 13, 2008

Cross-Grain Dovetails
Orienting dovetail keys in the wrong direction is asking for breakage at the grain. December 14, 2009

Matching a Curved Apron to a Curved Top
Explanations of how to template a curved tabletop or countertop and fabricate a matched nosing or edging piece. November 14, 2009

Locking Miter Joints for Drawer Construction
A discussion of complicated and labor-intensive, but interesting, interlocking joinery for drawers. January 9, 2007

Table Top Breadboard End Repair
A woodworker gets advice on re-attaching breadboard table ends that were never properly attached to begin with. July 20, 2011

Taper-Cutting Parts At High Volume
Pros discuss equipment, set-ups, and jigs. April 10, 2005

Identifying the Wood Species for an Antique Chair
April 18, 2010

Re-Gluing an Old Hide Glue Joint
New hide glue can re-activate old hide glue. But old and busted joints may present some pesky complexities. December 27, 2008

Refinishing Teak Outdoor Furniture
The table in question might not even be Teak. But here are some thoughts about the choices for a natural-looking refinishing job. January 28, 2013

Repairing Defects in Solid Walnut Slabs
If you can't make your patches disappear, do 'em up in style and make 'em look good. January 26, 2008

Geometry Problem: Preventing a Heavy Table from Tipping
Furniture makers ponder how to determine the base dimensions required to ensure that a heavy table will not tip over. October 14, 2010

Finishing Inside the Drawers of a Fine Walnut Vanity
Advice on whether to finish the drawer interiors of a period furniture piece, and with what. February 26, 2007

Slab Table Leg Joinery
Advice on table leg joinery that will tolerate movement in the slab table top. January 24, 2010

Solid Wood Tables — Span Length Limits
How long is too long for a maple table? The discussion moves to apron depth and thickness, steel reinforcement, a center rib, and box panel construction. April 20, 2011

Wood Movement: How Big a Risk?
In principle, solid wood joinery that does not allow for wood movement is a recipe for disaster. In practice, sometimes you get away with it. June 18, 2009

Furniture for High Humidity Conditions
Advice on controlling moisture content during construction for furniture destined for a relatively uncontrolled environment. November 15, 2010

Solid Edge for a Round Table
A solid wood circumference for a round veneered table poses some tricky woodworking puzzles. In this thread, craftsman offer detailed advice for a unique project. June 28, 2005

Shipping Success Stories and Horror Stories
Sometimes, when you ship your products, they get broken. Sometimes they don't. June 13, 2011

Wood Movement Issues in a Solid Wood Bench Seat
Advice on how to allow for wood movement in bench seating in a commercial space. December 26, 2006

Carton Marks on Finished Furniture
A furnituremaker considers how to prevent his cardboard packaging from abrading the finish on his pieces. February 15, 2015

Nakashima Table Details
Furnituremakers strive to emulate the master. January 29, 2009

Calculating Radians/Chords
Formulas to help do the figuring. February 28, 2004

Machinery Options for Furniture Parts
A furniture maker with a few standard products to sell gets advice on ways to scale up his production volume. June 4, 2012

Solid Wood Table-Top Movement Issues
A plank table top with a mitered frame around the edge is a disaster waiting to happen. However, there may be ways to make it work by allowing for wood movement. (Or better yet, use veneer.) May 16, 2008

Finishing a Hand-Scraped Wood Surface
Finishers and furnituremakers discuss the fine points of scraping and hand-planing, and of applying finish to a hand-worked wood surface. February 15, 2015

De-Nailing Antique Lumber
Furnituremakers consider ways to get old cut nails out of old chestnut. October 8, 2005

Filling Deep Knotholes
Techniques for filling knotholes before applying clear finish to a rustic Walnut table top. May 27, 2008

Will Formal Education Help a Furniture-Maker?
Schools offer Master of Fine Arts degrees in furniture-making. Are they worth it? That all depends, say the pros. August 30, 2005

Can You Patent a Woodworking Joint?
Thoughts on whether woodworking ideas qualify as intellectual property. May 21, 2009

Raised Glue Lines after Sanding and Finish
Moisture in glue can cause swelling of wood near the joint, which may result in noticeable lines at the joint (depending on the timing of sanding and finishing). October 19, 2014

Adjustable Height Table Hardware
Ideas for ways to let a kitchen table be raised and lowered. January 18, 2011

Wood Movement Considerations for a Large Table Top
Swelling and shrinkage place stress on wood table tops, especially if both sawn lumber and plywood are involved. Here's advice on construction details. March 13, 2007

Veneering a Large Pie-Cut Table Top
Veneering this tabletop brings up a lot of tricky issues. September 6, 2010

Loosening and Re-Adhering Stainless Steel Veneer
Thoughts on how to separate a contact-cemented stainless steel band from a wood substrate, smooth it out, and glue it back down. February 25, 2009

Veneering Methods for a Torsion-Box Table Top
When you build a torsion box with veneered sheets of MDF over a central core, do you have to balance the veneer on each sheet of MDF? May 4, 2011

Solid Wood Octagon Table Top Failure
Wood movement dooms a solid wood "sunburst" table top, and we learn why that will always happen. February 12, 2007

Specifying Glass for a Table Top
tempered or untempered glass? Furniture makers exchange views. June 20, 2005

De-Warping Table Leaves
A draw-leaf table has warped, and the maker asks for advice on fixing it. Colleagues suggest ways to quickly straighten the crooked parts. October 19, 2005

Throat Plate Tweak for Laser-Guided Sliding Table Saw
Advice on a shop-rigged throat plate for a sliding table saw to augment the laser guide, and tips on zeroing in the laser for accuracy. June 18, 2010

Constructing a Round Table Apron
Advice on bending wood in a circle for a round table apron. September 27, 2008

Troubleshooting a Cupped Table Top
How to deal with badly cupped boards in a table top — and how to prevent the problem next time. March 14, 2006

Cutting Veneer Wedges for a Round Table Top
Here's detailed advice on how to template, cut, join and trim the pie slices for a round veneered table top. June 28, 2010

Douglas Fir for Furniture in a Dry Climate
Old growth wood will perform well if properly dried. May 18, 2010

Table Extension Slide Ideas
After slides specced by a designer fail to satisfy, a woodworker gets advice on better alternatives. December 12, 2008

Dishing Out Chair Seats
Here's a whole slew of ideas for crafting solid wood chair seats. October 17, 2012

Thick Butcher Blocks
A discussion of construction methods and wood movement issues for a six-inch-thick butcher block top. April 11, 2008

Folding Chair from Barrel Staves
A woodworker puzzles over how to achieve a straight edge rip on a curved barrel stave. October 17, 2012

Clamping Octagon Joints
Taping the joints and folding them together works the best. November 26, 2006

Shop-Drying Eucalyptus
Thoughts on how to dry and condition Eucalyptus for use in a table top. December 31, 2012

Constructing a Curved Pedestal Base
Advice on how to construct a complex curved pedestal. February 17, 2011

Finishing Dovetail Drawer Fronts
A furniture builder gets help figuring out how to finish the fronts of some dovetail drawers in a custom piece. August 14, 2007

Crating Furniture for Shipment
The voice of experience on how to ship custom furniture. June 8, 2008

Making Wooden Dining Table Extension Slides
Advice on choosing wood and fabricating table extension slides. December 12, 2008

Table Leg Extensions
Customer has an odd request: a table with legs that adjust from coffee-table to dining-table height. Pros suggest solutions. August 30, 2005

Curved Work - with Form Outside the Bag
Creating vacuum-pressed curved parts with the clamping form outside the vacuum bag. March 10, 2002

Oil-Sanded and Buffed Finish for a Table Top
Tips on a custom furniture finish include advice on wet-sanding with natural oil to fill grain, then waxing and buffing to a high gloss. May 24, 2006

Shopping for a Slot Mortiser
Woodworkers and the slot mortisers they have known. December 8, 2012

Reproducing a Grooved Vanity Door
Thoughts on imitating the look of a reeded door panel (made with tambour mat screening in a hinged door panel). September 23, 2006

Decal Delaminating from Epoxy Finish
Troubleshooting a situation where a decal on a wood table is lifting under the epoxy finish. March 13, 2014

Distressed finish
Techniques for making new furniture look old and beat up. February 19, 2002

Flattening a Glued-Up Dresser Top without a Belt Sander
Hand-planing techniques described. January 27, 2007

Learning to Design Furniture
Tips on good books and resources for learning the principles of furniture design. November 26, 2006

Square Table Legs — One Piece, or Glued Up?
Should a furnituremaker go to the trouble of laminating smaller pieces together into a built-up table leg? Here's advice on whether to do it and, if so, on how to go about it. March 13, 2007

Glue Choice for an Antique Clock Repair
Craftsman wonders whether to use hide glue or modern yellow glue. January 27, 2008

Repairing a Scratch in Old Veneer
If it's not a scratch but an indentation, then steaming would be wiser than sanding. February 21, 2013

