Residue-Free Labels Latest in Tools and Supplies

Techniques for Equalizing and Conditioning Lumber
The Wood Doctor explains how to complete the final two steps in the primary processing uh, process. 1998.

Calculating the weight of lumber
Formulas, detailed instructions and species-specific charts from Professor Gene Wengert. May 3, 2001

Cracks in log home logs -- and other warnings
Cracks in logs used in log home construction are normal, but not necessarily desirable. August 10, 2000

Measuring/Monitoring Moisture Levels
The hows and whys of monitoring moisture content in lumber. 1998.

"Floating" wood floors over concrete
Suggestions for installing a solid wood, "floating" floor over concrete. June 6, 2001

Good species for fence posts
Rot resistance of red oak, white oak and more. February 6, 2002

Drying rough-sawn timbers
A large outdoor project raises questions about drying large, rough-sawn timbers for long-term use. June 20, 2000

Color matching and grain repair
Learning the necessary skills. (From WOODWEB's Finishing Forum) January 21, 2003

Rx For Bending Wood
Dr. Gene Wengert offers advice on bending solid lumber in production applications. 1998.

Wood Handbook -- Wood as an Engineering Material
Information on engineering with wood, properties of wood and designing with wood. September 28, 2002

Distinguishing White Oak from Red
Methods for discerning different oak types. May 19, 2004

Acidity: Common Cause -- of Panel Gluing Problems
How pH contributes to adhesion problems in glued-up panels. 1998.

The limitations of juvenile lumber
Exactly how useful is the lumber yielded by less-than-mature trees? August 10, 2000

Uses for shavings and sawdust
A discussion of uses for and the marketablility of waste from the primary processing of lumber. July 18, 2000

Drying Rewetted Kiln-Dried Lumber
How to render kiln-dried lumber, which has been rewetted due to flooding or excessive humidity, useful once again. 1998.

Wood dust hazards and safety gear
A detailed look at personal safety precautions for those exposed to wood dust.

Vertical Siding
Types of siding for "old barn" look. August 9, 2004

Alder as a cherry substitute
Appropriate substitutes for cherry, and how to stain them. November 21, 2000

The truth about pressure-treated wood
Exploding some myths about the dangers of CCA pressure-treated wood. August 10, 2000

and we do mean HARD. 1998.

Treated pine vs. cedar
The Wood Doctor offers his prognosis for outdoor projects using cedar and treated pine. 1998.

Timber Framing with Yellow Poplar
Advice on using Poplar or other woods in a timber frame for a house. December 6, 2009

Comparing moisture meters
An assessment of the performance of pin and pinless moisture meters made by major manufacturers. July 11, 2000

Lumber drying for musical instruments
Does the speed of the drying process affect a wood's musical quality?June 21, 2000

Drying sinker wood
How does one begin drying wood that's been submerged in water for many years? June 27, 2000

Loss in air-dried lumber
The Wood Doctor provides typicial loss factors for several speices of lumber, when air-dried. 1998.

Using PEG for dimensional stability
The discovery and use of PEG for stabilizing previously unseasoned lumber. 1998.

Characteristics of padauk
Basic characteristics of this beautiful, brilliant-red wood. October 10, 2000

Wood species for outdoor furniture
The Wood Doctor names names: Decay-resistance lumber suitable for outdoor use. October 10, 2000

Drying discs from a walnut log
Ideas for drying and protecting circular slices taken from a walnut log. November 15, 2000

Fabric Softener for Steam Bending
Fact or legend? Rumor has it that fabric softener makes steam-bending easier. October 26, 2007

Durability of Board and Batten Siding
What wood species will last well unpainted in a board and batten siding application? June 9, 2007

Food prep finish
The finish and wood to use (and what not to use) on butcherblock tops. August 29, 2001

Choosing Wood for Making Lacrosse Sticks
Hickory is the top suggestion in this discussion from the Sawing and Drying forum. December 1, 2005

20 Steps to Drying Hard White Maple
The Wood Doctor's 100 percent guaranteed, sure-fire, no-snake-oil method for successfully drying hard white maple. 1998.

American Hophornbeam for Timber Frame Pegs
Hornbeam and Hophornbeam are not well known these days, but were valued historically for strength and hardness. June 9, 2007

Wood weight and highway transport
How to accurately estimate the weight of a truckload of air-dried lumber to assure compliance with trucking regulations. Includes access info for resources. August 1, 2000

Air temp, relative humidity and MC
How much moisture can air hold, and what is the effect on drying lumber? July 4, 2000

Qualities of Butternut
Fuzzy, soft, and nice to look at — woodworkers share their experiences with Butternut wood. December 12, 2008

A One-Piece Wood-Slab Countertop
Splitting is a concern, craftsmen agree. October 28, 2005

Cambium miners' effect on standing cherry
A woodlot pest causes gummosis in cherry. June 21, 2000

Comparing wood strengths
Wood species has less to do with strength than does grain characteristics. June 21, 2000

Aromatic cedar for closet lining
A discussion of drying and machining, aromatic red cedar for closet lining. Includes ideas on marketing the finished product. March 4, 2000

Standing dry cedar: Lumber-worthy?
Are standing, dead cedar trees a good source for decking boards? July 11, 2000

Steaming beech for veneer production
Questions and answers on various technical aspects of steaming beech lumber, preparatory to producing veneer. Includes ideas for further reading.

Red Pine Versus White Pine for Timber Framing
Red pine is stiffer and stronger than white pine, but more prone to warping. December 28, 2006

Faking mahogany
What species are closest to mahogany in grain structure, so, when stained, will look like the real thing? March 20, 2000

Usefulness of Alder Wood
but it has its own good and bad points. June 28, 2005

Monkey Pod Wood
Here's a little information on Monkey Pod wood, also sometimes called just "Monkey Wood."February 25, 2009

Good Wood for Handles
Oak, hickory, and elm (if you can find some) work well. October 25, 2006

Straight cuts through knots
Knots are extremely dense. Here's advice for keeping cuts on line while cutting through them. June 21, 2000

Mist systems and relative humidity
Mist systems, what they do, and some general information about relative humidty and its effect on wood. 1998.

