Residue-Free Labels Latest in Tools and Supplies

Hardwood Plywood Grades
Here's a concise explanation of hardwood plywood grades and what they mean. March 26, 2009

Catégories de contreplaqué en bois dur
Voici une brève explication des catégories de contreplaqué de bois dur et de leur signification. 26 mars 2009

A Butt Log Identification Puzzle
Are these logs American Beechnut, Red Elm, Butternut, or what? In this long and detailed thread, sawmillers discuss the characteristics that could be clues. November 16, 2011

Drying lumber - selecting the best method
Is a solar kiln the best choice for this startup sawmill? December 17, 2003

Hardwood Supply and Quality
The U.S. has large and growing stocks of high-quality hardwood timber, and a limitless supply of ungraded rhetoric. August 8, 2006

Analyzing Wood Species, Grain, and Sawing Methods
Here's a long and complex (but very informative) thread that starts off with a wood identification problem, moves into a discussion of wood pore structure, and then takes off on an interesting tangent about quartersawing, flatsawing, and other methods for piecing out a log. March 22, 2013

Flattening boards with a planer
Methods for planing warped wood flat. September 25, 2002

Ordering by the Board Foot
Clearing up the confusion about lumber quantities and unit conversions. April 14, 2005

Wood Drying Conditions and Musical Instrument Sound Quality
Instrument makers, musicians, and sawing and drying pros discuss whether kiln-dried or air-dried wood affect the way a musical instrument sounds. February 14, 2010

Distinguishing Honey Locust and Black Locust
They're both beautiful and valuable woods — here's an extended discussion on how to tell them apart. May 11, 2005

American Chestnut Log Identification
The Woodweb detective team tries to determine if one of the group has found a large American Chestnut log in a firewood pile. March 9, 2010

Sawing utility poles
Is it safe and practical? Advice from those who've done it. August 25, 2003

Is Kiln Drying to 7% Worth It?
Why kiln dry wood to 7% moisture content when it will gain moisture in storage? Here's an informative thread about proper drying targets and storage based on the intended end use of the lumber. December 31, 2013

Dealing with Bowed or Warped Plywood
Warped, bowed, cupped, twisted — these days, plywood seem to lie every which way but flat. Here's a long and somewhat technical discussion of what makes plywood deform, and what can be done about it. December 28, 2005

What Does "Old Growth" Mean
The sawing and drying forum discusses what "old growth" means when used to describe lumber, and what qualities "old growth" wood may or may not have. May 14, 2006

Crack Prevention and Repair for a Large Wood Turning
Here's a long, thoughtful technical discussion of humidity conditions, wood cracking, prevention, and fixes, focused around the case of a very large wood turning that has developed hairline cracks. January 20, 2011

The "Sustainable" Chain of Custody
How can a small shop get certification that its wood is sustainably produced, all the way back to the source? June 30, 2009

Kiln drying for higher profit
Expanding a molding business to include kiln drying poplar. November 18, 2002

Another Wood Identification Conundrum
Another unknown wood gets a close look from the Woodweb detective crew. Could it be Paulownia? January 18, 2012

Quality of Cherry Lumber
Cabinetmakers discuss cherry quality, grading standards, and the market. August 17, 2006

Good species for fence posts
Rot resistance of red oak, white oak and more. February 6, 2002

Mahogany Versus Sapele for an Outdoor Structure
A long discussion about different flavors of Mahogany, their sources and qualities, and how they compare with Sapele for durability and quality. March 26, 2010

Log scale and overrun
Different types of scales, formulas and methods of figuring overrun. January 28, 2002

Why Does Plywood Warp?
An extended technical and practical discussion of dimensional instability in plywood panels. January 20, 2010

Mixing African and Honduras Mahogany
A long discussion of the woodworking characteristics of various Mahogany types and substitutes, and the practicality of combining different woods in a single door. June 29, 2008

Controlling Powderpost Beetles in Stored Lumber
Heat plus good hygeine are the standard recommendations, but this discussion also considers some alternative notions. November 14, 2009

Confusing Lumber Term: "Sap and Better?"
Experts and wood buyers and sellers discuss the meaning of some obscure lumber grading terms — such as "Sap/BTR" for white-wood Maple. April 20, 2011

Cutting crotch wood
Details on the right equipment and techniques to get the job done. March 4, 2002

Aging yellow cedar
Attaining the look of naturally aged yellow cedar. September 2, 2002

Eradicating an Insect Infestation
A load of insect-infested reclaimed wood may have contaminated a whole operation. What to do? April 20, 2011

"Cherry-Picking" Lumber
Is it right to select the pieces you like from a stack of boards and leave the rest for the next person? July 24, 2006

Locust for Window Sashes?
Locust is durable and rot-resistant, but it's not stable or easy to machine — so probably not the best choice for window parts. January 23, 2014

Wood Choice for Reproduction Windows
Spanish Cedar, White Oak, and Cypress are options that come to mind for a durable exterior application. and January 23, 2014

Air-Drying Big Timbers Over Long Time
If you plan to air-dry posts and beams for a period of years, here's advice on stickering, sawing over-size, end-sealing, et cetera. October 26, 2011

Types of Mahogany
Here's a little in-depth info about the various wood species that are labeled "Mahogany." March 13, 2014

Thickness of Rough Lumber
Identifying and sawing for specific dimensions. May 19, 2004

Wood Identification Puzzle: Mahogany or What?
After some wild guesswork, we get the answer from the experts at FPL: not Mahogany, but Makore. August 21, 2012

Certified construction lumber
Laws governing the lumber used in building. December 17, 2002

Another Wood Identification Mystery
The Woodweb detective team works on another wood identification case (probably Maple, this time). March 28, 2010

Conditioning: Relieving those stresses
Try these solutions to a stress-free wood inventory. November 29, 2002

Ripping hardwood straight
Why do ripped pieces come out banana-shaped? July 9, 2002

Straightening Thin Dowels
A woodworker struggles with a crooked dowel problem in a mass production setting. October 1, 2010

Wood Identification Puzzle
Once again, the wood detectives try to identify some boards from pictures. Elm, Hickory, and Ash are the likely suspects. February 15, 2009

Relating Lumber Grade Selection to End Use
Which grade you should buy depends on what you're making. If you're willing to trim, cut, and select, a lower grade may serve your needs well. February 19, 2013

How much time to allow based on thickness and proposed radius of wood. September 23, 2003

A Wood Identification Puzzle
No solid answers for this mixed selection of antique boards, but an interesting lesson from the Wood Doctor on the step-by-step method of identifying wood based on end grain. January 12, 2015

Regaining MC in overdry wood
Is machinability lost when lumber has been overdried, then had moisture put back in? May 17, 2003

Flatsawn to Quartersawn
Cutting both types of lumber. December 17, 2003

Green barn siding
Making board and batten siding from freshly sawn lumber. June 19, 2003

Value of Antique Douglas Fir Beams
Taking a look at some reclaimed timbers, and trying to estimate their worth. March 28, 2010

Distinguishing White Oak from Red
Methods for discerning different oak types. May 19, 2004

Constructing with poplar
Is poplar appropriate for building? February 6, 2002

Cutting "shake" out of logs
What is shake, why does it occur, and how can it be removed? April 29, 2003

Ash, Pine, Bugs, and Borates
More info on the insects that may infest hardwoods and softwoods, and on the use of borate-based controls. December 6, 2009

Storing and Handling Large Volumes of Sawn Lumber
Advice on how to stack and store 20,000 board feet of roughsawn lumber. September 6, 2010

"Water Oak" Versus "Pin Oak"
Locally common names for Oak varieties can cause confusion. Here's a discussion of some Oak tree varieties and some information on their characteristics. February 9, 2008

Sawing "Select" Graded Lumber from Tie Logs
A discussion of grading standards for "select" hardwood lumber, and whether it's a good buy as byproduct from sawing railroad ties. February 4, 2011

Storing Wood in a Subtropical Climate
Thoughts on how to keep air-dried lumber sawn on site from decaying while stored for a season or two — in Nicaragua June 22, 2012

Straight line rip lumber
Is the added time and waste worth what customers will pay? September 23, 2003

Cherry Color After Aging
When cherry shelves are constructed years apart, how dramatic will the color difference be? May 8, 2004

Alternatives to Honduran Mahogany
A discussion of the qualities of some of the woods used as substitutes for Mahogany, plus an attempt to clear up some of the confusion around the much-misused "Mahogany" label. February 5, 2007

Yield Loss in Ripped-One-Edge Lumber
A woodworker who has ordered a delivery of random length and width wood ripped on one edge and surfaced on two sides wants to know how much wood he can really expect to get. April 27, 2007

Guess the Wood
Another wood identification mystery leaves the Woodweb forum guessing. What species is this highly figured, iridescent, almost glowing orange/yellow burl in a unique table. April 20, 2011