Furniture Design Information Sources
Recommended books and other knowledge resources for the self-educator. December 15, 2005

Choosing a Saw Blade for a Radial Arm Saw
Advice on specs, and brand recommendations, for a furnituremaker's radial arm saw. July 29, 2012

Cubby Construction Methods
Advice on joinery methods and veneer application for storage cube shelving. July 15, 2014

Windsor Chair Leg-to-Seat Joints
Furniture makers discuss the logic behind using tapered through tenons with wedges for joining chair legs to seats. July 24, 2006

Murphy Bed Hardware
A few general observations on the challenge of assembling and installing a Murphy bed. August 22, 2007

Cross-Cut Setups for the Shop
Woodworkers discuss radial-arm saw and sliding miter-saw choices for cross-cutting stock in the shop. May 16, 2008

King-Size Bed Construction Details
Tips on building a king-size bed. April 27, 2007

Cutting a Circle on the Table Saw
With the right jig, it's quick and slick. March 17, 2005

Warping of a Tabletop with an Unbalanced Finish
A teachable moment: Finishers explain why tabletops finished on one side only (and in humid conditions to boot) experienced bad warping. December 31, 2005

Edging Round Tabletops
Advice on efficient and effective methods for gluing a 1/8-inch wood edge onto a round tabletop. January 14, 2009

Tips on Large Tambour Construction
Old-fashioned yellow glue and canvas have a proven track record. January 9, 2007

Hot Cooking Surface Built Into a Wood Tray
Puzzling over an odd problem: How to put a heated stone or iron cooking surface into a wooden tray for use at a restaurant table. Interesting suggestions here for insulating materials, air spaces, et cetera. January 19, 2012

Reclaimed Heart Pine Bleeding
Trouble starts when heat brings out the sap in resawn antique pine used for a table top. Here's advice on sealing the surface.December 9, 2010

Routing an Elliptical Table
CNC techniques are quick and accurate, but can also produce a template for edge work or future jobs. April 10, 2007

Casters for an Island Cabinet
Here's a look at how to equip an island with casters, while providing for it to be held fixed when necessary. August 12, 2014

Repairing a Veneering Defect
A void in the plywood veneer press caul caused a bubble in a trophy tabletop. But it all worked out in the end. March 28, 2012

Glass Table Top Connection Methods
Thoughts on how it might be possible to structurally fasten glass to wood for a custom table design. July 29, 2014

Table-Leaf Warping Problem
Why are extra leaves from a tabletop warping? Experts explain causes and cures. June 28, 2005

Filling Cracks in Reclaimed Lumber
Home-made crack-filler recipes for old wood. October 3, 2007

MC for international shipping
Concerns of moisture content in jobs destined for overseas. November 18, 2002

Using Air-Dried Lumber for Furniture
There are risks, but some say it can be done. April 19, 2006

Repairing Dog-Chewed Furniture
Woodworkers suggest various post-canine repair strategies for a table top. June 30, 2014

Joints for a HEAVY Tabletop
A tough project has a tricky angle: how to fasten the legs to a heavy table when there's no shelf or apron to control racking. A furniture-maker gets advice from colleagues. July 5, 2005

Guessing Furniture Dimensions from a Photo
Is there a way to estimate the sizes of objects in a photo? April 20, 2011

Stocking a Furniture Touch-Up Kit
Here's a nice look at what you might want in your starter kit for furniture touch-up and finish repair. July 14, 2010

Repairing Table-Top Cracks
Tips on how to patch cracks in a wood table top caused by shrinkage and poor design. October 27, 2008

Avoiding Warping in an Unfinished Wood Tabletop
A customer has asked for a natural-wood kitchen island table top. Here, pros discuss the risk of warping and how to minimize it. December 15, 2005

Shaping Tapered Table Legs
Tips on profiling and tapering custom table legs when there's no easy outsourcing option. February 20, 2008

Distressing Walnut
Tips for light distressing. January 9, 2007

Fan-Shaped Table Top Glue-Up
A discussion of how wood movement may affect a table top assembled from thin pie-slices, assembled in a radial pattern. January 19, 2012

Wood Movement in Solid Wood Drawers
will movement cause trouble? A furniture maker receives opinions and advice. June 20, 2005

Sanding and Stock Removal for Large Burl Slabs
Advice on equipment and techniques to dress large burls before sale as raw material for table-tops. June 9, 2007

Alternatives to Fumigating Furniture for Bugs
if you're careful. April 24, 2014

Frame and Panel Table Top Construction
Tips and techniques for making picture-frame table tops that accomodate movement. August 21, 2006

Joinery for Mitered Corners
Suggestions run the gamut: lock miters, splines, dowels, floating tenons, pocket screws, and butterfly splines. Take your choice. October 19, 2013

Drying Walnut Stumps
Slow air-drying of Walnut stumps and roots can yield some remarkable pieces. April 18, 2015

Humidity and Warping in the Shop
The key is to get the wood at the right moisture content and keep it there. October 26, 2012

Frame and Panel Bookcase Back
A furniture maker gets advice on building solid cherry bookcase backs. August 21, 2006

Rays and Flecks in Oak
Advice on how to select Oak with or without ray and fleck figure. September 30, 2009

Gluing Leather to Wood
Advice on the right adhesive for gluing up a leather desktop. March 30, 2008

Scale Models of Furniture for Display
Considering how to design and make small mock-ups for use as a sales tool. August 3, 2009

Filler and Finish for Antique Wood Surfaces
July 7, 2011

Gluing Ipe for Indoor Furniture
Tips about making furniture with Ipe. September 7, 2011

Chair Repair Options
A quick discussion of different approaches to re-fastening or reinforcing a loose chair leg. July 20, 2011

Slot Mortiser Choices
Ideas on commercially available slot mortising equipment, and an example of a custom-built rig. January 29, 2009

Corner Cutouts on Large Tabletops
There's more than one way to notch out the corner of a big table top. January 11, 2007

Appearance Considerations with Sapele
Sapele wood darkens over time (as do Cherry and Mahogany), and its compatibility with the look of other woods is a matter of personal preference. April 11, 2008

Step-Stool Strength Issues
Furnituremakers consider the stresses on a two-step stool. January 23, 2012

Creating a Heavy Laminated Furniture Frame
A furniture maker gets tips on wood bending and lamination for a four-by-four curved hammock-chair frame. May 23, 2007

Comparing Low Angle and High Angle Planes
Woodworkers discuss the differences between low angle and high angle planes, and the appropriate uses for each. February 14, 2010

Trestle Table Connection Details
A discussion of joinery for attaching a trestle table top to the leg assemblies. February 8, 2008

Softening/flattening burl veneers
Step-by-step instructions. July 22, 2003

Who Can Make Money Building Custom Furniture?
To succeed in business as a custom furnituremaker requires a rare combination of skills and talents. August 3, 2009

Flat Material for a "Jupe" Table
Thoughts on flat, stable material for constructing a table with multiple segments and leaves. September 30, 2009

Trestle Table Dimensions
A furnituremaker gets advice about the structural design of a large trestle table. December 31, 2012

Making Butterfly Key Joints
A quick primer on butterfly joints. October 2, 2005

Mixing Wood Species in a Tabletop
Wood moisture content is more important than wood species for controlling movement. May 13, 2009

Leather Inset for a Desk Top
Ace advice for applying leather to a desktop. April 20, 2011

Making a Curved Table Skirt
Methods and materials for making up skirt pieces for a round Mahogany table. October 26, 2005

Air-dried lumber
Is it air-dried cherry acceptable for furnituremaking? March 20, 2001

Shellac Before Poly Finish on a Custom Table
Shellac is a good sealer coat to apply to a furniture piece while still under construction, during a delay before final finishing with poly.October 19, 2014

What's the Best Wood for Making Adirondack Chairs
Woodworkers say which wood they prefer for Adirondack chairs, and why. August 7, 2008

Laminating Curved Drawer Fronts
Furniture makers discuss techniques. October 28, 2005

Filling Flaky Leopardwood Veneer Before Finishing
Advice on fillers and compatible topcoats for a troublesome veneered tabletop. August 22, 2013

Table Border and Wood Movement
Here's an idea (untested perhaps) for constructing a wood tabletop border that allows for movement of the various parts without self-destruction. November 16, 2011

Gilding Compo on Furniture
Tips on the process of gilding compo. October 26, 2011

Single or Two-Head Sander for Table Tops?
A discussion of whether a table-top maker should invest in a single-head belt sander, a two-head belt sander, or a stroke sander. February 15, 2015

Hole Filler to Match Wood that Turns Color with Age
So filled nail holes won't stand out after wood ages, use a filler made with sanding dust. January 9, 2007

Removing Old Glue from Furniture
Tips and tricks for softening hide glue or old formulations of carpenter's wood glue. April 24, 2012

Caring for an Antique Clock
True antiques are best left in the hands of expert conservators. September 16, 2008