Door stiles bow after assembly
Possible causes and solutions for door stiles that bow after the door is assembled. September 26, 2000

Working with Zebrawood
Tips on working with this interesting (but stinky) wood species. October 25, 2006

Green white oak for fencing?
Using unseasoned white oak as fencing for a horse pasture. August 10, 2000

What's Better for Framing, S-P-F or SYP?
Southern Yellow Pine has a greater span capability than the mixed-species category "Spruce-Pine-Fir," according to Dr. Gene. January 11, 2007

Salt pastes and PEG
Polyethylene glycol is high-priced, but the alternatives for stabilizing green wood are few. 1998.

Is Eastern red cedar toxic?
Eastern red cedar does not share some of the reaction-generating characteristics of its Western namesake. 1998.

Comparing Western and Eastern cedars
Both Eastern white and Western red cedars have their virtues; the Wood Doctor provides details. 1998.

Cupping of resawn lumber
The two reasons wood cups when resawn. 1998.

Do tropical trees lose their leaves?
The Wood Doctor explains that many species of tropical trees are indeed deciduous. 1998.

Variability of Cypress Rot Resistance
Old growth Cypress has more natural rot resistance than younger trees. May 15, 2011

Cypress board and batten siding
It's better to kiln dry that cypress before siding your house with it than to let air-drying suffice. 1998.

Kiln drying Mexican oak
Mexican oak can be dried using the same schedules as those used by processors in the United States. 1998.

Temperature maximums for dehumidification units
and that's plenty. 1998.

Spots revealed in dry, planed lumber
Dr. Gene attempts to find the causes of discolored spots on dried lumber, revealed only when the stock has been planed. 1998.

Southern Yellow Pine for Timber Framing
Is SYP a good material for a timber frame house? February 24, 2008

Eucalyptus for furnituremaking
A primer on this native Australian lumber. June 14, 2000

Walnut toxicity fact and fiction
Is walnut safe for salad bowls? Horse bedding? June 21, 2000

Are coastal trees of lower quality?
Is there a in the quality of lumber between trees grown in coastal, versus inland, areas? August 10, 2000

A PEG primer
Some general information on this green-wood treatment. 1998.

: Redheart, described and defined
"Redheart" is just another name for... 1998.

Red cedar vs. white cedar siding
The differences between the two woods, specifically, their suitability for use as siding. October 17, 2000

Sticker stain solutions
A look at potential causes and solutions for sticker stain. July 11, 2000

Quartersawn mahogany, or is it?
An architectural woodworker seeks specifications and industry guidelines for what constitutes truly quartersawn mahogany. March 5, 2000.

Raised glue lines after curing
A glue line that is raised days after parts are assembled and the glue has cured is a sure sign of wet lumber. 1998.

Cures for sticker stain
Drying lumber can suffer from sticker stain for a variety of reasons. June 20, 2000

Drying green tongue-and-groove pine
Success in drying green, already-machined lumber has much to do with the species. 1998.

Moisture content of walnut -- and measuring it
A woodworker seeks information about acceptable moisture contents for walnut used in furniture, and wonders what makes moisture meters tick. 1998.

Wood waste for electric generation?
Could wood be an efficient source for eventual conversion into electric power? 1998.

Melamine comparison
September 6, 2000

Raised grain: A pith-side phenomenon
Raised grain tends to appear more on the side of boards which, in the log, faced the pith. Here's why. 1998.

Woods for outdoor furniture
A manufacturer of outdoor furniture consults the Wood Doctor for help with choosing a species to replace beech. 1998.

Characteristics of Catalpa
Also called "Catawba," Catalpa wood is light, strong, attractive, and easy to work. February 15, 2009

Gluing white oak panels
Because of its density, white oak lumber must be machined carefully for panel glue-up, and assembled within an hour of preparation. 1998.

Air-dried oak for casework?
Air-dried lumber needs to live in the environment it will inhabit prior to fabrication. 1998.

Cambium miner's effect on lumber grade
Gene Wengert on cambium miners, what they do, and whether the result affects lumber grade. 1998.

White Cedar Durability
White Cedar heartwood holds up well in exterior exposures, with or without stain. The sapwood, not so much. March 30, 2008

Calculating longitudinal shrinkage
There's no firm factor for calculating longitudinal shrinkage in maple, but here's a place to begin. 1998.

Working with casehardened lumber
Casehardened lumber should be returned to the processor, or planed to the desired thickness; resawing is not an option. 1998.

Laminating different species
In a triple lamination, it's OK to use two species of lumber, given a few conditions. 1998.

More on blue stain removal
Is there a 100-percent-effective method for removing blue stain from pine? 1998.

Treating wood worm infestations
How to arrest an infestation of wood worms before they migrate to other furniture. 1998.

When holly goes pathological
Only fungus and injury cause color change in normally white holly. 1998.

Drying pine for a trestle table
A brief look at the basics of drying freshly milled, 3-inch-thick pine. 1998.

Rotted siding
Gene Wengert helps a homeowner with a question about decaying siding. 1998.

Wood Strength Specs for Norway Spruce
Looking for published engineering values for Norway Spruce. May 26, 2011

Workbench end caps: Bad idea?
Though European workbenches commonly feature caps over the ends of the worktop material, these may hinder natural movement of the wood on this side of the Atlantic.

Wood dust a carcinogen?
The Wood Doctor points to two sources of information on the carcinogenic properties of wood dust. 1998.

The importance of balanced finishes
or in this case, do unto one side of your project what you did to the other. 1998.