Estimating board footage
Most accurate and most accepted methods of figuring BF for lumber. December 17, 2002

"China Cedar" -- What Is It?
"China Cedar" is a separate species grown in the Far East. However, Cedar logs from America do get sent to China and come back to North America as lumber, complicating the picture. December 30, 2007

Lumber "Shrinkage Fee"
Upcharges to compensate for lumber shrinkage are improper, say the experts (and the rules). August 29, 2005

Claro Walnut Characteristics
Details on the origin and behavior of Claro Walnut wood. October 23, 2007

Cleaning and Deodorizing Urine-Contaminated Wood
Advice on how to handle old lumber wood salvaged from storage, which appears to have been "soiled" by raccoons. 16, 2014

Quality Issues with Rift Sawn White Oak
Sawing methods affect the presence of visible rays or fleck — but how much fleck is acceptable? March 4, 2006

Do I Have White or Red Oak?
Woodweb wood detectives take on another case. April 30, 2009

Sawing to Prevent Tapered Logs
Making the proper cuts in the right order, to produce flat, quality lumber. May 11, 2005

Is Western Hemlock Suitable for Doors and Window Sash?
A discussion of the properties and best use of Hemlock. September 7, 2013

Qualities of Ironwood (Also Called "Hornbeam")
"American Hornbeam" and "Hop Hornbeam" are hard and strong, especially well suited for tool handles and timber-frame pegs. May 14, 2006

Arborvitae Lumber
A discussion of the likely lumber characteristics of a yard tree described as Arborvitae. May 18, 2010

Showing Off Some Curly Maple
A bandmill operator shares photos of a huge curly maple log, before and after sawing. December 15, 2005

Dollar Value of a Walnut Burl
Walnut burls are extremely rare, but that does not mean they're worth money: the proof is in the sawing.October 26, 2011

Is storing cants feasible?
Can large cants be stored until an order for custom-cut lumber is received? February 19, 2002

10,000-Year-Old Mystery Wood
Sawmillers try to guess the species of wood recovered after thousands of years buried in the mud. November 13, 2005

Identifying the Wood Species for an Antique Chair
April 18, 2010

Oak, Gum or Tupelo?
Another wood identification problem. January 29, 2009

Converting Board Feet to Metric Units
You do the math... March 26, 2010

Moisture variance in red oak
Basic drying procedures and a discussion of bacteria in red oak. February 13, 2001

Choosing Wood for an Exterior Door
What species will provide good looks and durability? Craftsman trade opinions. July 2, 2005

Worm Holes and Lumber Grading
Bug holes aren't a lumber defect in everybody's eyes — it all depends on your market. Here's some info about how grading standards account for insect damage. December 9, 2010

Sapwood and heartwood
Questions on sapwood and heartwood of pecan and hickory, and how-to instructions for quartersawing. April 4, 2001

Dehumidifiers and Lumber Storage
A dehumidifier in the storage room will keep lumber at the proper moisture content, and will do no harm. December 6, 2012

Identifying an Oak Log
but what does it smell like? February 14, 2006

White Pine for Stick Framing
A few facts about the standards relating to the use of White Pine as house framing lumber. November 3, 2010

Reconciling Contradictory Moisture Readings
A pin-type moisture meter and a pinless moisture meter disagree during a quality-control check. What's going on? June 16, 2014

Wood I.D. Puzzle
Another guessing game about wood species — this time, a hurricane-downed log from south Texas. April 18, 2009

What the Heck is "Honduran Black Walnut"?
Woodweb pros discuss the opportunities, risks, and unknowns inherent in buying lumber from foreign sources at arm's length. September 7, 2013

Recognizing a Big-Leaf Maple Burl
This big burl, received as a gift, is identified as the western species Big-Leaf Maple by woodworkers familiar with that wood. December 23, 2014

Re-Drying Wood from Outdoor Storage
Advice on how to best restore wood to useability after it has been left partially exposed to weather in a shed. January 18, 2011

"Shop-Dried" Versus "Air-Dried" Lumber
A discussion of the quality and value of hardwoods that have been stacked and dried in a dry indoor area, but not in a kiln. March 26, 2013

Sawing and drying mesquite
Dealing with many-trunked mesquite trees. February 6, 2002

Ways to Estimate or Calculate Board Feet
Rule of thumb gets you pretty close, and even methods involving careful measurement are susceptible to basic arithmetic errors. January 11, 2007

Obtaining a Supplier Response -- by Writing an Effective Product Specification
Buying and Selling Wood on the Internet: Part 2 March 14, 2002

Square foot vs board foot
Defining the difference. October 2, 2001

Working with Ash
Beautiful and easy to work, ash also ages well. Fans discuss ash and its virtues in this thread from the Architectural Woodworking forum. November 9, 2005

Alternatives to Cumaru for Cabinet Work
A client want cabinets made with Cumaru, a Brazilian hardwood. But the cabinetmaker is looking for a more practical species to substitute. Here are a few ideas. December 31, 2012

Defining Quarter-Sawn and Rift-Sawn
There are both formal and informal definitions for "quarter-sawn" lumber. Here, cabinetmakers and the Wood Doctor discuss the fine points. July 5, 2006

Quartersawn Cherry Appearance
Opinions vary on whether quarter-sawing brings out the best in Cherry. June 17, 2009

A "Green" Finish for a Cuban Mahogany Bench
Thoughts on the meaning of environmental correctness for clear wood finishes, and some interesting history about Cuban Mahogany, a nearly-extinct wood that is making a comeback. March 4, 2009

Sawing Dawn Redwood
A discussion of the characteristics of lumber sawn from Dawn Redwood. March 28, 2010

Characteristics of Utile Wood
Expert info on that exotic African wood known as Utile. October 23, 2007

Wood Species for Exterior Projects
Suggested wood choices for a set of garage doors. March 18, 2006

Clear face in a log
Clear face, cat face and trim, defined. March 4, 2002

Dollar Value of Spalted Wood
Pricing varies widely for spalted lumber, based on subjective factors. January 18, 2011

Minimum Sticker Thickness
How thin can stickers be in order to maximize kiln capacity without creating drying problems? May 11, 2005

Long-Term Storage of Air-Dried Lumber
Air-dried lumber left in drying stacks for long periods without kiln-drying is at high risk for insect damage and spoilage. June 18, 2010

Keeping Plywood Flat
Pros discuss causes, cures, and prevention of warping in plywood. July 9, 2005

Moisture Content of Western Red Cedar
A stable wood that is typically serves exterior uses, Western Red Cedar is usually delivered at about 12% moisture content. But you can find it drier than that. July 28, 2006

Is Tropical Wood Quality Slipping?
Writing a detailed spec for the desired quality can help you get the lumber quality you need. October 14, 2009

Wax to Seal Turning Blocks
Thoughts on selecting and applying wax to preserve turning blocks during storage. February 8, 2008

Lumber Storage After Kiln Drying
Advice on storing kiln-dried wood in the proper humidity conditions. November 14, 2009

Mahogany Supply and Varieties
More info on what "Mahogany" really means, and information on the availability of various types. April 6, 2007

Showing Off Sycamore
Sawing and drying pros show photos of sycamore (quartersawn, spalted, and clean-shaven). February 14, 2006

Wood Identification Problem (Western Walnut)
Sawmillers discuss the differences among Eastern and Western varieties of Walnut (and Butternut). January 2, 2012

Vacuum Dried Red Oak
Achieving quality and color. May 19, 2004

Osage Orange Uses
Osage Orange is prized for traditional bow-making and other valued uses. April 18, 2009

American Chestnut Versus Chinese Chestnut
A discussion of the American Chestnut and the Chinese Chestnut, with regard to wood appearance and blight resistance. May 16, 2008

Will Stacked Lumber Gain or Lose Moisture?
Lumber in storage may gain or lose moisture, but very slowly. Wrapping the pile in plastic will slow or stop the moisture change. March 29, 2006

Red Oak or White Oak?
More info on a question that comes up often. October 12, 2007

Tips for creating spalted maple
Creating spalted lumber by creating the correct conditions. January 4, 2001

Working with hickory
How to get around the difficult machining characteristics of hickory. July 24, 2001

Northern Versus Southern Red Oak
The characteristics of Oak vary from North to South. Here's more. April 15, 2013

Stickers for green lumber
Where do sawyers get their stickers? November 7, 2001

Red Oak, White Oak, Black Oak, and More
but there's more to the story than that. This thread offers a few little-known facts about oak varieties. June 20, 2005

Identifying Black Locust
A woodturner tries to figure out if the wood he's using is Black Locust. February 15, 2009

Uses for Yellow Poplar
Yellow Poplar makes excellent paint-grade cabinetry and trim, and can even be stained to resemble Cherry. April 27, 2007