Veneering Inside Curves on Furniture
After considering several possible methods, a furnituremaker finds success with hot hide glue. September 6, 2007

Shop-Rigged Task Lighting
Ideas for task lighting that is there when you need it, out of the way when you don't. August 21, 2006

Wooden Drawer Guides
Thoughts on how to make wooden drawer guides slide smoothly. December 11, 2007

Ergonomics of Custom Computer Desks
Detailed advice on customizing the dimensions of a computer work-station desk. October 1, 2010

Making Curved Chair Arms
Ideas for fabricating a curved wooden sofa arm. September 18, 2014

Achieving Consistency When Spray-Finishing a Large Table
A finisher struggles with keeping his finish from flashing off prematurely when finishing a large piece of furniture. November 29, 2014

Antique Lumber: Steam Bend or Laminate?
Upon consideration, a furnituremaker decides to laminate a curved table apron rather than try to steam and bend historic old wood. October 17, 2012

Mother-of-Pearl Inlay
A few tips on laying mother-of-pearl into wood. November 12, 2006

Gluing Up a Round Table Apron
Furniture-makers supply tips and techniques for a large circular lamination. October 2, 2005

Mortise and Tenon Fit Tolerances
Not too loose, not too tight — just right. April 19, 2006

Usefulness of a Shoulder Vise
but is it worth it? January 9, 2007

Osage Orange Color Changes
You can't stop Osage Orange wood from turning brown as it ages. February 12, 2007

William and Mary Highboy Designs
A furniture maker gets leads for the information he needs to reproduce an antique highboy cabinet. August 21, 2006

Miter Cuts for Very Thick Solid Wood
In the small shop, crafting furniture from heavy stock can be a challenge. Here are suggestions. July 29, 2012

Shoji Screen Ideas
Basic tips for a first-timer on fabricating shoji screens. September 10, 2007

Flush Trimming Thick Stock
Advice on flush-trimming the heavy edge of a large conference-table top using a hand-held router. January 12, 2009

Leather Table Top Issues
Tips on using leather for a desk or table surface, with a discussion of some of its drawbacks and limitations. March 26, 2009

Cleaning Up Latex Paint
Tips for getting a latex paint drip off a polyurethane finished surface. August 30, 2005

Coarse Thread Screws for Joinery
They might hold, but will they stand the test of time? Professionals weigh in. August 30, 2005

Expanding Table Leaf Details
A nice discussion of how to build a table with leaves whose grain runs in the long dimension of the table, with some examples. October 26, 2011

Vacuum Pressing a Scroll Table
A furniture maker grapples with the problem of veneering a curved table shape. April 18, 2009

Steam-Bending a Pre-Turned Part
Bending wood that has already been turned is difficult, if not impossible. August 6, 2010

Avoiding Messy Excess Glue on Through Tenons
When you use through tenon joinery with exposed tenon ends, it's hard to keep glue off the tenon ends. Here's some advice on dealing with the mess. April 20, 2011

Gluing Up a Cherry and Maple Tabletop cherry & maple
A woodworker gets advice on allowing for movement when gluing different wood species together. December 20, 2005

Comparing Tropical Woods for Use in Outdoor Furniture
Utile, Sapele, and Ipe compared and contrasted. Which works better for exterior furniture? June 13, 2011

Tapering table legs
Small-shop methods for tapering square table legs. June 13, 2001

Drying Split Catalpa Logs for Benches
Catalpa dries well and is fairly rot-resistant. January 23, 2012

Distressing Techniques to Mimic Driftwood
A woodworker seeks advice for creating the shipwreck look. March 17, 2005

Calibrating a Hollow Chisel Mortiser
Careful adjustments to the spacing between the chisels and the bit can prevent overheating, smoking, and chisel breakage. January 3, 2012

Repairing a Water-Damaged Lacquer Finish
If it's nitrocellulose lacquer, you can use specialty sprays or denatured alcohol to remove the white water damage. May 24, 2006

Three-Legged Pedestal Table Leg Proportions
How wide should the feet spread for a stable three-legged pedestal table? February 14, 2010

Y-Crotch Lumber Examples
Sawmillers show off a couple of nice slabs, and an example of a coffee table made from crotch wood. December 28, 2006

Removing a Decoration from a Drawer Front
Advice on softening the adhesive or glue and on techniques for gentle prying. February 12, 2010

Calculating Springback
Simple formula for determining amount of springback in bent solid wood. April 18, 2004

Secretary Desk Hinge Reveal
Advice on trying to narrow the gap at the hinge for a secretary desk. June 8, 2011

Table Tops: Solid Plank Versus Veneer
If you have plenty of solid wood, simpler may be better for bar top construction. April 24, 2013

Expanding your Market for Furniture
When a cabinet shop starts to make furniture, how can they widen their niche? April 11, 2008

How to Eliminate Beetles in a Finished Slab
Heating in a kiln to 130 degrees Fahrenheit will destroy the finish, but it's the only sure, safe way to kill the bugs. June 18, 2010

Stapling Into Hard Wood
Hard Maple is tough to penetrate with staples. Fortunately, shorter staples will hold well in harder wood. August 6, 2010

Edge-Sanding Round Tops
Jigs and rigs for sanding the edges of solid wood round table-tops. March 31, 2008

Repairing or Filling Tear-Out
Tips for filling planer tear-out and blending the area with the surrounding wood. February 12, 2010

Dado Versus Dowel Joinery in Furniture
It's a trade-off: strength versus cost. January 9, 2007

Woods that Match Well with Natural Pine
Thoughts on wood species that pair well visually with Pine. October 1, 2010

Basic info on mortising machinery. November 12, 2008

Laminating Plywood Panels Together
When gluing multiple pieces of plywood together for a built-up thickness, make sure to balance thicknesses to balance opposing stresses. December 27, 2006

Tabletop Construction Problem
Gluing sawn lumber to plywood for a table top is asking for trouble. April 18, 2010

A Spalted Slab in a Wine Cellar
Kiln-drying kills the fungus in spalted wood, and 60% RH in a wine cellar will not support fungal re-growth. December 6, 2011

Designing Banquette Seating
Advice on seat height, table height, seat back slope, et cetera, for built-in banquette seating at a table. September 25, 2014

Sanding Drawers After Construction
Ideas for sanding distinctive hardwood drawer boxes after building them, without distorting the corners. November 26, 2008

Equilibrium Moisture Content and Geographic Location
Here's info on how to estimate the expected moisture content of wood in the outdoor environment in different regions of the country. July 18, 2013

MDF Conference Table Details
Advice on building a large table with an MDF top. September 3, 2011

Waxing Wooden Drawer Runners
Apply wax directly to bare wood for long-lasting slippery action. December 9, 2008

Air-Dried Wood for Furniture
As this example demonstrates, when a people tell you your air-dried lumber won't make a sweet (and sweet-smelling) piece of furniture, sometimes it's because they want to take your wood away for free. January 11, 2007

Fabricating a Seamless Tambour Door
Advice on veneer layup and cutting for making a seamless (or "invisible") tambour door. December 7, 2008

End Leaves on a Dining Table
Dining tables with extending leaves on the end are called "refectory tables," and information on how to make them is not hard to find. March 4, 2009

Repairing Chip-Out in a Walnut Table Top
It's possible to fill small defects so that they won't be noticed. February 12, 2007

Stone in a Solid Wood Table Top
Thoughts on setting stone into a wood top so it won't cause problems and will look good. March 30, 2008

Wood Choices for Outdoor Benches
Furnituremakers suggest naturally durable woods for outdoor furniture. February 29, 2012

Basic descriptions of lathes and related equipment. November 11, 2008

Sliding Dovetails for Bookshelves?
A practical discussion of bookshelf joinery. February 21, 2011

Rate of Wood Moisture Gain from Ambient Humidity
How long will it take for furniture stored in an unconditioned warehouse to equilibrate with the ambient moisture conditions? April 18, 2010

Wood Worms
White worms in reclaimed lumber intended for furniture. What to do? April 20, 2011

Octagonal tapers
Instructions for making octagonal table legs, tapered on all eight sides. June 13, 2001

Making Warped Doors (on Purpose)
Epoxy and a vacuum bag does the trick. May 10, 2005

Matching Maple Veneer to Sawn Maple
A furnituremaker's problem: dealing with a color difference between solid sawn Maple table legs and the birdseye Maple veneer top. January 19, 2012

Drying Hickory with the Bark
Secrets of preserving the bark on Hickory during drying. April 18, 2010

Ebony Substitutes for Inlay
Suggestions for softer woods to substitute for Ebony as an inlay in a table top, along with a tip on bringing Ebony flush to softer woods during sanding and finishing operations. November 15, 2011

Rocker Lamination Tips
Advice on hardwood lamination thickness for rocking chair rockers, and tips for cutting the laminations. February 12, 2007

Murphy Bed Hardware Choices
Advice on shopping for hardware to build beds that fold back into the wall. March 22, 2013