Uses for Juniper
Complex knot patterns make Juniper wood beautiful, but challenging to work. September 14, 2006

Finishing aromatic cedar -- don't do it!
Is it possible to finish a cedar ceiling, yet preserve the color and aroma? March 20, 2001

Chemically "aging" cherry
Tips and cautions for using chemicals to quickly achieve the richer colors certain woods attain with age. 1998.

Thoughts on sweetgum
A quick primer on sweetgum. July 4, 2000

Keeping logs wet before milling
Should logs be stored in water until they can be milled? June 27, 2000

Relative densities of various birches
The Wood Doctor offers resources for information on the relative densities of birch lumbers, and offers an opinion on plastic laminate. 1998.

Moisture issues in antique lumber
Is salvaged wood from old barns dry enough to use as one would use kiln-dried lumber? August 23, 2000

Measuring MC by weight
How to measure moisture content in wood without a moisture meter. August 10, 2000

Tips for drying butternut burls
Butternut burls are dried much like regular lumber. Also, a source for further information on drying burls. 1998.

Shagbark hickory characteristics
September 6, 2000

Controlled spalting
Is it possible to control spalting to produce unique turning stock? June 20, 2000

Darkening wood with steam
Saturated steam can be an effective way to darken some species of wood, while still green. 1998.

Smelly lauan
The Wood Doctor is quizzed about bad-smelling lauan in a commercial bar. Diagnosis: anaerobic bacteria. Prognosis: terminal. Prescription: replacement. 1998.

Moisture transfer in humid climes
Do tropical and sub-tropical species re-absorb moisture when left in their humid, native lands? September 6, 2000

Know your maples
A primer on different types of maple lumber. August 23, 2000

Case hardening in white oak
Is case hardening common in white oak, and should it be accepted? July 18, 2000

Do trees freeze?
The short answer is no; Gene Wengert provides full details. February 13, 2001

Correcting case hardening
Correcting case hardening in processed lumber. July 11, 2000

Ash baseball bats
Where to find the strongest ash for baseball bats. 1998.

Moisture meter for veneer
Finding a moisture meter that can accurately "read" veneer. June 14, 2000

Wood technology Web sites
A short list of Web sites with information about characteristics of given species. 1998.

Why is machined teak blotchy?
If you're not familiar with it, one property of freshly machined teak can take you by surprise. 1998.

Drying small pieces of wood
Unusual methods for drying wood, including boiling. February 28, 2001

Gross tally vs. net tally
The difference between "gross" and "net" tallies in lumber processing is explained. July 18, 2000

MC in imported mahogany furniture
Moisture contents higher than eight percent are suspect, and suppliers must be notified. 1998.

Tooling tips for African wawa
More important than knife angles to obtaining a smooth machined finish is feed speed. 1998.

Underwater wood: Worthless?
Generally speaking, submerged lumber is often a total loss. 1998.

Second-growth cypress -- it's just not the same
Second-growth cypress lacks the natural decay resistance of its first-generation counterpart. 1998.

Teak Tips
Tips for gluing this oily wood - 1998

Use and finishing tips: Cottonwood
Cottonwood is a good quality, light-to-medium duty wood. 1998.

Characteristics of butt log lumber
Denser, darker wood than the rest of that from the same laod may be from butt logs. 1998.

Identifying bird's eye maple
What causes the unique patterns in bird's eye maple lumber? 1998.

Steaming beech and why not
The Wood Doctor cautions against steaming beach for extended periods. 1998.

Casehardening explained
The Wood Doctor describes casehardening, its causes, and cure. July 18, 2000

Tiger stripe effect -- what causes it?
What causes tiger stripe in wood? July 3, 2001

"Crying" Spanish cedar veneer
Cleaning up and fabricating "crying" Spanish cedar veneer. June 14, 2000

Quani?? Konnei??
Description: Konnei, a species from tropical Asia. March 2, 2000

Solar kiln construction - and more
are answered.

Drying hard maple for whiteness
Permissible extremes for dehumification drying of maple, to accentuate whiteness. 1998.

Removing blue stain
Ideas for removing and preventing blue stains in newly processed pine. August 1, 2000

Effects of humidity swing
How does a swing in humidity affect drying time and MC gradient? February 28, 2001

Australian lace wood
Characteristics of this unusual wood. 1998.

Mist-type dust collection
Water-mist dust collection techniques for capturing ultra-fine dust. June 14, 2000

Ipe's cheap, with good reason
This Asian wood is incredibly durable, but tough to work. June 20, 2000

EMC/RH ratios
Here's a listing of equilibrium moisture content to relative humidity ratios. July 11, 2000

Discoloration in steamed beech
Tracing the source of discoloration as a result of beech steaming. 1998.

Trouble drying 8/4 oak
Drying 8/4 oak too rapidly will damage the wood. February 29, 2000

Qualities of Mango Wood
Comments on the looks and behavior of this unusual tropical wood species. January 14, 2009

Oak cupping and warping
When during drying does oak lumber stop cupping and warping? July 4, 2000

Flame spread rating for oak
Oak is rated at 100 by the ASTM. 1998.