Common Names for Tropical Woods
Woodworkers help compile an extensive list of common names for Central American wood species. February 15, 2009

Telling Red Pine from White Pine Logs
Branch whorls aren't much help, but compare early and late wood growth. February 26, 2005

Rays and Flecks in Oak
Advice on how to select Oak with or without ray and fleck figure. September 30, 2009

Managing Fungus on Cedar
Advice on handling and cleaning a Cedar slab that wasn't properly dried and now harbors fungus. October 19, 2014

Converting Cubic Meters to Board Feet
The math isn't hard, but there are a few fine points. June 12, 2014

Eastern White Pine Wood Identification Puzzle
Based on that gnarly knot and the back story, it's most likely Eastern White Pine. July 11, 2013

Sunlight and a Cherry Entry Door
Cherry is a problematic wood for any exterior use, because it is known to first darken, then bleach, from exposure to sunlight. April 24, 2006

Recreating the Look of Rough-Sawn Lumber
Finding or creating rough-sawn lumber for rustic cabinetry. August 31, 2009

Working with Ebony
Ebony is a difficult material to source, and quality varies. January 20, 2011

Air-dried lumber
Is it air-dried cherry acceptable for furnituremaking? March 20, 2001

Sourcing Knotty Cherry Lumber
A discussion of knots, character, grading standards, and how to find Cherry that looks interesting. August 31, 2010

Deodar Cedar -- What's It Good For?
A little information but few answers about an ornamental Cedar variety that sometimes finds its way to a sawmill. December 30, 2007

Quality of Southern Grown Oak
Though slightly different from northern wood, it's suitable for furniture. July 12, 2005

Net measure vs. gross measure
If you're not careful, gross measure may mean shrinking profits. February 12, 2001

Characteristics and Value of Catalpa Wood
Catalpa makes beautiful furniture, as these examples show. February 3, 2011

Worm Holes in Mahogany
Worm holes aren't always considered as a defect in Mahogany, but they do leave you wondering whether the critters will come back. July 30, 2007

Slippery kiln-dried wood
What could make dried wood so slippery that it is difficult to machine? August 12, 2001

Evaluating a Shed Full of Boards
Advice on a sensible cash offer for a load of Oak that has been in dry storage for 16 years. April 24, 2014

Is Cedar an Insect Repellent?
Including Cedar in a stack of sawn wood will not keep bugs away, the Wood Doctor explains. July 11, 2013

Substitutes for Mahogany Veneer
Maple and birch have different grain structure from mahogany, but some sustainably harvested tropical species may come closer. May 28, 2006

Moisture Regain in Dried Lumber
Should lumber be end-painted after it's been dried? May 11, 2005

Telling Hard and Soft Maple Apart
The two types of maple have different densities and different end grain appearance. There's also a chemical test. December 6, 2006

Treated Cypress Options
A discussion of surface coatings, preservative treatments, and natural decay resistance of Cypress used for outdoor shutters. July 12, 2008

Comparing Tropical Woods for Use in Outdoor Furniture
Utile, Sapele, and Ipe compared and contrasted. Which works better for exterior furniture? June 13, 2011

Wood-Core MDF Panels
A quick look at the pros and cons of panels with plywood cores and MDF skins. April 22, 2014

Cottonwood: O.K. for rafters?
Is cottonwood appropriate for the structural parts of a building? January 31, 2001

Identifying a Burl
Several votes for Bigleaf Maple, and one for Buckeye, in this show-and-tell of an interesting burl destined to become a tabletop. October 19, 2013

Distinguishing Hard and Soft Maple Under a Hand Lens
Distinctive ray patterns set hard and soft maple apart. October 4, 2007

Storing Kiln-Dried Wood Outside
Wrap tightly in plastic and protect from rain. January 17, 2011

Storing Wood in a Closed Container
Keeping the wood dry and controlling pests. February 26, 2005

It's Not Cherry — What Is It?
Experts try to identify a log that was purchased as Cherry, but is really something else. October 29, 2008

Moisture content for exterior doors
Determining the appropriate MC for lumber that will be exposed to vastly different humidity levels. November 14, 2001

Distinguishing Western Hemlock from Amabilis Fir
Tips on how to tell apart two very similar trees. April 20, 2006

Another Case for the Wood Detectives
Woodweb's tree identification team is never afraid to tackle another gnarly log. January 29, 2009

Stored Lumber, Ambient Moisture, and Lumber Moisture Content Changes
Kiln-dried lumber stored in a non-conditioned space will equilibrate with the natural relative humidity conditions of the ambient air. April 21, 2011

Usefulness of Gum Wood
Which variety is this, and what's it good for? February 26, 2005

Resources for Southern Tree Identification
How to find information on identifying trees in Louisiana and vicinity. March 3, 2006

Dry Kiln Operator's Manual
A publication of the Forest Products Laboratory. August 22, 2003

Woods that Match Well with Natural Pine
Thoughts on wood species that pair well visually with Pine. October 1, 2010

Cedar and Cypress Aromas
Different fragrant woods have different subjective aromas that make up part of their usefulness. June 15, 2014

"False Acacia" (a.k.a. Black Locust)
Black Locust is known in Europe as "False Acacia." Here's some info about the species and the lumber. October 15, 2010

Equilibrium Moisture Content and Geographic Location
Here's info on how to estimate the expected moisture content of wood in the outdoor environment in different regions of the country. July 18, 2013

Shipping Dry Wood in a Green-Lumber Crate
If the dry stock is wrapped in plastic, it should be fine. February 8, 2008

Wood Identification Tips
Chemical tests don't work for most species, and identifying by eye takes practice. October 8, 2005

Availability of Eastern Red Cedar
Cedar is fast-growing and plentiful. June 14, 2014

Marine Plywood Versus Interior Plywood
Brief explanation of the differences between interior, exterior, and marine plywood. November 10, 2006

Will Ocean Shipping Damage Teak?
A sawmiller worries that a load of teak he has ordered from a South American supplier may suffer mold damage en route. The feedback indicates he should relax. December 1, 2005

Moisture Absorbers for Protecting Wood?
In an unsealed space, a moisture absorber won't help keep wood dry. December 11, 2007

Straightening Old Bowed Floor Joists
Overloaded wood deforms over time (it's called "creep"). There's no quick way to reverse the process. December 1, 2005

Ironing Plywood
A cabinetmaker has success straightening out bowed plywood with a hot iron. December 28, 2005

Rate of Wood Moisture Gain from Ambient Humidity
How long will it take for furniture stored in an unconditioned warehouse to equilibrate with the ambient moisture conditions? April 18, 2010

Cottonwood Facts
An assortment of trivia about an under-appreciated wood species. October 2, 2005

Identifying Birch in Lumber Form
How to see through the various brand names applied to birch lumber. January 20, 2010

Storing Wood in an Unheated Building
Is kiln-dried lumber that has been sitting in an unheated shed still dry enough to use? November 27, 2006

Waste factors in floor manufacturing
The amount of wood wasted from rough to finished flooring may surprise you. January 24, 2001

"Mahogany" — One Name, Many Species
Here's a rundown on the official species names of the many different trees whose wood is sold as "mahogany".March 29, 2006

Telling Basswood from Cottonwood
A few clues that are useful in distinguishing Basswood from Cottonwood. June 14, 2014

Quartersawn and flatsawn: What's the difference?
Distinguishing between quartersawn and flatsawn lumber. January 16, 2001

Shipping Green Lumber
Pros discuss the risks involved in shipping green lumber, including uneven drying and moisture damage. December 1, 2005

Setting the pitch
The why and how of setting the pitch in heart pine. October 15, 2001

Eastern White Pine for Construction
Framing lumber, trim, and flooring can all be made from White Pine. January 8, 2010

Different Kinds of Cedar
A quick run-through of the various tree species commonly referred to as "Cedar". January 19, 2012

Water Damage to Glued Cherry
Glued-up wide Cherry boards got rained on. What's the best hope for salvage? January 18, 2011

Sawing crotchwood
Obtaining the best figured wood. September 2, 2002

What is the Hardest Wood on Earth?
Trivia for wood lovers. There is some hard wood out there, people. April 11, 2008

Defining the Term "Board"
Boards, flitches, and cants - here's how to keep 'em straight. February 26, 2005

Checking of Dry Lumber
Checking occurs when the wood is very wet. Checking that appears in lumber purchased as kiln-dried is a defect. December 8, 2012

What is "fuming"?
Explanations of the process of fuming wood for color. April 11, 2001

Identifying Old Pine Planks
The Woodweb crew checks out some photos of what is probably Southern Yellow Pine, and possibly Longleaf Pine. September 6, 2010

Comparing Sapele to Mahogany
Woodworkers discuss the visual appearance and working characteristics of Sapele wood. April 9, 2008

Qualities and Uses for Sweet Gum
A small sawmiller sees his first load of Gum wood, and gets advice about its value and how to handle it. June 22, 2005