Routing an Elliptical Solid Wood Table Edge
Joining and profiling a curved table edge out of solid wood. April 18, 2011

Sources of Furniture Plans
Furniture-makers suggest useful design resources. August 14, 2007

Ways to Create Arched Seat-Back Curves
Different methods each have their advantages and disadvantages. December 28, 2006

Gluing Up Split Turnings
Advice on paper choice for gluing up split wood turnings in furnituremaking. July 16, 2012

Conference Table Leveling
How do you incorporate practical, accessible leg levelers into the pedestal bases for a big, heavy conference table? August 31, 2010

Cracks in a Butcher Block
Woodworkers consider why cracks would open in a butcher-block cutting board during orbital sanding. January 8, 2010

Repairing an Imprecise Glue-Up
Tiny bevels on the ripped edges of boards have resulted in a visible gap after glue-up. How to fix? February 13, 2013

Edgebanding a Round Table
Here's a list of steps for applying edgebanding to a round laminate tabletop. April 8, 2013

Wood Tabletop Stability
A little puzzling over desktop spans, frame stability, and related issues. May 16, 2008

The Use of Wax Finishes on Pre-Industrial American Furniture
Here's a scholarly paper on the history of wax finishes applied to early American furniture, and the difficult challenges of identifying and restoring original wax finishes. December 11, 2007

Queen Size Bed Dimensions
Info on bed dimensions and a tip or two on joinery. March 28, 2012

Drilling Out a Broken Dowel
It's kind of like pulling a wisdom tooth. February 26, 2007

Routers and Half-Blind Dovetails
Nicely fitting a dovetail joint using a router. March 13, 2009

A Router Duplicator for Copying Curved Shapes
Here's a slick setup for reproducing complex curved surfaces. December 15, 2005

Flexible Rope Moulding
There are sources of flexible rope molding, but if you know what you're doing you can also use actual rope. May 24, 2006

Cutting Acute Miters
Suggestions for setting up a table saw to cut sharper than 45 degree angles. April 20, 2011

Whether to Study Advanced Woodworking
Are classes on furnituremaking a good idea for a skilled cabinetmaker? March 28, 2015

Soaking Cane
Furniture makers debate the fine points of soaking cane. April 10, 2008

Dowels and Screws in Breadboard Table Ends
Thoughts on fastening breadboard ends to avoid movement-related problems. March 26, 2007

Torsion Box Altar
Quick advice on materials, design and construction for a large torsion box church altar top. July 20, 2011

Arresting End Checking with Epoxy
A few woodworkers report success at halting checks by filling cracks with epoxy. April 13, 2012

Width Limit of a Glued Tenon
but what are the limits? March 12, 2006

Antiqueing Brass
Brass gets old quick if you fume or soak it with the right stuff. June 10, 2006

Ostrich Skin Technique
Whack wood with a ball peen hammer, then wet it, and the dimples turn into pimples. Who knew? Only the ancient Chinese — until now. December 31, 2012

Sizing a Circular Dining Table
How big should a round table be to accomodate 8 chairs and diners? August 3, 2009

Lightweight MDF for Desks or Tables
With MDF, weight is related to strength and durability. November 10, 2006

Wood Box for a 19th-Century English Bible
Craftsmen discuss period details, and materials appropriate for archival use. October 28, 2005

Table Top and Base Proportions
Because table height is generally a constant, the ratio between table top and base needed to provide stability varies with table diameter. October 28, 2005

Dovetailers, Louver Equipment and Drawer Manufacturing
Basic info on dovetailing machinery. November 11, 2008

Chair Making Equipment
The category "chair-making equipment" includes a wide variety of specialized and more general tools and machines. September 20, 2008

Controlling Bugs in Finished Furniture
Fumigation or spraying are ineffective and have drawbacks. Instead, here's a tip for heat-treating furniture. April 24, 2013

Defining "Bench Quality"
From the hands of one craftsman... May 10, 2005

Making Six-Sided Tapered Legs
Step-by-step directions for cutting a 6-sided tapered shaft on a table saw. August 30, 2005

Shoji Screen Material Sources
Here are a few leads if you're shopping around for material for those translucent Japanese paper screen assemblies. June 18, 2009

Making Wood Drawer Slides Slippery
Suggestions for making wood drawers slide smoothly without creating dust. May 11, 2011

Cleaning Up an Old Board
Tips on getting the bird droppings and grime off a rustic old walnut board. August 30, 2007

Adjustable-Height Work Tables
Advice on work tables that allow the user to choose between standing and sitting. November 14, 2014

Dovetail Jigs for Very Small Drawers
A woodworker looks for equipment to make dovetail joints for small drawers using thin stock. July 29, 2014

Veneering Drawer Faces for an Oval Chest
Advice on vacuum and form setup and adhesive choices for making an oval chest with curved drawer faces.November 16, 2011

Dresser Top and Apron Movement Issues
A solid wood dresser top needs room to move, or the piece will tear itself apart. June 17, 2009

Finishing the Underside of Furniture
Sealing and finishing table tops on both faces helps prevent seasonal warping and cupping. January 18, 2011

Identifying Pecan
Pecan is hard to tell apart from Hickory. July 6, 2012

Avoiding Iron Stain when Steam-Bending Red Oak
Oak and other high-tannin woods react with water and iron to create black staining. Here's how to prevent it. December 8, 2006

Red Cedar Logs for Rustic Furniture
Handling and drying tips for Cedar logs. November 14, 2009

Combining Solid Wood and MDF in a Table Top
Here's an interesting table top design with a ring of solid Oak around a veneered disc of MDF. Will it crack?July 16, 2012

Handicapped-Accessible Conference Table Specs
Quick info on ADA-compliant table details. February 26, 2007

Moisture Movement of Mixed Wood Species
Mixing species in a single furniture piece is no problem in most situations, but could create an issue if there are drastic changes in ambient humidity. March 30, 2008

Cutting State Outlines from Wood
Ideas for machining complex outlines from solid wood slabs. April 20, 2011

Stamped Versus Cast Brass Furniture Hardware
General comments on the difference between cast and stamped brass hardware. February 26, 2007

Chess Board in a Table Top
Addressing wood movement details for a chess board set into a table top. December 30, 2007

Gluing Cocobolo
You can successfully glue this tropical species if you're careful. April 24, 2014

Leather Desk Tops
Quick tips on attaching hides to desktops. December 30, 2005

Wood Movement and Strap Hinges
Quick tips on mounting large hinges to solid wood in a way that won't restrict the freedom of the wood to expand or contract in response to ambient conditions. July 11, 2013

Allowing for Movement in Tops
Attaching table or cabinet tops in a way that allows wood to move. August 30, 2007

Steam Bending and Wood Moisture Content
Wood needs an MC of 16% or higher to be steam bent. August 21, 2006

Working Green Versus Dry Hickory
Yes, it's true: green Hickory or Oak is much easier to work by hand than dried wood. March 13, 2014

Attaching a Table Top to a Metal Frame
Fasten in a way that allows movement at the connection. May 21, 2009

Adjustable Table-Height Hardware
Where to get parts for tables that can be raised and lowered. March 1, 2006

Slant Top Desk Lock Sources
Tips on hardware for a desk with a slanted closing lid. August 27, 2012

Notching Table Legs for a Shelf
Notch the leg, or notch the shelf? How about both? October 19, 2013

Pursuing perfect miters
Methods and equipment for achieving the highest quality. September 20, 2003

Building a "Club Couch" from Scratch
A newcomer to furniture building learns on his first couch, and gets feedback. October 19, 2013

Huge Round Conference Table Construction
An extended discussion of the issues involved in extreme furniture building. June 18, 2009

Professional Development for Furnituremakers
Here's a furniture maker with skills and experience who wants to elevate his game. What are his options? June 4, 2012

Building a Table In Boat-Builder Style
Here's an discussion of costs, pricing, and technique concerning a unique table made using methods inspired by the boat-building trade. August 26, 2008

Polyester and Epoxy Wood Repair Fillers in Conservation Work
Tips on whether epoxy or polyester wood repair formulas are sufficiently authentic for conservation work, and some tips on how to use them. October 26, 2007

Board Widths for an Oak Table Top
Wood movement is the big concern with table tops. Here's how that concern affects the choice of lumber size. May 7, 2007

Bending Pressure-Treated Wood
Detailed, authoritative information on the ins and outs of bending pressure-treated wood for curved outdoor decks or garden structures. May 23, 2007

Preventing Cupping on a Wide Maple Table Top
Another discussion on moisture and wood movement (causes and preventive measures). November 3, 2010

Polyethylene Versus Wood for Drawer Runners
A discussion of practical issues with ultra high molecular weight (UHMW) polyethylene drawer slides, and the all wood alternatives. April 10, 2008

Pushing the Envelope with a Herringbone Table Top
Small pieces of wood sliced 1/8 inch thick, laid into a herringbone pattern, and applied to an MDF substrate on both sides, have been known to work as a custom table top. March 26, 2007