Identifying mixed lumber
The best guide to wood identification. March 5, 2000

Chip-out in certain species
Some woods are tougher to surface cleanly than others. August 10, 2000

Alder color
The effects of age on the coloration of lumber cut from alder logs. August 10, 2000

What can be dried with black walnut?
How to determine what species are compatible for drying with black walnut. June 20, 2000

Drying hackberry
Drying hackberry is easy, provided you move quickly. June 5, 2001

Good lumber from "Ys"?
Can quality wood come from branch locations? July 11, 2000

Timetable for final processing of walnut
Stock in cants form should be processed in a timely manner. March 26, 2000

Uses for applewood
Applewood. Huh! (Good God, y'all) What is it gooood for? August 10, 2000

Black locust uses
The best uses of black locust, then and now. January 4, 2001

Best sawmill for exotic hardwoods
Bandmills vs. swing mills for a new operation. September 2, 2002

Black locust vs. treated wood -- for barn poles
Comparing black locust to treated lumber for use in barn construction. June 21, 2000

Hemlock for homebuilding
The virtues and pitfalls of hemlock as a house-framing material. June 20, 2000

How milling impacts figure
How milling influences figure in sawn lumber. November 15, 2000

Bugs in air-dried ash
Can a stack of ash be saved from an infestation of powderpost beetles? June 20, 2000

Health hazards of wood dust
Studies have shown that breathing wood dust can be hazardous to your health. 1998.

Pressure treated lumber -- O.K. for grape arbor?
A look at pressure-treated woods, then and now, and safety factors to consider in using them. 1998.

Best preparation for bent ash
Dr. Gene advises a fishing-net maker on the best ways to prepare ash for bending into frames for his products. 1998.

Hickory or Pecan
Ideas for telling two highly similar plywood faces apart. February 25, 2005

Hackberry sawing and drying
How to saw and dry hackberry to avoid chemical staining. March 7, 2000

Preserving a cedar deck
Best methods for treating and protecting wood decks from decay. 1998.

Black ash uses
White ash, black ash, and their various uses. July 26, 2000

Buckled veneer is manufacturer's fault
except letting the manufacturer hear about it. 1998.

Birch for outdoor tool handles?
White birch's comparative weakness renders it a poor choice for handles on tools that must sustain high impacts. 1998.

Heat considerations in solar kilns
Solar kilns get hot enough to handle some aspects of lumber drying, but not all of them. March 6, 2000

Bowing in kiln-dried pine
What causes warpage of kiln-dried pine boards? August 23, 2000

Preventing discoloration in rubber wood
The two causes of discoloration in rubber wood, and how to avoid them. August 10, 2000

Electric Moisture Meters
A guide for using portable electric moisture meters on lumber. May 3, 2001

Submerged Wood for Instrument Making
"Sinker logs" from the Great Lakes turn out to be ideal for making musical instruments. December 15, 2005

Cottonwood for horse stalls
Is this a suitable species? September 25, 2002

Twisting cabinet doors
Only changes in moisture content cause wood to change in size or shape. 1998.

Working with Tamarack Wood
A discussion of Tamarack's suitability for board and batten siding, and for other uses. December 28, 2006

Drying Cedar Siding
Fresh cedar boards need only a quick air drying for exterior use. October 30, 2005

Travailler avec du bois de mélèze
Discussion sur l'aptitude du mélèze laricin à être utilisé comme bardage à planches et tasseaux, ainsi que pour d'autres usages. 28 décembre 2006

Characteristics of Beech Wood
Woodworkers admire Beech for its machineability, stability, and good looks. January 14, 2009

Utilisations du robinier faux-acacia
Les meilleures utilisations du robinier faux-acacia, hier et aujourd'hui. 4 janvier 2001

Fissures dans les rondins de bois des maisons en rondins – et autres avertissements
Les fissures dans les rondins utilisés dans la construction de maisons en rondins sont normales, mais pas nécessairement souhaitables. 10 août 2000

Planchers de bois « flottants » sur béton
Conseils pour l'installation d'un plancher flottant en bois massif sur du béton. 6 juin 2001

Comparaison des résistances du bois
L'essence de bois a moins à voir avec la résistance que les caractéristiques du grain. 21 juin 2000

Crown Moulding Expansion/Contraction Problem
Who or what is responsible for gaps appearing at joints after installation? June 4, 2004

Wood and Water
An excerpt from Gene Wengert's book, "Drying Oak Lumber." May 31, 2001

Are bone-dry biscuits necessary?
Questions about the dryness and size of biscuits. April 24, 2002

Troubleshooting vacuum kiln problems
An extensive discussion on vacuum pumps and vaporization of organic compounds in wood. February 28, 2001

What Does "Old Growth" Mean
The sawing and drying forum discusses what "old growth" means when used to describe lumber, and what qualities "old growth" wood may or may not have. May 14, 2006

Durable Wood for a Screen Door
A craftsman's question about screen door materials kicks off a long discussion about the qualities of various wood species, old growth and second growth. October 4, 2005

Warp in Drying
Causes and cures for warpage when drying lumber. May 4, 2001

Troubleshooting Cupping in a Bar Top
A solid Ipe bar top starts to show cupping. Furniture-makers chime in on wood movement and the nature of the problem. January 13, 2006

Maple Hassles
Woodworkers kick Maple's reputation around on this thread — but there's plenty of good information here about how to get the best out of it. April 9, 2008

Curling of a Cutting Board Set in a Concrete Countertop
Woodworkers attempt to cure a problem created by placing wood in a moist situation on one side. No easy answers here. June 18, 2009

Outdoor Stair Glue-Ups with Tropical Woods
Complex glued assemblies have trouble in outdoor exposures. This discussion takes a look at that, and at the difference in performance among various tropical hardwoods. January 14, 2013

Cherry Log: Quartersaw or Flatsaw?
Appearance would argue for flatsawn, stability for quartersawn — but it's more complicated than that. October 1, 2010

Wood Moisture Movement Issues with a Conference Table Top
Here's an extended discussion with photos, about why an architect's wish for a wood table top with mitered corners is impossible to grant. February 10, 2009

Calculating moisture content
Using a hygrometer and calculator to determine the MC of kiln samples. September 2, 2002

Aging yellow cedar
Attaining the look of naturally aged yellow cedar. September 2, 2002

Twisted timbers
Determining the cause of twisting in Douglas fir construction timbers. August 10, 2000

Checking Concerns with Massive Wood Posts
A custom home project calls for 15-inch-wide solid timber posts. Here's a discussion of the inevitable checking that will occur, and how to minimize it. November 13, 2005