Identifying Pignut Hickory
Forum members identify Pignut Hickory by looking at photos of the leaves, stems, and bark. November 28, 2014

Facts about Tulip Wood
Most "Tulip" is a variety of Poplar, and it can have interesting traits. October 2, 2005

Identifying Pecan vs. Hickory
Pecan is hard to tell apart from Hickory. April 15, 2012

Iroko Wood Tearout
This tropical hardwood (a good substitute for teak) can be tough on saw blades and moulder knives. December 1, 2005

Redrying 4/4 Hard Maple
Tips for re-drying a load of wood that got wetted by rain, without incurring damage. December 31, 2013

Sterilizing Lumber
Definition and methods of sterilizing lumber

Equilibrium Moisture Content of Wood -- in Outdoor Locations in the United States and Worldwide
An FPL article in PDF format

Temperature Versus Relative Humidity
Links to curves that plot the relationship. February 26, 2005

Estimates of Air Drying Times -- for Several Hardwoods and Softwoods
An FPL article in PDF format

Curly White Oak
Sawyers show off examples of figured white oak. December 1, 2005

Understanding the Term "Dote"
"Dote" refers to a minor, localized form of wood decay. May 18, 2010

A rubberwood primer
Rubberwood's machinability and comparability to teak. January 31, 2001

Identifying "Diamond Willow"
Woodweb members recognize the unique shape of "diamond willow." Here's a photo. February 1, 2015

Determining Wood EMC -- (Equilibrium Moisture Content)
How to calculate and establish EMC. From the Forest Products Laboratory. February 16, 2004

Low-Acid Wood Species?
All wood and sawdust tends to be acidic, but some varieties are milder than others. August 1, 2011

Durability of Locust Varieties
Black locust is the same as yellow locust, and it's more durable than honey locust. December 1, 2005

Wood-Mizer Custom Cutting Tally Sheet -- and Lumber Contract
September 9, 2004

Using a moisture meter
How and where to use a moisture meter. November 14, 2001

Clickable Tree Species Map
Locate tree species by hardiness zone, state or province. December 18, 2002

Uses for Hackberry Wood
don't toss those hackberry logs. February 14, 2006

Defining "Cedro Arana" Wood
More information about an unfamiliar tropical wood species, Cedro Arana. September 19, 2009

Tree identification guide
Recommended resources for identifying the trees in your region. February 28, 2001

Tiger stripe effect -- what causes it?
What causes tiger stripe in wood? July 3, 2001

Exterior Performance of Balau Wood
Here's a little information on Balau, a durable Southeast Asian tropical hardwood. October 19, 2013

Selling Basswood to Carvers
Woodcarvers pay good money for Basswood in the right size and condition. February 3, 2011

Drying Hardwood Lumber
A publication from the Forest Products Laboratory. August 22, 2003

Carob Wood
This short thread is worth a glance just for the photo of sawn Carob logs. January 25, 2010

Black locust uses
The best uses of black locust, then and now. January 4, 2001

Processing trees to lumber -- for the hobbyist
A primer on sawing and drying lumber for projects at home. March 13, 2001

Black Locust Timbers For Fence and Gate Posts
A long discussion of Black Locust as a utility wood. October 1, 2009

Hiring a timber consultant
When selling your woodlot, who should you enlist for help with all the choices you'll need to make? August 12, 2001

Home DH for drying lumber
Home dehumidifiers versus bought kilns for drying wood. September 2, 2002

Budget Alternatives to Teak
A search for "poor man's Teak" evolves into a discussion of customers, their tastes and motivations. December 30, 2005

Plywood Quality Issues
An in-depth discussion of quality concerns regarding hardwood plywood, with details on the way various plywood flavors are put together. December 30, 2005

Pecan vs. Hickory
A wealth of information on these two very closely related wood species. July 5, 2006

Poplar Siding
Advice on using locally sawn Poplar as siding for a house addition. February 14, 2010

How to move logs
Creative and practical ways of loading, unloading and transporting logs. Illustrated. (Sawing and Drying Forum) March 23, 2003

Picket Fence Lumber Selection
A discussion comparing the pros and cons of treated wood, second growth Cedar, and other wood species for use in a fence. December 1, 2010

Hard vs. soft maple
Can these maples be mixed, and what are the differences? January 21, 2002

How to quartersaw
Sawyers share details and pictures of their preferred methods. May 17, 2003

Plain Sliced Alder Plywood Characteristics
Cabinetmakers advise on what to expect from sliced-veneer Alder plywood. June 3, 2007

Board-Foot Lumber Measurement Confusion
A woodworker tries to figure out how to make sure he's ordering and getting the amount of wood he actually needs. January 20, 2010

Buying Lumber at Auction
Tips on assessing the quality of air-dried hardwood up for sale at a small auction. October 3, 2009

Humidity, Moisture Content, and Lumber Storage
Lumber moisture content equilibrates to ambient relative humidity. Here are details. December 9, 2010

Plywood Cupping and Moisture Content
Check panel moisture content when you receive it, advises the Wood Doctor. April 16, 2009

Plywood Inconsistencies
Advice on shopping for cabinet-grade plywood with a consistent thickness. October 13, 2010

Plywood Quality Issues Revisited
Cabinetmakers discuss trends in plywood quality. September 7, 2006

Bacterial Action in Wood
Temperature and the availability of oxygen help determine which sort of bacteria can thrive in wood, and therefore how the infected wood might smell. January 27, 2007

Powderpost Beetles in Furniture
Pinholes and powder are a dead giveaway of a beetle infestation. Here are some facts about the bugs and how to handle them. February 19, 2006

Powderpost beetles in hardwood beams
Is there any way to get rid of powderpost beetles riddling oak beams with holes? November 7, 2001

Plywood and Lumber for Boat-Building
Thoughts on suitable wooden boat construction materials, and where to get them. May 23, 2007

Parenchyma Cell Rings and Wood Grain
Info about parynchyma cell rings, a structure similar to growth rings that can affect the appearance of sawn lumber. October 1, 2009

Powder Post Beetles in Plywood
Amazingly, the bugs are not killed by plywood manufacturing methods, and can lurk inside plywood for years. October 27, 2011

Purchasing kiln-dried lumber
Getting the quality and MC level you need . January 16, 2002

Pecan Versus Hickory Wood
What's the difference? The tree species are from related groups, and the wood is often considered interchangeable. April 24, 2006

Birch Varieties Explained
The Wood Doctor lists the various species of Birch tree in North America and relates them to lumber for sale on the market. July 12, 2013

Building with Urban Trees
Harvesting and utilizing wood which would otherwise end up in the landfill. February 28, 2004

Burmese Versus Plantation Teak
A quick discussion of Asian and South American varieties of wood marketed as "Teak" July 13, 2010

Heart pine, defined
Forum contributors define heart pine discuss differences between heartwood, sapwood and pith. August 12, 2001

Protecting Fresh Wood from Bugs
Chemical means have drawbacks and are not very effective. So good drying and careful hygeine in the the yard are your best methods for keeping wood bug-free. April 20, 2011

Blue Stain and Wood Grade
Stain is a defect in wood, and lowers its grade.April 18, 2010

Positioning an Edger and Sawmill
Situating your two-man sawmill setup for optimum efficiency. May 11, 2005

Hard Versus Soft Maple
Quick basic info on hard and soft Maple. September 27, 2009

Pith Centering in Cabin "D" Logs
A sawyer wonders how best to avoid distortion as he produces wall logs for a cabin project. February 26, 2005

Harmful saw dust
Steering clear of cedar dust, and what could happen if you don't. January 16, 2001

Black Cherry, Choke Cherry, Pin Cherry
What people call "cherry" is not all the same, or all equally valuable. November 18, 2006

How to Tell Black Oak from Cherry
Black Oak and Cherry have similarities and differences. June 14, 2014

Basic lumber grades
An overview of NHLA grades. October 15, 2001

Hemlock for Board and Batten Siding
Hemlock weathers to a nice gray, and holds up well as siding. October 14, 2008

Pallet Equipment
Basic info on pallet-making machinery. November 12, 2008

Borer holes in oak timbers
Which creepy-crawlies caused those holes in structural members of an oak timber-frame building? January 16, 2001

Moisture content oven tests
Microwave ovens versus drying ovens for MC testing. October 30, 2002

De-Nailing Salvaged Antique Floor Joists
There's no magic bullet for pulling hard old cut nails from antique hardwood floor joists — but there are lots of techniques. February 14, 2010

Maximizing Lumber from a Log
Can quartersawing produce as much usable lumber as one company claims? January 29, 2004

Toxicity of Black Locust
The leaves, bark and wood of Black Locust are poisonous to both people and livestock. March 31, 2008