Pricing Furniture
Cost is a hard fact, but the market value of a unique furniture piece can be very subjective. October 28, 2008

Balancing Issues when Veneering a Hollow-Core MDF Table
A table project involving MDF surfaces applied to a hollow torsion box and veneered raises complex questions about how to balance the assembly. October 19, 2013

How to make a tenon
Accurately sized tenons without a tenoner. September 25, 2002

Best Tool for Cross-Cutting
Chopsaw, up-cut saw, or sliding table saw? September 26, 2006

Building Wide Glass Cabinet Doors
Advice on construction details and hinge choices for wide glass doors. July 10, 2007

Pedestal Table Dimension Limits
A furnituremaker gets advice for making a scaled-up version of a pedestal table at a customer's request. March 13, 2014

Buying and Using a Stroke Sander
Advice on buying a used stroke sander, and tips on making and using sanding blocks for it. July 24, 2006

Humidity and Raised Glue Lines in Furniture
A closer look at detectable raised glue lines that appear in solid wood joints, related to humidity changes. December 16, 2011

Bending Wood: Steam or Heat?
In steam bending, is it the moisture or the heat that makes the wood bendable? The doctor explains, it's both. October 17, 2012

Portable Mortising Tools
Furnituremakers look at handy mortise-cutting power tools that work on the same principle as a biscuit-slot cutter. November 27, 2007

How to Secure Floating Panels
Using spaceballs versus pinning panels at top and bottom center points. January 22, 2006

Powderpost Beetles in Furniture
Pinholes and powder are a dead giveaway of a beetle infestation. Here are some facts about the bugs and how to handle them. February 19, 2006

Powder Post Beetles in Furniture
A woodworker sees the exit holes and decides to bake some wood. January 18, 2011

Hiding (or Enhancing) Glue Lines in a Table Leg
A little careful craftsmanship can make glue lines look good — or at least not look bad. July 29, 2011

Bed Frame Dimensions Compared to Mattress Size
An inch of clearance around the mattress is usual (sometimes more). January 25, 2013

Building a steamer
Homemade steamers for bending wood in your shop. January 21, 2002

Pine for Furniture Drawers
Furnituremakers discuss whether pine is too unstable to use for making drawer sides. March 13, 2007

How to Make Matching Male and Female Templates
Here are two ways to create templates that fit seamlessly into each other. January 27, 2008

Hand-Made Appearance of a Scrub Plane
To get the scalloped look of this made-in-Mexico cabinet, you need a scrub plane — a traditional tool that some woodworkers really like. March 4, 2009

Building Up a Two-Inch Trestle Table-Top Edge
Advice on how to fake a two-inch slab thickness by building up the edge of a table top. May 6, 2010

Pool Table Construction
Is it practical to build a custom pool table if you've never built one before? April 20, 2011

Bending Boards for a Barrel-Top Trunk
A furniture-maker gets advice on bending barrel-stave-like pieces to form a domed trunk lid. June 10, 2006

Profiling a Curve into a 6x6 Blank
A furnituremaker gets advice on machining large, heavy pieces with a simple curve. August 26, 2008

Best Router for Dovetails?
A discussion focused on woodworkers' favorite routers for cutting half-blind dovetails.

Powder Post Beetle Worries
Will powderpost beetles found in a piece of furniture spread elsewhere in the house? April 21, 2011

Pocket Doors for Furniture
An explanation of custom-built pin-and-groove "flipper" pocket doors. May 7, 2007

Burlwood Rocking Chair Examples
Check out two beautiful rockers — and the "before" picture of the sawn burls they were made from. May 31, 2010

Bed Post and Rail Connections
Considerations on the structure of a wooden bed frame. July 3, 2008

Bending and Laminating Cherry
Quartersawn wood will behave a little better than flatsawn for making a laminated bent piece, but it's not a critical issue. April 21, 2008

Building Outdoor Chairs
An example and step-by-step instructions for an Adirondack-style rocker. December 1, 2005

Building a Tile-Topped Table
Basic tips for a tile table-top. January 27, 2008

Prototypes for Custom Furniture Jobs
Custom furniture makers discuss whether, when, and how to make a prototype mock-up before beginning a furniture project for real. May 23, 2007

Preventing Sag in a Desktop
Advice on constructing a custom desk to stay stiff in service. October 20, 2013

Plug Repair for Maple Tabletop
Tips on patching a small hole in a Maple top before refinishing. October 19, 2013

Poplar for a Dining Table?
Even for a paint-grade piece, Poplar is not a great choice because of its softness. Maple makes more sense. December 6, 2011

Hand-held Router Accuracy
Routers are not perfectly centered from the factory, and require tuning. You'll notice it on fine-tolerance work such as dovetail joinery.October 4, 2011

Bandsaw and Router Templates and Jigs for Cutting Shapes
Advice on setting up to efficiently and cleanly cut and route multiple copies of the same complex curved shape. December 12, 2008

Blade Choice for a Compound Miter Saw
A thin-kerf blade with a negative rake is the recommendation. October 15, 2009

Hardwood Loose Tenons in Softwood Furniture?
Can hardwood tenons offer greater strength — and will there be swelling or shrinkage concerns? November 16, 2011

Plastic Glue Odors in a Cedar Chest
A furniture maker tries to understand why it's so hard to get the smell of polyurethane glue out of a cedar chest. May 5, 2007

Breadboards and Leaf Tables
Thoughts on how to handle a request for a table with breadboard ends and a center leaf. June 30, 2007

Bonding Stainless Steel to Plywood
Advice on fabricating a stainless-steel-on-plywood tabletop. June 28, 2007

Boring Angles for Chair Leg Mortises
How to get the correct angle on a chair leg. January 8, 2010

Built-Up Shop-Made "Crown Moulding"
Two examples of crown-moulding-like details on furniture pieces, created by stacking and routing curved sections of flat stock. July 16, 2012

Breadboard Table Top Ends
Tips on the mortise and tenon joinery for a breadboard table end. October 2, 2005

How Tall is a Lectern?
Bottom line: Adjustable is nice. October 26, 2011

Chair Re-Caning Basics
Here's a generous portion of advice and tips for a beginner about chair seat cane replacement, from craftsmen who've done a little or a lot. September 5, 2010

Touching Up a Burn-Through in Maple Plywood
Striving for perfection in a tough touch-up: finishers swap expert tips. July 29, 2011

Dining Table Stability
Here's an enlightening, if confused, discussion of the forces required to tip over a table based on its mass distribution. Also, this is a cool looking table. July 16, 2012

Antiquing Tips, Techniques, and Tools
Finishers reveal the trade secrets of furniture abuse. August 17, 2009

Loose Tenon Joinery for Breadboard Tabletop Ends
Here's a detailed discussion of breadboard joinery, focusing on whether loose tenons will serve the purpose in a Mesquite table top.March 28, 2012

Building A 32-Foot-Long Conference Table
... and then christen it, "The Titanic." March 9, 2008

Structural Testing for Chairs
There's the Fat Man test, the Little Boy test, the Throw it Off the Roof test, and the "Entire state is sliding into the ocean" test ... you get the idea. January 3, 2012

Repairing a Deep Gouge in Veneer
Expert advice on filling, patching, and blending for a repair job. November 14, 2009

Retoucher des meubles qui ne prennent pas de taches
Il arrive parfois qu'une pièce soit encore scellée ou qu'elle ait été poncée jusqu'à devenir un contreplaqué saturé de colle. Voici quelques conseils pour redonner de la couleur à ces pièces. 24 mai 2006

Des bois qui s'accordent bien avec le pin naturel
Réflexions sur les essences de bois qui s'associent bien visuellement au pin. 1er octobre 2010

Drilling a Hole the Length of a Log
People have actually succeeded at drilling holes in logs the long way. Here, they explain how to do it. December 27, 2006

Percer un trou de la longueur d'une bûche
Certains ont réussi à percer des trous dans des rondins en utilisant la méthode la plus longue. Voici comment procéder. 27 décembre 2006

Pressage sous vide d'une table à défilement
Un fabricant de meubles s'attaque au problème du placage d'une table aux formes courbes. 18 avril 2009

Characteristics of Beech Wood
Woodworkers admire Beech for its machineability, stability, and good looks. January 14, 2009

Packing Materials for Finished Furniture
without scratching the finish. February 13, 2006

Complementary Woods for Mahogany
Furnituremakers suggest woods to match with Mahogany for visual appeal. July 30, 2007

Bois complémentaires pour l'acajou
Les fabricants de meubles suggèrent des bois qui s'harmonisent avec l'acajou pour un attrait visuel. 30 juillet 2007

Multi-Router Versus Slot Mortiser
Furnituremakers discuss the value of a multi-router and compare it with other equipment options. August 21, 2006

Design for a Modern Secretary Desk
The clean modern look creates a tricky problem: support for the desk when it's open. April 14, 2005

Bandsaw Tire Refurbishing Cost
New tires for an old bandsaw ain't cheap. May 13, 2005