Certified construction lumber
Laws governing the lumber used in building. December 17, 2002

Indoor Wood Shrinkage and Expansion
A learned discussion of the way building interior humidity causes dimensional change in wood. December 1, 2005

Troubleshooting a Cracked Beechwood Countertop
A good case example of the inevitable cracking that occurs when wood moisture-related movement is not allowed for — this time, in a counter of solid wood glued to plywood. February 11, 2010

WOODPRO - Species Selection Made Easy
A free complete working computer program (that can be downloaded at WOODWEB), allowing woodworkers to select the most suitable wood species for any particular application - 1997

Durability of Eastern Red Cedar
Short answer: it's the heartwood that is rot-resistant. But you'll learn more than that from this discussion. April 11, 2008

How much time to allow based on thickness and proposed radius of wood. September 23, 2003

Steam bending and lamination
Switching from glulam to steam bending of curved furniture parts. July 22, 2003

Slabbing and Drying Big Logs
Preventing cracks in Monterey cypress. April 18, 2004

Green barn siding
Making board and batten siding from freshly sawn lumber. June 19, 2003

Eliminating springback problems
Determining the radius to aim for when creating a curve with vac-laminated plywood. September 23, 2003

Troubleshooting Buckled Peel-and-Stick Veneer
Indoor humidity has caused adhesive-backed veneer to buckle. Here, pros discuss the limitations and vulnerabilities of the material. November 20, 2005

Constructing with poplar
Is poplar appropriate for building? February 6, 2002

"Water Oak" Versus "Pin Oak"
Locally common names for Oak varieties can cause confusion. Here's a discussion of some Oak tree varieties and some information on their characteristics. February 9, 2008

Explaining to Customers about "Plywood" and "Solid Wood"
Wood movement, quality, perception, and reality in the choice between sawn lumber and plywood. July 6, 2011

Stiffening Long-Span Bookshelves
Pros discuss ideas for limiting mid-span shelf deflection. June 18, 2005

Wood Species Useful for Shingles
A discussion of the wood varieties that work for use as exterior shingles. November 25, 2008

Wide-Board Table Top with no Warping
Can it be done? Maybe. February 26, 2005

Cherry Color After Aging
When cherry shelves are constructed years apart, how dramatic will the color difference be? May 8, 2004

Alternatives to Honduran Mahogany
A discussion of the qualities of some of the woods used as substitutes for Mahogany, plus an attempt to clear up some of the confusion around the much-misused "Mahogany" label. February 5, 2007

Is Vacuum Dried Wood Stronger?
With so many variables to control, it's hard to be sure whether any particular drying system gives better results in terms of wood properties. October 29, 2012

Eastern Hemlock for Post and Beam Construction
Beetle kill is taking a toll on Eastern Hemlock. Is the wood worth harvesting for timber framing? December 8, 2012

Static charge on wood
Troubleshooting and resolving static problems on freshly planed boards. October 9, 2002

Surfacing curly woods
The best machinery and tooling to handle the job. October 9, 2002

Claro Walnut Characteristics
Details on the origin and behavior of Claro Walnut wood. October 23, 2007

Fresh-Cut Pine for Rafters
In theory, green softwood should perform acceptably for barn rafters. In practice, on the other hand ... well, life is full of surprises. November 28, 2006

Working with Solid Ebony
Tips on how best to handle this scarce and costly wood. November 10, 2006

Working with Sapelle
Notes on the workability and machinability of this exotic tropical hardwood. January 8, 2007

Is Western Hemlock Suitable for Doors and Window Sash?
A discussion of the properties and best use of Hemlock. September 7, 2013

Mesquite Lore
Texas woodworkers share their knowledge of Mesquite wood. August 21, 2006

Is Poplar Good for Exterior Door Cores?
Controversy over whether Poplar can perform in exterior exposures. May 11, 2008

Spanish Cedar for Furniture?
Characteristics of Spanish Cedar make it problematic, even for porch furniture. January 27, 2007

Log weight
Locating a chart and doing the calculations. September 2, 2002

Sycamore for a Post and Beam Frame?
Beautiful as the wood is, Sycamore's tendency to twist makes it a questionable choice for timber framing. December 28, 2006

Moisture variance in red oak
Basic drying procedures and a discussion of bacteria in red oak. February 13, 2001

Choosing Wood for an Exterior Door
What species will provide good looks and durability? Craftsman trade opinions. July 2, 2005

West Coast Live Oak Uses
This discussion of Live Oak lumber characteristics includes some info about the "Sudden Oak Death" disease that is plaguing the West Coast. July 30, 2007

White Pine for Stick Framing
A few facts about the standards relating to the use of White Pine as house framing lumber. November 3, 2010

What the Heck is "Honduran Black Walnut"?
Woodweb pros discuss the opportunities, risks, and unknowns inherent in buying lumber from foreign sources at arm's length. September 7, 2013

Characteristics of Lyptus Wood
Cabinetmakers discuss the properties of this lesser-known but increasingly popular wood species. February 28, 2006

Cottonwood for Building
Cottonwood has drawbacks, but it can be used. Here's more information. August 18, 2009

Solid Wood Octagon Table Top Failure
Wood movement dooms a solid wood "sunburst" table top, and we learn why that will always happen. February 12, 2007

Is Pin Oak Useful?
Widely planted as a yard landscaping tree, Pin Oak has some drawbacks as a source of lumber. June 18, 2009

Sawing and drying mesquite
Dealing with many-trunked mesquite trees. February 6, 2002

Eastern Red Cedar for Outdoor Use
Thoughts on drying Eastern Red Cedar, and on the wood's value for decks or outdoor furniture. December 6, 2009

Working with Jatoba ("Brazilian Cherry")
This tropical hardwood is dense, heavy, and beautiful, but prone to movement and hard on tools. Yellow pieces will probably change to match the rest. May 11, 2011

Working with Ash
Beautiful and easy to work, ash also ages well. Fans discuss ash and its virtues in this thread from the Architectural Woodworking forum. November 9, 2005

Drying wood for musical instruments
A primer on various lumber drying techniques as they relate to musical instrument construction. 1998.