Comment distinguer le contreplaqué d'érable du contreplaqué de bouleau
Transformées en contreplaqué, les deux espèces se ressemblent. Voici quelques conseils pour les différencier. 11 janvier 2007

Mahogany Color Match Conundrum
Cut one stick in two pieces, and the pieces won't match. Whattayagonna do? April 16, 2009

How to Tell Maple Plywood from Birch
Made into plywood, the two species look similar. Here are tips on telling them apart. January 11, 2007

Milling Valley Oak
Advice on getting some value out of a bodacious tree trunk from the hills outside San Francisco. January 17, 2011

Cottonwood for horse stalls
Is this a suitable species? September 25, 2002

Lumber Storage Area Advice
Warm and dry are the desired characteristics. Here are some tips. May 21, 2009

Ai-je du chêne blanc ou rouge ?
Les détectives Woodweb s'attaquent à une nouvelle affaire. 30 avril 2009

Des bois qui s'accordent bien avec le pin naturel
Réflexions sur les essences de bois qui s'associent bien visuellement au pin. 1er octobre 2010

Converting Board Foot Pricing to Lineal Foot Pricing
Let's run through the arithmetic one more time. April 20, 2006

Conversion du prix au pied-planche en prix au pied linéaire
Reprenons les calculs. 20 avril 2006

Problèmes avec le contreplaqué chinois
Les ébénistes signalent des problèmes de qualité et de performance généralisés avec le contreplaqué de bois dur importé de Chine. 22 mai 2007

Problems with Chinese Plywood
Cabinetmakers report widespread quality and performance problems with hardwood plywood imported from China. May 22, 2007

Devinez à nouveau le bois
Je regarde un coffre en bois et j'essaie de deviner l'espèce. (Ce n'est pas du noyer.) 20 avril 2011

Guess the Wood Again
Eyeballing a wooden chest and trying to guess the species. (It's not Walnut.) April 20, 2011

Laminating Curved Beams
Woodworkers approach the puzzle of creating structural porch beams that curve in the horizontal dimension. April 24, 2006

Uses for Basswood
Basswood is a little soft for use as trim, but excellent for carving. March 18, 2006

Keeping Wood Dry in Storage
How much heat is needed to keep stored lumber dry indoors? December 6, 2011

Travailler le bois d'Iroko
On l'appelle parfois « teck africain », mais l'iroko n'est pas du teck et ne se comporte pas comme du teck. 7 mai 2007

Working with Iroko Wood
It's sometimes called "African Teak," but Iroko is not Teak, and does not act like Teak. May 7, 2007

Distinguer le chêne rouge du chêne blanc à l'aide de la chimie
Le nitrite de sodium décolore le chêne blanc, mais pas le chêne rouge. Regardez la photo. 14 janvier 2009

Distinguishing Red Oak from White Oak Using Chemistry
Sodium nitrite discolors white oak, but not red oak. Check out the picture. January 14, 2009

Utilisations du robinier faux-acacia
Les meilleures utilisations du robinier faux-acacia, hier et aujourd'hui. 4 janvier 2001

Construire avec du peuplier
Le peuplier est-il un matériau approprié pour la construction ? 6 février 2002

Utilizing Municipal Trees -- Ideas from Across the Country
How municipal tree removals are being utilized for traditional wood products. May 26, 2002

Chip-free dovetailing in plywood
Building dovetailed plywood drawers without chipping; European and American approaches. April 24, 2002

Cutting and drying beveled siding
Producing beveled siding from green lumber, with special attention to the drying process. June 24, 2001

Recycled barn wood
Processing and marketing reclaimed lumber. September 23, 2003

Framing Lumber for Planting Boxes
A discussion of treated wood, naturally rot-resistant lumber, outdoor exposures, and pests. April 14, 2010

Chinese Plywood
Cabinetmakers complain about the quality of hardwood plywood imported from China. April 13, 2012

What is value added?
Forum participants give technical and personal definitions. April 2, 2002

Setting up a milling business
How much land, what equipment is needed, and in what order, for a startup sawmill. April 24, 2002

Delamination of Bending Plywood
Construction methods don't appear to be the problem in this example. More likely is a manufacturing quality issue. February 13, 2013

Using Wood in Raised Garden Beds
What kind of wood (if any) is suitable for garden beds? November 28, 2006

Durability of Eastern Red Cedar
Short answer: it's the heartwood that is rot-resistant. But you'll learn more than that from this discussion. April 11, 2008

Wood Handbook -- Wood as an Engineering Material
Information on engineering with wood, properties of wood and designing with wood. September 28, 2002

Red Alder Pros and Cons -- Pricing, Availability, Usefulness
Pros discuss the cost, availability, and characteristics of Red Alder solid stock and sheet goods. February 25, 2005

Markups on Building Materials
Lumberyards charge low markups on basics like wood and drywall, but high markups on accessories, tools, paint, et cetera. June 11, 2012

Why is Walnut Purple Sometimes?
The purple color of some Walnut boards is natural. Here's more background with comments and observations from woodworkers. February 16, 2014

Static charge on wood
Troubleshooting and resolving static problems on freshly planed boards. October 9, 2002

Lumber Choices for a Chocolate Brown Finish
Finishers discuss what wood species to start with when a deep brown color is the ultimate goal. July 11, 2009

Finger-Jointed Wood from 2x Scrap
A discussion about the practicality of turning off-cuts into useable studs by finger-jointing. July 30, 2007

Vertical Siding
Types of siding for "old barn" look. August 9, 2004

Mortising fenceposts
A few methods for cutting holes in split rail fencing. July 29, 2003

Firewood kiln
Methods and facilities used to dry firewood. November 26, 2001

Vomit-Like Odor of Bacterially Infected Wood
When cabinets or wood smell like vomit, a likely culprit is bacterial infections in the trees the wood was made from. Unfortunately, there is no known fix. April 20, 2008

Using Beech to Build Cabinets
It's a beautiful wood, but is American Beech too unstable for cabinets? Not necessarily, say those who've tried it. August 21, 2006

Installation Tips for Board and Batten Siding
Nail location is important. November 28, 2006

Truing-up rough wood
Planers will not remove the bow from rough stock; jointing is required before boards can be properly thicknessed. February 13, 2001

Salvaging painted heart pine
Ideas for removing lead paint and nails from heart pine beams. August 12, 2001

Converting log volume scales
When sellers and buyers want numbers in different scales, how do you come up with the calculations? July 22, 2003

Yellow Cedar Characteristics
Not a true Cedar, Yellow Cedar grows mainly on the northern Pacific coast of North America. Here is some info about its useful properties. April 2, 2013

Dropping your lumber prices -- and why not
Why do customers expect a local sawmill's prices to be lower than the lumberyard's? February 13, 2001

Digger Pine: Is it Useful?
Well ... maybe for firewood (outdoors). July 3, 2008

Selling Hardwood on the Side
A furniture and cabinet maker is considering a small-scale side business selling lumber, and gets advice on where the market is. November 10, 2005

Working with Red Birch
Red Birch is the heartwood of Yellow Birch. Here are tips on how it behaves. August 15, 2006

A retail lumber business?
Tips for success in a start-up sawmill-to-retail business. January 16, 2001

Drying Schedule for 8/4 Walnut
Be careful when drying thick Walnut — drying too fast can damage the wood. January 14, 2013

Gene's value-added hints
A bit of wisdom on adding value to your wood products, from Professor Gene Wengert. April 2, 2002

Monkey Pod Wood
Here's a little information on Monkey Pod wood, also sometimes called just "Monkey Wood."February 25, 2009

Working with Balau Wood
A dense, durable tropical hardwood that is rough on blades, Balau is good for outdoor features such as decks. April 4, 2011

Working with Zebrawood
Tips on working with this interesting (but stinky) wood species. October 25, 2006

Aspen Wood for Cabinets
It's soft, it's fuzzy, and it takes finish unevenly. Hmm... August 29, 2006

Mahogany Honeycombing Defect
Honeycombing that appears after planing is typically a drying defect — similar to end checking, but different. April 17, 2009

Converting MBF Price to Cubic Meter Price
Converting prices and converting volume aren't quite the same process. Here's a discussion. January 31, 2012

Five value-added approaches
Professor Gene Wengert presents ideas on adding value to your wood products. April 2, 2002

How Stable is Lyptus Wood?
Lyptus has a reputation for lots of shrinkage and twisting. March 20, 2012

Gang rip yields
Determining the factors which influence optimal yields. June 13, 2001

Dovetailing plywood
Successfully dovetailing baltic birch plywood. March 20, 2001

Sweet Gum to Frame a Workshop?
Construction may not be the best use for Sweet Gum: its beauty exceeds its durability. October 3, 2009

Substitutes for Cherry MDF
There are more economical choices when grain is not an issue. May 10, 2005

