Residue-Free Labels Latest in Tools and Supplies

Techniques for Equalizing and Conditioning Lumber
The Wood Doctor explains how to complete the final two steps in the primary processing uh, process. 1998.

Math for Helical Stair Parts
Pros find and discuss a formula for figuring helixes (it's a real head-scratcher). April 11, 2005

Achieving functional kitchen design
When it comes to the kitchens you build, should you design them yourself or hire an expert? December 6, 2000

Creosote-treated timbers: Cut with care
Some wise precuations to take if milling lumber previously treated with creosote. September 21, 2000

Rough lumber dimensions
Understanding basic lumber dimensions and how to calculate board footage. April 20, 2001

Rx For Bending Wood
Dr. Gene Wengert offers advice on bending solid lumber in production applications. 1998.

Oversize End-Grain Butcher Block
Woodworkers kick around the issues raised by a client's proposed DIY project: a 4-foot by 7-foot butcher-block top. October 2, 2007

Types and Properties of Woodworking Adhesives
The Wood Doctor's dissertation on wood glues, from A to Z. 1998.

Comparing sliding and vertical saws
Woodworkers voice their views on the virtues and liabilities of both sliding and vertical saws. November 15, 2000

Tools to choose in setting up shop
Selecting the best makes and models of tools when starting out. October 31, 2000

Drawer construction
High-quality, cost-effective methods of drawer construction, and tips on joinery. March 28, 2001

Glazes and crackles
How to use glazes and crackles to produce dramatic effects. November 21, 2000

Wood getting stuck in planer
Some possible causes and solutions to the problem of wet wood getting stuck in a planer. June 14, 2000

When is three-phase power -- the right choice?
A primer on three-phase power, and when it's appropriate to make the switch from single-phase. June 14, 2000

Safeguarding Woodworking Machines and Worker Safety
A detailed description of machinery safeguarding techniques - 1984

Wood dust hazards and safety gear
A detailed look at personal safety precautions for those exposed to wood dust.

Alternatives to painted interiors
Woodworkers offer alternatives to painted cabinet interiors. September 6, 2000

Alder as a cherry substitute
Appropriate substitutes for cherry, and how to stain them. November 21, 2000

Treated pine vs. cedar
The Wood Doctor offers his prognosis for outdoor projects using cedar and treated pine. 1998.

Amish mills
Some perspectives on Amish sawmill operations. June 27, 2000

Rx For Planer Splits
The five main causes for splits in lumber during roughmill planing. 1998.

Choosing Wood for a Shop-Made Hand Plane
In the olden days woodworkers made their own planes. You can still do it. Here are some thoughts on the appropriate wood.June 28, 2013

Ripping cabinet-grade plywood -- with a circular saw
Tips and accessories for getting decent cuts with a hand-held power saw. September 26, 2000

Finger Joints: A Few Whys and Wherefores
The Wood Doctor provides his prescription for effective finger joints in solid stock. 1998.

Dry Kiln Information Resources
A list of clubs, organizations, books and publications providing information about drying lumber for use in woodworking. 1998.

Resawing for Book-Matching on a Bandsaw
Woodworkers discuss blades and setups for resawing lumber for laminations and veneers. November 20, 2005

Speedier cutting of toe-kick notches
Techniques for quickening this necessary element of cabinet part machining. July 18, 2000

Getting great joints in veneer
A discussion of techniques for getting tight joints in veneered work. June 14, 2000

Chisels for Hand-Cut Dovetails
Woodworkers talk about chisel quality, sharpening, and dovetail joinery. October 28, 2005

Chip-out from a year-old moulder
The moulder had worked perfectly for a year when all of a sudden, chip-out reared its ugly face. June 14, 2000

Drying Rough-Turned Bowls
Experienced wood-turners discuss how to dry and finish turned bowls without cracking them. August 23, 2005

Cracking veneer
Why are cracks appearing in a veneered mantelpiece a year after construction? March 21, 2002

Tricks for sanding things smooth
Tried and true techniques for sanding and oil finishing. January 24, 2001

Market for persimmon?
Once popular in the manufacture of golf clubs, the demand for persimmon has slowed. March 2, 2000

Glue failures
Adhesive failure can usually be traced to one of two causes: overly moist wood or defective glue. December 6, 2000

Customizing putty to match projects
Achieving the right match: Mixing putty from the jar or from scratch. October 31, 2000

Faking mahogany
What species are closest to mahogany in grain structure, so, when stained, will look like the real thing? March 20, 2000

Ridding one's house of powderpost beetles
What to do upon discovering an infestatoin of powderpost beetles. 1998.