Alternatives to Cumaru for Cabinet Work
A client want cabinets made with Cumaru, a Brazilian hardwood. But the cabinetmaker is looking for a more practical species to substitute. Here are a few ideas. December 31, 2012

Working with Ipe Wood
Woodworkers air their objections to Ipe, which is heavy, hard, and rough on tools. The Wood Doctor adds a little technical detail to the discussion. March 12, 2014

Sawing Dawn Redwood
A discussion of the characteristics of lumber sawn from Dawn Redwood. March 28, 2010

Characteristics of Utile Wood
Expert info on that exotic African wood known as Utile. October 23, 2007

African Versus Honduras Mahogany
Woodworkers compare the grain characteristics, color, and machinability of different Mahogany varieties. November 19, 2005

Clear face in a log
Clear face, cat face and trim, defined. March 4, 2002

Characteristics of Honeylocust Wood
Thoughts on Honeylocust, a little-known but attractive and useful wood species. June 30, 2007

Is Eastern Red Cedar Suitable for a Sauna?
Potential toxicity and non-durability of the sapwood are issues that could affect the decision. March 12, 2014

Determining MC by weight
Tools and techniques for measuring moisture content by weighing lumber cuttings. January 4, 2001

White Oak Versus Red Oak for Outdoor Exposures
The key difference is that White Oak has a closed-cell pore structure and is therefore more weather-resistant. November 23, 2012

Yellow Cedar Characteristics
Not a true Cedar, Yellow Cedar grows mainly on the northern Pacific coast of North America. Here is some info about its useful properties. April 2, 2013

Eastern Red Cedar for Buried Posts
The heartwood of Eastern Red Cedar has better rot resistance than the sapwood has. January 18, 2011

Troubleshooting Wood Flooring Shrinkage
Moisture change is always the culprit when wood shrinks. Here, pros a case of gapped-out wood flooring. July 28, 2006

Conditioning DH-kiln-dried white oak
July 18, 2000

Don't send a home dehumidifier -- to do a commercial kiln's work
Are domestic dehumidifiers adaptable for use in drying small quantities of lumber? March 12, 2000

Sawing An Old Elm Tree
Tension wood from growth stress may call for a modified technique. April 10, 2005

Understanding Drying Stress in Wood
A complaint about cupping in mahogany door stiles after machining leads to a discussion of what causes drying stress and related movement in kiln-dried wood. June 23, 2006

Vacuum Dried Red Oak
Achieving quality and color. May 19, 2004

Osage Orange Uses
Osage Orange is prized for traditional bow-making and other valued uses. April 18, 2009

Using a Green Timber as a Girder
Issues to be aware of when using green or partially-green softwood timbers as structural beams. November 28, 2006

Tips for creating spalted maple
Creating spalted lumber by creating the correct conditions. January 4, 2001

Working with hickory
How to get around the difficult machining characteristics of hickory. July 24, 2001

Northern Versus Southern Red Oak
The characteristics of Oak vary from North to South. Here's more. April 15, 2013

Red Oak, White Oak, Black Oak, and More
but there's more to the story than that. This thread offers a few little-known facts about oak varieties. June 20, 2005

Advice for Working with Hickory
Use extra-sharp, hard tools and expect to see some waste anyhow. September 3, 2011

Teak Fence-Post Durability
How long will the buried end of a Teak fence post last? June 26, 2009

Durability of Cedar Signs in Outdoor Exposures
Cedar should last 15 years in the weather — if the assembly details and finish are suitable. July 29, 2012

Telling Red Pine from White Pine Logs
Branch whorls aren't much help, but compare early and late wood growth. February 26, 2005

Can Tree Limbs Provide Useful Lumber?
Growth stresses create movement issues with wood sawn from limbs, but it does have some uses. July 3, 2008

Working with Lyptus
Cabinetmakers share experiences working with the tropical hardwood Lyptus. July 22, 2005

Yellow discoloration in oak
Causes of yellow staining in kiln-dried oak are discussed. October 2, 2001

Working with Hickory
Hard, dense, and splintery, Hickory does not take finish well either. You might want to consider Butternut as an alternative. November 15, 2011

Working with Ebony
Ebony is a difficult material to source, and quality varies. January 20, 2011

Characteristics and Usefulness of Sassafras
Beauty and versatility give this lesser-used wood some economic value. January 18, 2011

Quality of Southern Grown Oak
Though slightly different from northern wood, it's suitable for furniture. July 12, 2005

R-Value of Log Walls
Wood rates about R-1 per inch, but air-sealing is also an issue with log buildings. July 13, 2006

What's the Easiest Wood to Work ?
Woodworkers rate wood species on machinability, looks, and stainability. December 14, 2005

Osage Orange Color Changes
You can't stop Osage Orange wood from turning brown as it ages. February 12, 2007

Catalpa: Uses and Vulnerabilities
Catalpa is a beautiful wood, rot-resistant and prized by some wood turners. Standing trees may have heart rot, however. April 24, 2013

Machining and Stability Characteristics of Birch
A few facts and some hands-on impressions of Birch as a cabinetmaking material, compared to other similar woods. July 8, 2014

Ipe For Cabinet Construction
Ipe's coloration, oiliness, irritating dust, and density are disadvantages when it comes to building cabinets. October 27, 2009

Uses for Black Gum Lumber
Sawyers discuss how to handle Black Gum wood, and what you can make with it. June 30, 2009