Getting a charge from melamine
How to mitigate the creation and transmission of static electricity during the handling thermofused melamine. April 2, 2002

Experiences shipping lumber
Determining the costs and problems of shipping lumber through UPS or other service. January 16, 2002

Machining Alder on a Moulder
Characteristics of Alder that affect its machinability and performance. April 30, 2009

Uses for Juniper
Complex knot patterns make Juniper wood beautiful, but challenging to work. September 14, 2006

Finishing aromatic cedar -- don't do it!
Is it possible to finish a cedar ceiling, yet preserve the color and aroma? March 20, 2001

Afromosia Versus Teak for Exterior Use
A look at Afromosia as a Teak substitute. March 26, 2010

Steam bending wood
Information resources on how to steam bend wood. January 24, 2001

-- Architectural Woodworking Forum -- Moisture Effects on Wood (Video)
Wood Doctor Gene Wengert explains in detail about the ways moisture affects wood, in a seven-part YouTube video series. December 31, 2012

Black Locust as a Utility Pole
Thoughts on whether to dry a Black Locust pole before burying the end, and related issues. March 28, 2010

Home-built solar kiln
Fully illustrated details of a solar dry kiln. May 5, 2003

Blue Stain in Pine
How big a concern is blue surface stain on softwood? June 12, 2006

Hard maple versus soft Maple
Aesthetic and functional differences between hard and soft maple

Building Cabinets with Lyptus
Cabinetmakers discuss the machining qualities and other characteristics of Lyptus (Eucalyptus) wood, and its suitability for cabinet construction. April 6, 2007

Poplar Is a Hardwood, but Is It Hard?
As a deciduous tree, Poplar is classified as a hardwood. Here's some hard info about just how hard it is (or isn't).November 15, 2011

Lumber Tally: Rough Versus Milled
When you buy dressed lumber, the quantity is tallied based on the rough board footage, before milling. The "rip-off" percentage can sometimes confuse the buyer. September 27, 2012

Setting Pitch in Douglas Fir
Temperature and time for setting pitch. February 28, 2004

CNC feed rates for melamine
Concerns on purchasing a CNC router and software for cutting melamine. August 12, 2001

Chip-free cutting of composite panels
Consider these factors when striving for chip-free cuts in composite panels. February 13, 2001

Clear Alder Versus European Beech
A cabinetmaker who finds that clear Alder looks good, but scratches too easily, discovers a satisfying alternative: European Beech. April 9, 2008

- Wood species
Information on tree species and their uses. March 20, 2001

Using Lyptus
Here's a detailed thread on woodworker experiences using Lyptus wood. April 20, 2008

Tinting body filler -- it can be done!
Searching out an epoxy filler that can be color-mixed, for filling large knot holes. March 20, 2001

"Light" and "dark" veneer bands
Avoiding the "striped" look in veneered ply. November 18, 2002

Teinter le mastic de carrosserie :
Recherche d'un enduit époxy pouvant être mélangé aux couleurs, pour combler les gros trous de nœuds. 20 mars 2001

Travailler en toute sécurité avec l'ipé
La poussière et les huiles du bois d'ipé sont allergènes et toxiques. Vous devez porter un équipement de protection individuelle sérieux si vous travaillez avec l'ipé. Voici plus d'informations. 16 mai 2008

Working Safely with Ipe
Dust and oils from Ipe wood are allergenic and toxic. You need serious personal protective gear if you work with Ipe. Here's more info. May 16, 2008

Another Wood Identification Puzzle
Sycamore? Beech? Mulberry? The forum takes a look at some old wood found in a barn and destined to be made into guitar bodies. January 28, 2013

Economics of Sawmill Operations
This thread takes a close look at some hard numbers for logs and various sawn lumber products, and teaches some valuable lessons about how sawmills can make money, or lose money. September 6, 2010

Melamine Carcasses
Can melamine interiors be considered high end? April 18, 2004

Value added defined
Many definitions and interpretations are offered up. July 29, 2003

Woodshop Waste Percentage
How much wood do you waste in the construction of your product? June 21, 2004

Stupid Woodworker Tricks
With a nod toward David Letterman, pros discuss their least-best moments. January 24, 2005

Are bone-dry biscuits necessary?
Questions about the dryness and size of biscuits. April 24, 2002

Wood, the environment, and Man
A wide-ranging overview of the state of the primary processing industry, and where it may be going from here. August 10, 2000

What is heart pine?
History and how heart pine is defined today. October 30, 2003

Durable Wood for a Screen Door
A craftsman's question about screen door materials kicks off a long discussion about the qualities of various wood species, old growth and second growth. October 4, 2005

Outdoor Wood Furnace Pros and Cons
A long discussion of wood-burning furnaces. May 18, 2010

Melamine Cabinet Boxes
Can melamine move in as plywood quality degrades? October 5, 2004

Fine Points of Steaming Walnut
Details on equipment and procedures for steaming Walnut to change the color. November 12, 2008

FOB defined
Origins and meanings of the term "freight on board." (Sawing and Drying Forum) March 23, 2003

Calculating moisture content
Using a hygrometer and calculator to determine the MC of kiln samples. September 2, 2002

Defining "Value Added"
When it comes to wood and lumber products and by-products, what is the term "value added" all about? April 18, 2009

Twisted timbers
Determining the cause of twisting in Douglas fir construction timbers. August 10, 2000

Measuring Logs and Lumber
Lumber measurement - Professor Gene Wengert clears up questions regarding proper measurement techniques. May 28, 2001

-What is a Board Foot?
Explanation and glossary of lumber terms by Professor Eugene Wengert. May 2, 2001

Spreading Sawdust on Trails, Fields, or Woods
Sawmill operators discuss when and where it might be okay to spread sawdust around. March 9, 2010

Vacuum Kilns - Pros and Cons
Testimony from operators who have used vacuum kilns. May 11, 2005

Spalting Tips and Tricks
A question about how to get rid of a bad batch of spalted Maple leads to a nice discussion of different ways to spalt wood, with photos. April 15, 2012

WOODPRO - Species Selection Made Easy
A free complete working computer program (that can be downloaded at WOODWEB), allowing woodworkers to select the most suitable wood species for any particular application - 1997

Slabbing and Drying Big Logs
Preventing cracks in Monterey cypress. April 18, 2004

Applied wainscot
Creating fake raised panels for the lower portion of walls. April 3, 2002

Fortune Teller: Making More Money in the Wood Industry
Wood Doctor Gene Wengert makes some educated guesses about the near future in the wood products industry, and offers some advice about how wood-based businesses can profit from change. April 15, 2013

Eliminating springback problems
Determining the radius to aim for when creating a curve with vac-laminated plywood. September 23, 2003

Comparing sliding and vertical saws
Woodworkers voice their views on the virtues and liabilities of both sliding and vertical saws. November 15, 2000

Drying wood in a tent
Recommendations on how to use the sun's rays and a plastic tent to dry lumber. November 7, 2001

Marketing Spalted Pecan
Beautifully figured spalted Pecan wood is a valuable material, but the niche market is a little tricky to sell in. May 9, 2007

Explaining to Customers about "Plywood" and "Solid Wood"
Wood movement, quality, perception, and reality in the choice between sawn lumber and plywood. July 6, 2011

Dehumidification Kiln Conditioning Without Steam
Techniques and equipment for producing a balanced environment inside your kiln. May 11, 2005

Making Raggle Boards
Suggestions on how to tool up for volume production of raggle sticks, and speculation about what a raggle stick is. March 9, 2010

Tallying Moldings
Suppliers round off piece lengths in different ways. Are you getting the quantities you ordered? May 29, 2005

Stabilizing Wood with Polyethylene Glycol
Advice and explanations about using PEG to prevent shrinkage and cracking in heavy wood disks being dried for a specialty application. July 15, 2014

Dimensional Framing Lumber from Mixed Hardwoods
Thoughts on using local hardwood to produce framing lumber for outbuildings. October 4, 2011

Think before you take the CNC plunge
WOODWEB technical advisor Brian Personett offers some food for thought to those thinking about purchasing CNC equipment. November 15, 2000

White Ash, Emerald Borer, Quarantine, and De-Barking
Technical and legal isues relating to log transport, hygeine, and limiting the spread of damaging insect infestations. September 6, 2010

Whether to Use Reclaimed Pickle-Vat Lumber for Stickers
An interesting discussion on the properties of old-growth lumber that has been used in a vat for brining pickles. June 13, 2014

Harvesting and Selling Eastern Red Cedar
A discussion of the potential market for Eastern Red Cedar logs, boards, or standing timber. April 24, 2014

True Dimensions of 4/4 Green Lumber
The terms "4/4" and "RWRL" take some explaining. Here's the voice of expertise and experience. October 8, 2005

Five Points for Efficient Sawmilling
Gene Wengert shares his expertise on sawing economically and profitably. January 29, 2004

Walnut End Checking in the Steamer
Troubleshooting a checking problem with Walnut related to conditions in a large steaming chamber. October 3, 2009

Quartersawing Sycamore for Fleck
Making the most out of a sycamore log. May 11, 2005

Fine Points of End Coating
Advice on applying Anchorseal or roofing tar to log ends immediately after felling. October 19, 2013

Wood Choice for Paint Grade Historic Millwork
Woodworkers discuss the pros and cons of Spanish Cedar, Mahogany, Sapele, Black Locust, and recovered Heart Pine for a restoration and historic reproduction project. April 27, 2011

Wood-Gas Generator Motors
Here's a little basic info about wood gasification for generating electricity. October 1, 2010

Drying Rewetted Kiln-Dried Lumber
How to render kiln-dried lumber, which has been rewetted due to flooding or excessive humidity, useful once again. 1998.