Devinez à nouveau le bois
Je regarde un coffre en bois et j'essaie de deviner l'espèce. (Ce n'est pas du noyer.) 20 avril 2011

Guess the Wood Again
Eyeballing a wooden chest and trying to guess the species. (It's not Walnut.) April 20, 2011

Assemblages à goujon ou à tenon et mortaise pour la fixation des pieds de table
L'assemblage par chevilles permettrait de gagner du temps sur une production de tables en grande série. Mais les assemblages par chevilles seront-ils suffisamment solides ? 1er octobre 2010

Dowel Versus Mortise and Tenon Joints for Attaching Table Legs
Dowel joinery would save time on a large production run of tables. But will dowel joints be strong enough? October 1, 2010

Extermination des insectes dans les meubles
Une table construite à partir de vieux bois, auparavant stockée dans une grange, est maintenant infestée de « vieilles foreuses ». Les solutions sont la fumigation ou la chaleur. 13 mars 2007

Exterminating Insects in Furniture
A table built from old wood previously stored in a barn now has "old house borers." The solutions are fumigation or heat. March 13, 2007

Troubleshooting Glue Line Swelling in Furniture
In this long and complicated thread, woodworkers and experts try to figure out what's causing a slight ridge to form at the glue line in a wood chair lamination. July 29, 2014

Darkening of Oil-Finished End Grain
Unusual tables milled from whole logs present an interesting stain and finish problem, besides the obvious moisture-related movement concerns. May 23, 2007

Oak Table Tops: Solid Wood Versus the Alternatives
For oak restaurant tables, solid wood may be cheaper in the end than hassling with the other possibilities. March 9, 2008

Touching Up Furniture that Won't Take Stain
Sometimes a piece is still sealed, or has been sanded down to a glue-saturated veneer ply. Here are tips on restoring color to those pieces. May 24, 2006

Outdoor Wood Table Ideas
Woodworkers kick around some design and construction details for a wood table that can hold up to conditions on an outdoor deck. January 9, 2008

Glue Options
Glue options for furnituremakers. September 26, 2006

Tinting body filler -- it can be done!
Searching out an epoxy filler that can be color-mixed, for filling large knot holes. March 20, 2001

Wood Veneer on MDF: How Thick Is Too Thick?
Craftsmen report problems using thick wood veneer on an MDF substrate. June 9, 2007

Treating Soft Wood to Reduce Tear-Out when Turning
Soaking the piece in a sizing or finish solution can stiffen the material for cleaner turning results. November 27, 2007

DIY Poly Finishes for Furnituremakers
Furnituremakers who finish their own table tops don't have to settle for finish failures. April 20, 2011

Bending wood -- options
Products and methods for bending wood. March 23, 2002

Glueing Up a Mitered Bar Top
Adhesive choice and clamping and fastening methods for a tricky glue-up problem. June 30, 2007

Copper-Clad Table Top
Ideas for wrapping and fastening copper sheeting over a plywood table top. January 7, 2010

Glue Reacting with Cherry
A Cherry table shows witness lines at the glue joints. The culprit: a reaction between the wood and the glue. November 13, 2005

Réparation de placages endommagés
Des professionnels dépannent un plateau de table en placage endommagé par l'eau et envisagent des solutions possibles. 30 octobre 2005

Teinter le mastic de carrosserie :
Recherche d'un enduit époxy pouvant être mélangé aux couleurs, pour combler les gros trous de nœuds. 20 mars 2001

Retourner soi-même un plateau de table lourd
Idées pour se déplacer autour d'une lourde table de conférence dans un atelier individuel. 6 décembre 2011

Nettoyage de la peinture au latex
Conseils pour éliminer les gouttes de peinture au latex sur une surface en polyuréthane. 30 août 2005

Travailler en toute sécurité avec l'ipé
La poussière et les huiles du bois d'ipé sont allergènes et toxiques. Vous devez porter un équipement de protection individuelle sérieux si vous travaillez avec l'ipé. Voici plus d'informations. 16 mai 2008

Working Safely with Ipe
Dust and oils from Ipe wood are allergenic and toxic. You need serious personal protective gear if you work with Ipe. Here's more info. May 16, 2008

Scribing three edges
Templates, tic sticking and more for efficient scribing in difficult situations. September 20, 2003

Value added defined
Many definitions and interpretations are offered up. July 29, 2003

Three-phase motors 101
Three-phase power and converters; explained in layman's terms. June 19, 2003

Furniture Pricing: Wholesale and Retail Markups
A heated, but detailed, discussion of cost and pricing practices in the furniture trade. April 24, 2006

Woodshop Waste Percentage
How much wood do you waste in the construction of your product? June 21, 2004

Stupid Woodworker Tricks
With a nod toward David Letterman, pros discuss their least-best moments. January 24, 2005

Custom Built-In Seating for a Boat
The furniture forum discusses plumb, level, port, starboard, pitch, yaw, and relating nautical seating terminology. June 10, 2006

AWI certification
Is membership or certfication with AWI worth your while?July 29, 2003

Machining raised panels
Addressing workpiece movement and tear-out problems. April 9, 2003

Starting Out as a Furnituremaker
Making custom furniture is a very tough business, and most craftsmen who try it fail. August 29, 2006

Toning a Table Top
This finishing problem is really more of a customer relations issue. But it's worth reading just for a look at the table top (a lovely piece of work). August 22, 2013

Are bone-dry biscuits necessary?
Questions about the dryness and size of biscuits. April 24, 2002

Furniture Manufacturer Direct Sales
A furniture manufacturer gets some well-informed and thoughtful advice on how to structure a direct sales operation so as to survive tough market conditions that are destroying his multi-step dealer sales volume. December 27, 2008

Selecting CNC Machinery
Choosing a machine to best suit your operation. January 28, 2004

Choosing CAD/CAM for Complex Carved Custom Furniture
What programs could handle the drawing and machine control requirements for reproducing an intricate, highly decorated, hand-carved piece of custom furniture? April 19, 2011

Designing entertainment centers
Important considerations when designing and building multimedia centers. August 25, 2003

Regular or dewaxed shellac?
is an appropriate primer coat. May 22, 2002

Low-tech panel squaring
Methods and machines for squaring that don't involve CNC equipment. April 9, 2003

The Business of Chair-Making
A cold look at the hard numbers for furniture building. Between rock-bottom overseas competition at the low end, and popular established competitors at the high end, it's hard for a small shop to find a profitable niche. April 21, 2011

Marketing High-End Cabinets
Cabinetmakers share ideas for attracting big-ticket clients. February 10, 2004

Drawer Construction
Choosing an efficient method over farming out the work. June 4, 2004

Radius of Convex Wall
Formulas for calculating this measurement. May 19, 2004

Outsourcing drawings
Positive and negative experiences from those who have hired the job out. October 30, 2002

Math Question: Dimensioning Angles
Cabinetmakers chime in on methods for determining the size of an angled plane. February 8, 2005

Ellipse jig
Making your own jig for ellipse-based arcs. (From WOODWEB's Cabinetmaking Forum) March 5, 2003

Vacuum Clamping -- Save Time, Save Money!
March 19, 2002

To nest or not to nest?
Is nesting appropriate for all shops? June 4, 2003

Steam bending and lamination
Switching from glulam to steam bending of curved furniture parts. July 22, 2003

Red Alder Pros and Cons -- Pricing, Availability, Usefulness
Pros discuss the cost, availability, and characteristics of Red Alder solid stock and sheet goods. February 25, 2005

Radius countertop edge
Making a radiused wood edge without resorting to segments. January 3, 2003

Look That Up in your Funk and Wagnall's
Is "templating" a word? It is now. March 12, 2009

Consistent curves
How to create a long, accurate curve. May 15, 2002

Static charge on wood
Troubleshooting and resolving static problems on freshly planed boards. October 9, 2002

Template Routing -- with a Vacuum Clamp
March 19, 2002

Assembly table
A cabinetmaker shares a photo and description of his shop's assembly table. October 30, 2002

Miterfolds for clean corner joints
A sweet technique for classy corners. November 21, 2003

Structural Concerns for Boat Cabinetry
A proposal for a free-standing entertainment center on a boat sets off a discussion about appropriate technology in nautical cabinetry. July 30, 2007

Making Interlocking Shelves
Constructing sets of shelves with fitted parts. October 20, 2004

Sliding Table Saw Tips
Sliders are a little different for those used to working on a standard table saw. January 24, 2005

Cleaning and Deodorizing Urine-Contaminated Wood
Advice on how to handle old lumber wood salvaged from storage, which appears to have been "soiled" by raccoons. 16, 2014

Overnight Shop Temperatures — How Cold Is Too Cold?
Freezing and relative humidity are the prime concerns when you turn your shop heat off overnight. April 20, 2011

Springback formula for bent laminations
Calculating springback of laminated parts. October 2, 2001

Router Bits for Raised Panels
Horizontal versus vertical bits for cutting raised panels. January 28, 2004