Sawing Norway Spruce for Lumber
Norway Spruce doesn't saw into the finest lumber going, but it's not trash either. February 22, 2011

Gluing Up a Cherry and Maple Tabletop cherry & maple
A woodworker gets advice on allowing for movement when gluing different wood species together. December 20, 2005

Comparing Tropical Woods for Use in Outdoor Furniture
Utile, Sapele, and Ipe compared and contrasted. Which works better for exterior furniture? June 13, 2011

Troubleshooting Bow in Kiln-Dried Cherry
A discussion of the causes and possible cures for bowing of lumber. November 14, 2009

Inconsistencies in HDF production
Problems with production of high-density fiberboard with MUF adhesive. June 6, 2001

Cottonwood: O.K. for rafters?
Is cottonwood appropriate for the structural parts of a building? January 31, 2001

Calculating Springback
Simple formula for determining amount of springback in bent solid wood. April 18, 2004

Working with Balau Wood
A dense, durable tropical hardwood that is rough on blades, Balau is good for outdoor features such as decks. April 4, 2011

Usefulness of Gum Wood
Which variety is this, and what's it good for? February 26, 2005

Ring Shake in Hemlock
Hemlock makes good boards or framing lumber, but wood from trees exposed to grazing animals may be have structural flaws. July 12, 2005

Ring Deformation (Compression Wood)
An odd-looking ring pattern in a cross-cut log is explained as compression wood, certain to bend after sawing. April 20, 2011

Aspen Wood for Cabinets
It's soft, it's fuzzy, and it takes finish unevenly. Hmm... August 29, 2006

Kentucky Coffeetree Lumber Characteristics
Sawmillers share experiences with sawing and drying Coffeetree wood. March 9, 2010

"False Acacia" (a.k.a. Black Locust)
Black Locust is known in Europe as "False Acacia." Here's some info about the species and the lumber. October 15, 2010

Cottonwood for Barn Siding
Advice on using Cottonwood for board and batten siding. June 18, 2010

Working with Zebra Wood
Zebra wood is splintery, twisty, smelly, and irritating — but beautiful, woodworkers say. January 25, 2013

Kiln dried: Better than air dried?
Why kiln-dried lumber is the best option for wood that will eventually 'live' indoors. 1998.

Working with Silver Maple
Like Red Maple, it's a type of Soft Maple. Machines easily, but with a tendency to fuzz. August 29, 2006

Ebony Substitutes for Inlay
Suggestions for softer woods to substitute for Ebony as an inlay in a table top, along with a tip on bringing Ebony flush to softer woods during sanding and finishing operations. November 15, 2011

Sweet Gum to Frame a Workshop?
Construction may not be the best use for Sweet Gum: its beauty exceeds its durability. October 3, 2009

Rot Resistance of White Pine Versus White Spruce
Unless it's old-growth heartwood, neither species is particularly durable in outdoor exposures. March 28, 2010

Suitability of Tulip Poplar for Timbers
Can a large Tulip Poplar tree yield large members suitable for structural use in a timber frame? March 28, 2010

What is the Hardest Wood on Earth?
Trivia for wood lovers. There is some hard wood out there, people. April 11, 2008

Uses and Value of Persimmon
A disussion of what persimmon wood is worth, and what it's good for. December 15, 2005

Controlling color in air-dried alder
Ideas for achieving color uniformity when air-drying alder. July 26, 2000

Mixing Maple and Poplar
Maple and Poplar have similar characteristics, and can be combined in a paint-grade project. April 2, 2013

Iroko Wood Tearout
This tropical hardwood (a good substitute for teak) can be tough on saw blades and moulder knives. December 1, 2005

A rubberwood primer
Rubberwood's machinability and comparability to teak. January 31, 2001

Steam bending wood
Information resources on how to steam bend wood. January 24, 2001

Determining Wood EMC -- (Equilibrium Moisture Content)
How to calculate and establish EMC. From the Forest Products Laboratory. February 16, 2004

Splitting Wood - Green Versus Dry
Wood is stronger, and thus harder to split, after drying. April 11, 2008

Durability of Locust Varieties
Black locust is the same as yellow locust, and it's more durable than honey locust. December 1, 2005

Salvaging lumber from submerged wood
The best chance for salvaging lumber from submerged wood lies in cutting it quickly, and drying it slowly. 1998.

Tulip (Yellow Poplar) Color Fade
A large slab of Tulip, freshly sawn, shows some striking and dramatic coloration. But what will happen over time? October 26, 2011

Causes for warpage after planing
Why boards may warp after surfacing. January 16, 2001

-- Architectural Woodworking Forum -- Moisture Effects on Wood (Video)
Wood Doctor Gene Wengert explains in detail about the ways moisture affects wood, in a seven-part YouTube video series. December 31, 2012

Using a moisture meter
How and where to use a moisture meter. November 14, 2001

"M" particleboard grades
The difference between grades of particleboard is explained. June 14, 2000

Uses for Hackberry Wood
don't toss those hackberry logs. February 14, 2006

Tree identification guide
Recommended resources for identifying the trees in your region. February 28, 2001

Exterior Performance of Balau Wood
Here's a little information on Balau, a durable Southeast Asian tropical hardwood. October 19, 2013

Stains on wood
remove. June 27, 2000

An Introduction to Wood Anatomy Characteristics Common to Softwoods & Hardwoods
Familiarize yourself with the basics of tree and wood anatomy. June 21, 2007

Dark liquid from walnut: Toxic?
The Wood Doctor says: Stay away from this stuff! 1998.