Hand-Peeling and Hand-Hewing Logs
Hand tools and techniques for de-barking logs and squaring timbers. May 9, 2007

Alder as a cherry substitute
Appropriate substitutes for cherry, and how to stain them. November 21, 2000

Seasonal Sap Flow and Moisture Content in Trees
Debunking a few misconceptions about winter and summer tree sap behavior. December 31, 2012

Wood Choices for Barn Siding
What kind of trees make good board siding for a barn? April 24, 2014

and we do mean HARD. 1998.

Treated pine vs. cedar
The Wood Doctor offers his prognosis for outdoor projects using cedar and treated pine. 1998.

White Pine Versus Yellow Poplar for Interior Paneling
A bandsaw mill owner gets advice on which wood species to use for interior wall and ceiling paneling. October 19, 2014

Lumber grading: The basics
How lumber is graded and net tallies are determined. November 7, 2000

Ambrosia Beetles in a Chainsaw Bear
Characteristic fungal growths turn out to be the telltale sign of Ambrosia beetle infestation of a chainsaw sculpture. June 14, 2014

Installing refrigerator end panels
The search for better methods. April 3, 2002

Tooling up for Euro-style cabinets
When considering a switch to the 32mm system, there are two choices: Get your feet wet, or dive right in. 1998.

Drying wood for musical instruments
A primer on various lumber drying techniques as they relate to musical instrument construction. 1998.

Surface Mold on Framing Lumber
If the wood will be dry in service, mold on the surface is strictly a cosmetic concern. Here's more info on washing and drying for the sake of appearances. April 20, 2011

Characteristics of padauk
Basic characteristics of this beautiful, brilliant-red wood. October 10, 2000

Frequently Asked Questions about Widebelt Sanders
A general list of guidelines when using widebelt sanders - 1998

Communicating via email
Buying and Selling Wood on the Internet: Part 1. January 3, 2002

Alternating growth rings in panels
The debate between alternating growth rings and matching grain. September 25, 2002

Timber Framing with Red Oak
The material needs to be kept dry. Here's info on that, and some other useful tips. November 3, 2010

Stripes in Fir Plywood
A cabinetmaker's finisher notices a strange defect in some Fir plywood, probably caused by grain compression that happened at the plywood mill. October 13, 2012

Drying Mesquite with Denatured Alcohol
Denatured alcohol (DNA) drying techniques work best on porous wood, not so well on a low-porosity species like Mesquite. October 1, 2010

Applying Nosing to Prefinished Plywood
The search for a satisfactory way to treat the seam where nosing meets plywood. May 10, 2005

Shipping Lumber Overseas
Advice on how to bulk ship sawn lumber overseas. June 15, 2009

Troubleshooting Wood Flooring Shrinkage
Moisture change is always the culprit when wood shrinks. Here, pros a case of gapped-out wood flooring. July 28, 2006

Green Douglas Fir for Barn Framing
Green softwood lumber is fine for framing an outbuilding. August 29, 2006

What Can Spread a Lyctid Infestation?
Be cautious — Lyctid powder-post beetles are hard to get rid of, and can spread even on small chips or shavings. March 13, 2007

Durability of Cedar Signs in Outdoor Exposures
Cedar should last 15 years in the weather — if the assembly details and finish are suitable. July 29, 2012

Appearance Considerations with Sapele
Sapele wood darkens over time (as do Cherry and Mahogany), and its compatibility with the look of other woods is a matter of personal preference. April 11, 2008

Lumber Strength, Dimensions, Orientation, and Grain Direction
An explanation of factors that influence the strength of a wood floor joist or rafter. October 1, 2009

Uses for Sassafras
Sassafras has been called "poor man's oak" for its durability, strength and beauty. The markets for it are small ans specialized. April 20, 2011

Glue failures
Adhesive failure can usually be traced to one of two causes: overly moist wood or defective glue. December 6, 2000

Weighing Trailer-Loads of Sawdust
Ideas for gauging the weight of sawdust as you fill trailers or trucks. March 14, 2006

Catalpa: Uses and Vulnerabilities
Catalpa is a beautiful wood, rot-resistant and prized by some wood turners. Standing trees may have heart rot, however. April 24, 2013

Horse chestnut, and why it's the only live type of this wood available. September 6, 2000

Lightning-Struck Wood Puzzle
Observations and speculation about whether lightning weakens the wood of a tree it strikes. August 29, 2006

Inconsistencies in HDF production
Problems with production of high-density fiberboard with MUF adhesive. June 6, 2001

Ridding one's house of powderpost beetles
What to do upon discovering an infestatoin of powderpost beetles. 1998.

Specific Gravity of Dawn Redwood
We're talking about a particular tree species here, but the comments on determining specific gravity apply to any wood sample. April 27, 2007

Facts about PEG (Polyethylene Glycol)
Polyethylene glycol, or PEG, is an interesting molecule with uses beyond woodworking. Here's some info on the varieties on the market. July 23, 2014

Line-boring for adjustable shelves
The full range of options for getting shelf holes in place is reviewed. 1998.

Green wood fencing
Potential problems and solutions when using green wood for fencing. January 16, 2002

Wormy Cherry Lumber
A furnituremaker gets help figuring out what kind of critter made holes in his nice Cherry boards (and hears that some people consider them an improvement). April 21, 2008

Green white oak for fencing?
Using unseasoned white oak as fencing for a horse pasture. August 10, 2000

Using a Grapple on a Log Trailer
A grapple-equipped log trailer can be handy to have. August 30, 2007

Locating Scraps for Charcoal
Advice on finding sawmill offcuts and byproducts for use as feedstock for a charcoal kiln. October 3, 2009

You say pecan, I say hickory
Pecan lumber is usually sold as hickory. June 20, 2000

Walnut Steaming Difficulties
Steam that is too hot and "dry" will not have the desired effect. Here is some technical advice on operating the steamer successfully. December 12, 2008

Is Eastern red cedar toxic?
Eastern red cedar does not share some of the reaction-generating characteristics of its Western namesake. 1998.

Comparing Western and Eastern cedars
Both Eastern white and Western red cedars have their virtues; the Wood Doctor provides details. 1998.

Cupping of resawn lumber
The two reasons wood cups when resawn. 1998.

Lumber from a lake bottom??
Is it possible to dry logs which have spent 50 years underwater? January 31, 2001

Valuing and pricing old lumber
Lumber pricing is like everything else: Whatever the market will bear.

Kiln dried: Better than air dried?
Why kiln-dried lumber is the best option for wood that will eventually 'live' indoors. 1998.

Teak Color and Sunlight
Like some other hardwoods, Teak has an interesting response to sunlight. June 14, 2014

: Redheart, described and defined
"Redheart" is just another name for... 1998.

Drying black walnut, bug free
Practices for preventing infestations while air-drying lumber. November 29, 2000

Red cedar vs. white cedar siding
The differences between the two woods, specifically, their suitability for use as siding. October 17, 2000

Milling Cypress for a Deck
Advice on how to process Cypress timber for use on an outdoor deck. July 30, 2009

Whether to Kiln-Dry Wood Before Turning
A woodworker is advised to kiln-dry Osage Orange wood (also referred to as "Hedge") before gluing up blanks for turning bowls. October 19, 2014

Raised glue lines after curing
A glue line that is raised days after parts are assembled and the glue has cured is a sure sign of wet lumber. 1998.

After-the-kiln powderpost beetle infestation
Who's responsible for a powderpost beetle infestation, two years after the wood was kiln-dried? June 27, 2000

Is There Walnut in Arkansas?
The answer depends on who you ask. January 11, 2007

Melamine comparison
September 6, 2000

Storing kiln-dried lumber
Controlling the humidity in the atmosphere around stored lumber. January 16, 2002

Woods for outdoor furniture
A manufacturer of outdoor furniture consults the Wood Doctor for help with choosing a species to replace beech. 1998.

Gluing white oak panels
Because of its density, white oak lumber must be machined carefully for panel glue-up, and assembled within an hour of preparation. 1998.