Outfeed Table Plan
Construction ideas for an outfeed table with mounted router. March 14, 2004

Dadoing techniques
Using a router to make dados. June 24, 2002

Gluing dovetails and finger joints
Which adhesive is best for these joints? May 15, 2002

Clamping for a Curved Edge
Ideas for clamping curved solid banding onto a curved tabletop edge. October 28, 2008

Figuring Complex Leg Angles for Furniture
You can do the math, you can draw the part full size, or you can make a rough cut and then fine-tune it. November 14, 2014

A multi-faceted challenge
An architectural woodworker gets ideas for making a too-wide handrail intersect gracefully with an octagon-shaped newel cap. December 17, 2003

Income Goals for a Furniture Maker
How to approach the calculations involving cost, overhead, and labor time for a one-man craftsman business. November 16, 2011

Steam-Bending Hardwood Veneer Strips
A description of the hot-pipe method for bending 1/16-inch veneer strips. February 3, 2011

Architectural Woodworking Forum -- Span Limits and Materials for Library Shelving
Furniture and cabinet makers discuss the theory and practice of bookshelf sag control. February 16, 2006

Tapered Stop Flutes
The search for a simple, efficient method. December 26, 2004

Table-Top Glue-Up Tips
A discussion of whether to use biscuits or alternate board grain alignment when gluing up table tops. December 6, 2008

Effective Shop Lighting
Let's get some light in here so we can see what we're doing. February 8, 2008

Sourcing Dry-Erase Materials
A look at product choices for making dry-erase fixtures, furniture, and accessories. April 29, 2010

Alternating growth rings in panels
The debate between alternating growth rings and matching grain. September 25, 2002

Slide-Out Table Details
Cabinetmakers try to figure out how a large slide-out table works. August 31, 2010

Troubleshooting Tearout on End Grain
A furnituremaker gets advice on avoiding tearout when machining Maple end grain with a roundover bit. October 19, 2014

Specifying features for leased space
Advice on features to include in a leased production facility. June 6, 2001

Applying Nosing to Prefinished Plywood
The search for a satisfactory way to treat the seam where nosing meets plywood. May 10, 2005

Staining MDF
Products and techniques for best results. July 28, 2004

Material for Doors with False Drawer Fronts
Furnituremakers discuss whether to use solid wood or MDF and veneer for a set of vanity doors with fake drawer fronts. April 27, 2011

Dowel Joinery Glue Application Techniques
The standard method is to place a metered amount of glue into the hole, then insert the dowel. November 23, 2012

Gang Ripping on a Moulder
Tips for making short work of multiple rips. February 27, 2005

Making Custom Molds for Storing Objects
Thoughts on two ways to make form-fitting pockets: moldable materials, or CAD/CNC imaging. March 28, 2015

Restoring Duncan Phyfe Table-Leg Joints
Advice on how to dissolve existing hide glue, inject new glue, and apply clamps when restoring distinctive antique table-leg joinery. July 27, 2008

Long-Span Shelves
Ideas and resources for dealing with long shelf spans. December 30, 2005

Repairing an Edge-Banding Defect
Looking for a fix for an edge-banding failure on a built-in desk. April 20, 2011

Distressing wood
Creating a well-worn look on newly built furniture. February 6, 2002

Fabric for Tambour Doors
You can use canvas, silk, or — old T-shirts? October 19, 2005

Clamping Angled Work so it Won't Slide
Pieces that meet at an angle are hard to clamp together tightly. Here are some clever tricks. March 16, 2015

Speaker Materials that Sound Good
Some quick insights into building speaker cabinets with pleasing acoustic performance. April 17, 2009

How Stable is Lyptus Wood?
Lyptus has a reputation for lots of shrinkage and twisting. March 20, 2012

Working with Zebra Wood
Zebra wood is splintery, twisty, smelly, and irritating — but beautiful, woodworkers say. January 25, 2013

Radius of an arc
Formulas for determining the radius of an arc, or "eyebrow"

Jig for beaded faceframes
Photographs of a shop-built jig. June 4, 2003

-- Architectural Woodworking Forum -- Moisture Effects on Wood (Video)
Wood Doctor Gene Wengert explains in detail about the ways moisture affects wood, in a seven-part YouTube video series. December 31, 2012

Pricing a Custom Piece of Furniture
A custom cabinet-maker asks for input on pricing a specially-ordered free-standing chest of drawers. The discussion covers a lot of ground on estimating, pricing, and the difference between cabinets and furniture. October 19, 2005

Planing on edge
Processing stock through planer to define parts' widths. January 3, 2003

Bonding veneer to melamine
Bubbling veneer and contact cement. (Cabinetmaking Forum) May 1, 2003

Pros and Cons of a Basement Workshop
Woodworkers share experiences with home-based woodshops. March 12, 2006

Pricing a Furniture Prototype
How do you decide what to charge for designing and building a piece of furniture that will then be mass-produced by others? June 22, 2010

Bowing in a Panel Glue-Up
Woodworkers consider why a one-inch thick shelf made up of a 3/4-inch wood layer glued to a 1/4-inch MDF layer came out of the vacuum bag bowed. October 13, 2012

Pricing Out a Bookcase Design
A customer's design based on an existing manufactured product probably can't be made for a cost that's competitive with the original. June 4, 2012

Pricing a Stump
Woodworkers get a good laugh out of chunks of hardwood log, sold in catalogs as two-hundred-dollar furniture. February 11, 2009

Hide glue
Proper mix ratio and storage info. September 24, 2002

Pronouncing Exotic Wood Names
Does "Wenge" rhyme with "Ben-Gay"? Well, that depends on who you ask. November 23, 2012

Presenting A Quote
There are reasons to sell the job face to face, in person. April 10, 2005

Does Your Sanding Make Sense?
"Trouble starts when taking off more than a belt can handle, or taking off more than the scratch pattern of the previous head. These are the most common mistakes in sanding... It can be incredibly frustrating to see a company trapped in a prison of their own design because they really never und ......

Adding value to old pallets
Examples of how woodworkers have recycled pallets and other old wood into new products. June 5, 2002

Crating and Shipping Tips
Advice on packing and shipping your fine work safely. August 23, 2006

Glue Injection Techniques
When laminate or veneer is lifting, you can make a slit, inject adhesive, and clamp for a clean repair. Here are some detailed tips on getting the glue where it needs to go. February 20, 2008

When to use waterbornes
Applications where waterborne coatings will and won't work. May 22, 2002

Staining and Blending Difficult Woods -- Alder, Birch, Maple, Poplar, and...
A three step coloring technique to achieve rich, dark, even coloring on a variety of wood species - March 16, 2005

Searching for a sales rep
Increasing sales by adding the right marketing professional to your team. September 20, 2003

Darkening existing finishes onsite
Setting up shop in the customer's home in order to modify a finish. October 9, 2002

Polyurethane (PUR) adhesives
Basic overview of different PUR glues. September 24, 2002

Taking Impressions of Moulding
Advice on making a reverse impression of a moulding you want to replicate. November 8, 2008

Financial Success in Woodworking
Philosophies and turning points on the path to $100K a year. January 6, 2005

AutoCAD Drawings, Step by Step
Efficient development of shop drawings. April 18, 2004

Crown Moulding Expansion/Contraction Problem
Who or what is responsible for gaps appearing at joints after installation? June 4, 2004

Sawdust as fuel
Building a sawdust-fired boiler to heat kiln and shop. November 18, 2002

Making Code from Sloppy Drawings
The frustrations of messy drawings, and a parallel discussion of CNC theory vs. reality in terms of function. December 9, 2004

Flattening boards with a planer
Methods for planing warped wood flat. September 25, 2002

Compressed air delivery system
Appropriate piping for shop air distribution lines. January 15, 2003

Speeding Up CNC Router Production
Tips on operation, loading and unloading for efficiency. December 26, 2004

Shop lighting
Best bulbs for brightness and efficiency. February 12, 2003

Woodworking 101: The Basics
and shows how it can affect various production operations. 1998.

Touching up conversion varnish
Problems related to conversion varnish touchup. (From WOODWEB's Finishing Forum) January 21, 2003

New Shop Layout
Efficient shop flow for increased profit. February 28, 2004

Converting lines to polylines
Step by step CAD instructions. December 17, 2003

Termite Prevention

Gluing and clamping pressure
Is clamping necessary, and if so, how much? January 21, 2003

Steam Bending Molding Around A Curved Staircase

Switching Specialties: From Cabinets to Furniture
Can a one-man business successfully make the change? Owners weigh in on both sides. July 24, 2005

Layer Names and Line Defaults
Organizing and simplifying layers in CAD. May 19, 2004

FOB defined
Origins and meanings of the term "freight on board." (Sawing and Drying Forum) March 23, 2003

Fix Twisted Wood Cabinet Doors

Attaching Drawer Fronts Efficiently
Quick and simple methods for quality production. April 2, 2004

Clamping Veneer Core to Plywood
Advice on clamping methods for gluing two panel faces together without a vacuum bag. July 20, 2011

WOODnetWork Discussions: Glue
The correct amount of clamping pressure is vital to a strong bond - 1998

Fortune Teller: Making More Money in the Wood Industry
Wood Doctor Gene Wengert makes some educated guesses about the near future in the wood products industry, and offers some advice about how wood-based businesses can profit from change. April 15, 2013

Moving to Metric
Tips on making the transition as smooth as possible. September 9, 2004

AutoCAD Dimension Lines
Cleaning up extension lines. December 26, 2004

Clamp Cart
Shop-made carriers for clamps. December 26, 2004

Exhaust Fan Size for Spray Booth
How much ventilation is needed? August 17, 2004

Glue Joint Failure
Dr. Gene Wengert delves into one of the primary problem areas affecting furniture manufacturers: glue joints. 1998.