Southern Yellow Pine for Log Cabin
Southern Yellow Pine has grain issues that make it less suitable for log building. October 19, 2013

Processing trees to lumber -- for the hobbyist
A primer on sawing and drying lumber for projects at home. March 13, 2001

Poplar for a Storm Door: Movement Issues
An extended discussion of the behavior of Poplar in an exterior exposure. Science says Poplar is suitable for exterior woodwork, but experience may indicate the contrary. June 3, 2007

Preventing Cupping in a Wide Board
Woodworkers discuss the "rip and flip" method, relief cuts, and similar methods of reducing wood movement. November 19, 2005

Poplar in Exterior Conditions
Although some people have noted 100-year-old poplar porch posts that are still sound, poplar generally seems to rot quickly in exterior use. November 10, 2005

Home DH for drying lumber
Home dehumidifiers versus bought kilns for drying wood. September 2, 2002

Home-made house materials
Advice on sawing out the lumber to build your own house. February 28, 2001

Holly and Teak for Boat Decking
This thread answers the question of why Holly and Teak are paired in boat decking (below decks only), and continues with a folkloric and historic discussion of Teak for boatbuilding — including on nuclear submarines.October 19, 2013

Producing Stable Part Stock
With little time and no system in place, can this shop produce parts that won't move over time? October 20, 2004

Hard vs. soft maple
Can these maples be mixed, and what are the differences? January 21, 2002

Bar Top Wood Movement Issues Explained
Yet another discussion of the reasons that large table or bar-top glue-ups tend to self-destruct. August 22, 2014

Black Locust as a Utility Pole
Thoughts on whether to dry a Black Locust pole before burying the end, and related issues. March 28, 2010

Paulownia Characteristics and Uses
A fast-growing, light and strong semi-tropical wood, Paulownia has enough value to be worth stealing. Here's an example growing on a bathroom windowsill. September 5, 2010

Performance Issues with "Roasted Birch"
The process of heating wood to 300°F takes a toll in terms of strength, durability, and workability. December 9, 2008

Promoting blue stain
How to promote this visual effect in a stack of red pine. March 21, 2002

Port Orford Cedar — Milling Tips and Uses
Ideas on how to saw a nice Port Orford Cedar log, and for what to make with the wood. October 25, 2006

Planer is tearing-out -- on white oak, but not red
What could be the culprit when a planer is tearing out on one type of oak, but not another? June 14, 2000

Burmese Versus Plantation Teak
A quick discussion of Asian and South American varieties of wood marketed as "Teak" July 13, 2010

Building with Green Water Oak
Building with timbers that have not been dried creates some degree of risk. September 27, 2008

Beech Lumber for Siding
Exterior siding exposure may not be the best use of Beech wood. June 4, 2012

Hard maple versus soft Maple
Aesthetic and functional differences between hard and soft maple

Black Locust for Window Sash
Black Locust wood is naturally durable, but unstable and prone to movement and cracking. April 13, 2010

Pecan Wood for Use as Ties
A little info (and some unanswered questions) about the usefulness of Pecan wood for railroad ties.June 14, 2014

Building Cabinets with Lyptus
Cabinetmakers discuss the machining qualities and other characteristics of Lyptus (Eucalyptus) wood, and its suitability for cabinet construction. April 6, 2007

Properties of Tamarack
Tamarack dries nice and straight, but it's splintery and may have some shake. August 8, 2010

Poplar Is a Hardwood, but Is It Hard?
As a deciduous tree, Poplar is classified as a hardwood. Here's some hard info about just how hard it is (or isn't).November 15, 2011

Properties of Yemeri Wood
Yemeri is a Central American tropical hardwood that is good for utility lumber. July 18, 2008

Basic lumber grades
An overview of NHLA grades. October 15, 2001

Acetylated Treated Lumber — What's Up with That?
Here's an interesting discussion about the durability, fastener compatibility, and other properties of acetyl treated lumber, such as "Accoya," with some useful links to more. January 2, 2014

Lumber Choices for Fence Posts and Rails
A discussion comparing various wood species with pressure treated lumber for use in building fences. March 28, 2012

Toxicity of Black Locust
The leaves, bark and wood of Black Locust are poisonous to both people and livestock. March 31, 2008

Formaldehyde, sawdust and cancer
Discussion on the health risks of formaldehyde in finishes and wood dust in the air. April 4, 2001

Working with Ribbon Mahogany and Brazilian Cherry
Tips on machining and staining two very hard, and very visually interesting, exotic hardwoods. October 27, 2005

What Causes Ring Shake?
Speculations and discussion on science relating to ring shake. April 10, 2005

Mahogany Varieties for Countertops
A discussion of the practicality of mahogany for a countertop, and thoughts about similar alternatives. November 7, 2007

Variétés d'acajou pour comptoirs
Discussion sur l'aspect pratique de l'acajou pour un comptoir et réflexions sur des alternatives similaires. 7 novembre 2007

- Wood species
Information on tree species and their uses. March 20, 2001

Teak Finish on Kitchen Cabinets
Teak may be naturally water resistant, but in a kitchen environment, even this tough lumber needs some help. February 26, 2005

Using Lyptus
Here's a detailed thread on woodworker experiences using Lyptus wood. April 20, 2008

Travailler le bois d'Iroko
On l'appelle parfois « teck africain », mais l'iroko n'est pas du teck et ne se comporte pas comme du teck. 7 mai 2007

Working with Iroko Wood
It's sometimes called "African Teak," but Iroko is not Teak, and does not act like Teak. May 7, 2007

Bois durable pour une porte moustiquaire
La question d'un artisan sur les matériaux des portes moustiquaires déclenche une longue discussion sur les qualités des différentes essences de bois, vieilles et secondes pousses. 4 octobre 2005

Peuplier en conditions extérieures
Bien que certaines personnes aient remarqué des poteaux de porche en peuplier vieux de 100 ans qui sont encore en bon état, le peuplier semble généralement pourrir rapidement lorsqu'il est utilisé à l'extérieur. 10 novembre 2005

Construire avec du peuplier
Le peuplier est-il un matériau approprié pour la construction ? 6 février 2002

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