Air-dried oak for casework?
Air-dried lumber needs to live in the environment it will inhabit prior to fabrication. 1998.

Repairing a sequenced MDF door
reverse the terminal warp of a sequenced MDF/cherry door. 1998.

Controlling color in air-dried alder
Ideas for achieving color uniformity when air-drying alder. July 26, 2000

Cambium miner's effect on lumber grade
Gene Wengert on cambium miners, what they do, and whether the result affects lumber grade. 1998.

Wood Storage: Vertical or horizontal?
Truly dry wood stored under the proper conditions will not warp, no matter how you position it. September 26, 2000

Good and Bad Woods for Pressure-Treating
Here's a list of wood species that accept preservative treatments readily, and wood species that don't. July 11, 2013

Sliding table saw basics
General information for first-time users of 'sliders.' 1998.

Laminating different species
In a triple lamination, it's OK to use two species of lumber, given a few conditions. 1998.

When holly goes pathological
Only fungus and injury cause color change in normally white holly. 1998.

Rotted siding
Gene Wengert helps a homeowner with a question about decaying siding. 1998.

Advice on a forklift purchase
Is a 3000-pound capacity forklift enough? Not in the eyes of these forum visitors. January 31, 2001

Identifying Pecan
Pecan is hard to tell apart from Hickory. July 6, 2012

Manufacturing Sawdust
Basic information about grinding wood. October 20, 2013

Thoughts on sweetgum
A quick primer on sweetgum. July 4, 2000

Relative densities of various birches
The Wood Doctor offers resources for information on the relative densities of birch lumbers, and offers an opinion on plastic laminate. 1998.

Making stickers
Finding an appropriate material for lumber stickers used in air-drying. August 10, 2000

Ideal relative humidity in woodworking plants
Determining the best relative humidity level for your operation. 1998.

Ratios: Relative humidity to moisture content
Common conversions and instruments used in measuring wood moisture content. October 31, 2000

Smelly lauan
The Wood Doctor is quizzed about bad-smelling lauan in a commercial bar. Diagnosis: anaerobic bacteria. Prognosis: terminal. Prescription: replacement. 1998.

Moisture transfer in humid climes
Do tropical and sub-tropical species re-absorb moisture when left in their humid, native lands? September 6, 2000

Know your maples
A primer on different types of maple lumber. August 23, 2000

Sprinkling White Pine to Prevent Bluestain
Advice on staving off the onset of blue stain by keeping the logs wet. October 12, 2007

Stained oak from supplier
There are solutions for stained, milled, not-yet-dried oak lumber, but first , one must determine the cause of the staining. 1998.

Causes for warpage after planing
Why boards may warp after surfacing. January 16, 2001

MC in imported mahogany furniture
Moisture contents higher than eight percent are suspect, and suppliers must be notified. 1998.

Whether to Wax Walnut Ends Before Steaming
Advice on temporary outdoor storage of Walnut that you plan on steaming. October 29, 2008

Characteristics of butt log lumber
Denser, darker wood than the rest of that from the same laod may be from butt logs. 1998.

Identifying bird's eye maple
What causes the unique patterns in bird's eye maple lumber? 1998.

Ants, and getting rid of them
How to prevent ants from invading your lumber pile. August 10, 2000

Stains on wood
remove. June 27, 2000

Removing Bark from Live Edge Planks
Advice on gently removing bark from a sawn plank edge. December 31, 2012

Removing blue stain
Ideas for removing and preventing blue stains in newly processed pine. August 1, 2000

Australian lace wood
Characteristics of this unusual wood. 1998.

An Introduction to Wood Anatomy Characteristics Common to Softwoods & Hardwoods
Familiarize yourself with the basics of tree and wood anatomy. June 21, 2007

A source for submerged wood
A supplier for lumber cut from submerged logs is provided.

FSC Certification Basics
Quick tips about the certification process for the Forest Stewardship Council. September 6, 2010

Worms in ash
Are worm holes in just-bought ash a cause for concern? 1998.

Storing and Displaying Large Slabs
Vertical racks let one sawyer keep his slabs available for viewing. May 21, 2009

Air drying sycamore
What steps to take, from stickering to weighting. October 31, 2000

Design of air drying sheds
General info on the design of sheds used for air-drying lumber. 1998.

What makes a trailer load?
Determining how many board feet of lumber comprise a "trailer load." November 15, 2000

Alder color
The effects of age on the coloration of lumber cut from alder logs. August 10, 2000

Southern Yellow Pine for Log Cabin
Southern Yellow Pine has grain issues that make it less suitable for log building. October 19, 2013

How To Spalt Wood
Like making a world-class cheese, spalting wood intentionally is more art than science, and you may waste some raw material learning how. Here's an extended and detailed discussion. May 28, 2008

Pricing for Portable Sawmill Sawing Services
Whether pricing by the board foot or by the hour, make a good accounting of your costs before you set your rates. November 5, 2013

Pine Board Sheathing for Homes
Works fine in most cases — here's some useful advice about practicalities and codes. July 14, 2010

Paulownia Characteristics and Uses
A fast-growing, light and strong semi-tropical wood, Paulownia has enough value to be worth stealing. Here's an example growing on a bathroom windowsill. September 5, 2010

Performance Issues with "Roasted Birch"
The process of heating wood to 300°F takes a toll in terms of strength, durability, and workability. December 9, 2008

Producing Drying Defects on Purpose
A client requests surface checks in his kiln charge of white oak. Should the operator oblige? May 11, 2005

Promoting blue stain
How to promote this visual effect in a stack of red pine. March 21, 2002

Hemlock for homebuilding
The virtues and pitfalls of hemlock as a house-framing material. June 20, 2000

Powderpost Beetle Problems
Here's a good description of a log house infested with powderpost beetles. February 9, 2008

Powderpost Beetle Infestation
A load of lumber bought at an auction turns out to have tiny beetle holes in it. Now what? October 19, 2013

Powder Post Beetle Worries
Will powderpost beetles found in a piece of furniture spread elsewhere in the house? April 21, 2011

Bugs in air-dried ash
Can a stack of ash be saved from an infestation of powderpost beetles? June 20, 2000

Books About Historic Lumbering and Sawing
Sawmill forum members recommend some interesting reading about the history of logging and sawmill operations in various regions of North America. April 18, 2015

Preventing Termite Infestation in Pine
Basic info about controlling termites. December 31, 2013

Pressure treated lumber -- O.K. for grape arbor?
A look at pressure-treated woods, then and now, and safety factors to consider in using them. 1998.

Basement drying basics
The Wood Doctor prescribes proper drying procedures for a small batch in a basement. June 21, 2000

Presurfacing Green Sawn Oak
Planing roughsawn Oak before kiln-drying has benefits that may make it worth the cost. October 26, 2011

Planer vs. spiral insert heads -- for planers
Which provides the best finish--a planer type or a spiral insert knife head? January 16, 2001

Hardwood Utilization Book Review
"The Management, Manufacture and Marketing of California Black Oak, Pacific Madrone and Tanoak" covers the various aspects encountered by the forester, the logger, the sawmill manager, the marketing people, and the business owner - 1998

Best preparation for bent ash
Dr. Gene advises a fishing-net maker on the best ways to prepare ash for bending into frames for his products. 1998.

Hickory or Pecan
Ideas for telling two highly similar plywood faces apart. February 25, 2005

Black ash uses
White ash, black ash, and their various uses. July 26, 2000

Bowing in kiln-dried pine
What causes warpage of kiln-dried pine boards? August 23, 2000

Bur oak, a.k.a. white oak
Information about various types of white oak, of which 'bur oak' is one. August 23, 2000

Preventing discoloration in rubber wood
The two causes of discoloration in rubber wood, and how to avoid them. August 10, 2000

Sustainable forestry
How sustainable forestry relates to the woodworker and consumer demands. June 3, 2003

Tales of Lightning Strikes on Trees
Woodweb members tell their stories of lightning strikes. February 15, 2015

Black Locust Fence Post Advice
Here's what you need to know to prepare Black Locust logs for duty as highly durable fence posts. June 14, 2014

Forklift Loading Tip
How to load long stacks of boards into a narrow truck from the back, using a forklift. July 30, 2007

Treating Burls With Pentacryl
Is pentracryl a proper treatment for burl wood, or are other sealers more suitable? January 6, 2005

Bois durable pour une porte moustiquaire
La question d'un artisan sur les matériaux des portes moustiquaires déclenche une longue discussion sur les qualités des différentes essences de bois, vieilles et secondes pousses. 4 octobre 2005

Moisissure superficielle sur le bois de charpente
Si le bois doit rester sec pendant l'utilisation, la moisissure à la surface est un problème purement esthétique. Voici plus d'informations sur le lavage et le séchage pour préserver les apparences. 20 avril 2011

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