Dining Top From Hardwood Flooring

Table Tops For Restaurant With Mitered Patterns

Shop Drawing Submittals in Metric
When converting to 32mm construction, should all drawings be done in metric as well? April 18, 2004

Millwork Touch-up and Repair
A visitor seeks advice on how to get training in the fine art of fixing faults. February 26, 2005

Safety and climb cutting
Safety issues involved in climb cutting with a shaper. January 21, 2003

Straight Lining Rough Lumber
Efficient methods for creating an edge. December 9, 2004

Making A Challenging Molding Design

Joint Tape "Shadows" -- at Veneer Seams
Why does the area from which tape was removed accept stain differently? March 14, 2004

Drawers, from scratch to systems
Materials and methods forum participants are employing in their quest for the perfect drawer. February 14, 2001

Cyanoacrylate adhesive
How does this glue work for gap filling? (From WOODWEB's Finishing Forum) March 23, 2003

Shipping Methods
Furniture-maker gets advice on shipping pieces to distant customers. May 4, 2005

Making A Laminated Table Top

Truing-up rough wood
Planers will not remove the bow from rough stock; jointing is required before boards can be properly thicknessed. February 13, 2001

Whether to Locate Furniture Shop in the Basement
Cheap heat and convenience are up sides, but insurance could be a worry. April 20, 2011

Salvaging painted heart pine
Ideas for removing lead paint and nails from heart pine beams. August 12, 2001

Constructing An Arched Base For Coffee Table

Where cabinets meet sloped floor
How to properly disguise the gap that appears during installation. August 25, 2003

Waxing Equipment Surfaces
Using butcher's wax to make wood move easily across machine tables. April 18, 2004

Warping and cracking in glued-up pine
To find clues for cracked and warped pine panels, a measure of moisture content is needed before the splitting occurs. 1998.

Machinery setup: Squaring up your saw
How to make sure your saw is cutting square. February 12, 2001

Edgeband failure
Searching for causes of edgeband failure. September 26, 2000

Ridding one's house of powderpost beetles
What to do upon discovering an infestatoin of powderpost beetles. 1998.

Going metric: Pros and cons
Pros and cons of converting to metric measurement in your shop. February 28, 2001

Coloring Epoxy to Fill Knots
Advice on tinting epoxy to match slab table tops. December 24, 2009

Mounting A Glass Tabletop On Wood

Overcoming sander swirl marks
Why does a random orbit sander leave swirl marks and scratches? January 24, 2001

Getting clean cuts on dimensioned parts
Tips to reduce chips and tear-out when shaping dimensioned parts. June 14, 2000

Eucalyptus for furnituremaking
A primer on this native Australian lumber. June 14, 2000

Making painted desk tops durable
Creating tough surfaces for office furniture. October 31, 2000

Rating drawer slides
What does a drawer slide weight rating mean, exactly? February 12, 2001

Training draftsmen for woodworking
Can an engineer learn the nuances of drawing millwork in CAD? March 20, 2001

A finish for outdoor furniture
A brief look at finish options for outdoor furniture. March 22, 2000

Repairing a sequenced MDF door
reverse the terminal warp of a sequenced MDF/cherry door. 1998.

Gluing A Book Matched Live Edge Slab

Learning the trade
How to approach a woodworking firm about becoming an apprentice. November 7, 2000

Is There Such A Thing As Kiwi Wood

Sliding table saw basics
General information for first-time users of 'sliders.' 1998.

Attaching Table Legs

Treating wood worm infestations
How to arrest an infestation of wood worms before they migrate to other furniture. 1998.

Water-resistant Adhesives for Exterior Millwork
Choosing the right adhesive is really a matter of how much water resistance is required. 1998

Assembly Suggestions For A Solid Oak Paneled Nightstand?

Applying putty for the long haul
How to fill holes in cherry and keep the colors matched over time. February 13, 2001

Filled In Locks On Antique Desk

Calculating Pedestal Size For Table

ITEMIZER - From R & R Drummond, Inc.
Use your computer to generate efficient layouts for cutting sheet material into desired sizes (a link to a demo download is provided)1998

"M" particleboard grades
The difference between grades of particleboard is explained. June 14, 2000

Can You Undo Glue?
The success if undoing glue joints depends onthe type of glue -1998

"Crying" Spanish cedar veneer
Cleaning up and fabricating "crying" Spanish cedar veneer. June 14, 2000

Using Pinch Dogs

Table Extension Hardware

Fuzzy Wood Strips Issue At End Tenoning Station

Table Legs

Rung Remedies
Suggesteed repairs for loose chair rungs - 1998

Veneering Plywood

Parametric Drawings
Can parametric design simplify change orders? May 19, 2004

Potential of a One-Man Shop
Is it realistic to think a small shop owner can make a decent living? December 9, 2004

Best material for bent lamination
Searching for the most suitable wood product to use with bent lamination. July 22, 2003

Halogen lighting: Passing the temperature test
How high-heat halogen lighting is tested for safety, to ensure it is appropriate for various applications. - 1998

Preventing Wobbly Table Legs

Patching damaged veneer
Repairing damaged veneer on the top of a chest of drawers. June 14, 2000

PUR adhesives
A Q&A on PUR hot melt formulations and their proper use. December 6, 2000

Blade Choice For Ripping Thick Hardwood

Protecting Gloss Finishes While Shipping

Polyurethane Glue Spreaders

Bent Wood Pieces

Pricing Of A Unique Piece

Hot Melts - Fast and Strong?
When strength is important, reactive polyurethane hot melts should be used - 1998

Blind woodworker's story
A blind cabinetmaker tells the story of his education and career in woodworking. (From WOODWEB's Cabinetmaking Forum) January 21, 2003

Designing A Table To Prohibit Warping

CNC feed rates for melamine
Concerns on purchasing a CNC router and software for cutting melamine. August 12, 2001

Router Table and Lift
Designs and ideas for a smoothly functioning router workstation. December 9, 2004

Equipment For New Cabinet Business
Equipment and other advice for a beginning businessman. August 26, 2004

Distressing Wood
Learning how to give new furniture that well-worn look. January 6, 2005

Spray Shop Layout
Setting up an efficient spray-finishing area in an expanded shop. December 26, 2004

Recreating a pine patina
Mixing just the right color to match an old finish. October 2, 2001

- Spreadsheet Calculation Program -- for Curves, Angles, Compound Miters and Springback
Free downloadable program(s) in both Excel and MS Works, including illustrations that support the formulas.. August 6, 2002

Black Walnut Desk Top

- Wood species
Information on tree species and their uses. March 20, 2001

"Light" and "dark" veneer bands
Avoiding the "striped" look in veneered ply. November 18, 2002

New Church Altar Implodes In Dry Conditions

Today's Sponsors
  • Lignomat
    Moisture Meters and Monitoring Systems
  • NEMI
    Products For CNC Machines - Digitizers, Tool Setters, Vacuum Pods, Vacuum Cups, Vacuum Tables, Vacuum Chucks and Software
  • Unique Machine & Tool
    Industrial Machinery for Door and Drawer Production
  • Western Dovetail
    Custom Made Dovetail Drawers
  • Carter Products
    Band Saw Guides, Blades, Wheels, Tires, Line Lasers and 2D Projectors, Wide Belt Sanding Accessories, Vacuum Holding Systems and More
    The Ultimate Spoilboard - ULTI-BOARD - Specifically Engineered and Formulated for the Ultimate in Spoilboard Performance - Not Your Ordinary Sheet of MDF.
  • Steve H. Wall Lumber Co.
    Quality Hardwoods and Softwoods, Exotic Wood, Furniture Quality Plywood, and Hardwood Flooring
    Individualized Placement Services, Specializing in Millwork Design Engineers
  • Cab Parts
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  • CabMaster Software
    The Easiest Custom Cabinetry Software
  • 360 Degree Machinery
    Specializing in high end American, European, and select Import woodworking machines.
  • Denray Machine
    Quality Dust Filtration Systems Provided by an Industry Leader in Wood, Metal, and Many Other Dust Control Applications
  • Weinig Group-USA
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