Tooling choices for solid surface
Tooling and feed speed info for machining solid surface materials. November 7, 2000

Cold Weather Gluing
Cold or frozen temperatures affect both the glue and materials and can create problems when gluing - 1998

Door stiles bow after assembly
Possible causes and solutions for door stiles that bow after the door is assembled. September 26, 2000

Warpage in bookmatched curly maple?
Warpage should not be anticipated in bookmatched lumber any more than in any other type of glue up. 1998.

Warpage in maple door panels
Despite a careful glue-up, a woodworker gets warpage in door panels. June 14, 2000

Cutting creosoted poles
Advice on cutting (or not cutting) utility poles treated with creosote. June 20, 2000

Salt pastes and PEG
Polyethylene glycol is high-priced, but the alternatives for stabilizing green wood are few. 1998.

Computers on shop floor
How to protect computers used on the shop floor from damaging dust. September 26, 2000

Gluing Hard Maple -- Troubleshooting Problems When Gluing Hard Maple
Sharp knives, and adequate wetting are critical when gluing maple - June 18, 1999

Do tropical trees lose their leaves?
The Wood Doctor explains that many species of tropical trees are indeed deciduous. 1998.

Applied mouldings on raised-panel doors
Ideas for applying mouldings to raised panel doors without affecting panel movement. September 26, 2000

Spots revealed in dry, planed lumber
Dr. Gene attempts to find the causes of discolored spots on dried lumber, revealed only when the stock has been planed. 1998.

Valuing and pricing old lumber
Lumber pricing is like everything else: Whatever the market will bear.

Eucalyptus for furnituremaking
A primer on this native Australian lumber. June 14, 2000

A PEG primer
Some general information on this green-wood treatment. 1998.

Embossed mouldings
A discussion of various elements in the manufacture of embossed moulding. June 14, 2000

Gluing veneers
Some tips for gluing down veneer. 1998.

A finish for outdoor furniture
A brief look at finish options for outdoor furniture. March 22, 2000

MDF vs. veneer-core plywood
Comparing MDF and particleboard to veneer-core plywood for cabinet manufacturing. 1998.

Raised grain: A pith-side phenomenon
Raised grain tends to appear more on the side of boards which, in the log, faced the pith. Here's why. 1998.

Woods for outdoor furniture
A manufacturer of outdoor furniture consults the Wood Doctor for help with choosing a species to replace beech. 1998.

Measuring surface roughness
Three methods for measuring surface roughness on dressed lumber. 1998.

Calculating longitudinal shrinkage
There's no firm factor for calculating longitudinal shrinkage in maple, but here's a place to begin. 1998.

Working with casehardened lumber
Casehardened lumber should be returned to the processor, or planed to the desired thickness; resawing is not an option. 1998.

More on blue stain removal
Is there a 100-percent-effective method for removing blue stain from pine? 1998.

Treating wood worm infestations
How to arrest an infestation of wood worms before they migrate to other furniture. 1998.

Jigs for setting planer knives
Accessories for setting planer knives in the cutterhead. June 14, 2000

Creating skateboard blanks -- with compound curves
Ideas for gluing up 'longboard' blanks for skateboards. 1998.

Workbench end caps: Bad idea?
Though European workbenches commonly feature caps over the ends of the worktop material, these may hinder natural movement of the wood on this side of the Atlantic.

Wood dust a carcinogen?
The Wood Doctor points to two sources of information on the carcinogenic properties of wood dust. 1998.

The importance of balanced finishes
or in this case, do unto one side of your project what you did to the other. 1998.

Machining MDF
Tips for machining MDF. 1998.

Chemically "aging" cherry
Tips and cautions for using chemicals to quickly achieve the richer colors certain woods attain with age. 1998.

Drilling Four-Inch Holes
Ways to bore large-diameter holes, and sources for oversize bits. October 26, 2005

Crown moulding: Calculating miters
How to calculate the correct mitering angles in crown moulding installation. November 29, 2000

Relative densities of various birches
The Wood Doctor offers resources for information on the relative densities of birch lumbers, and offers an opinion on plastic laminate. 1998.

Ideal relative humidity in woodworking plants
Determining the best relative humidity level for your operation. 1998.

Drying small pieces in microwave
You can dry lumber in a microwave oven, under certain conditions. 1998.

A facility for storing kilned lumber
What's a good facility for storing kilned lumber without raising its moisture content? May 6, 2000

Estimating BF yields
Some formulas for calculating board foot yields from rough logs. March 1, 2000

Cutting crown for cathedral ceilings
Tricks for installing crown moulding in rooms with cathedral ceilings. June 14, 2000

Controlled spalting
Is it possible to control spalting to produce unique turning stock? June 20, 2000

Darkening wood with steam
Saturated steam can be an effective way to darken some species of wood, while still green. 1998.

Embossing wood blocks
Producing embossed ABC blocks is expensive, unless you're doing a bunch of them. 1998.

Recommended finishes for cutting boards
Food-safe finishes for restaurant butcher blocks. December 6, 2000

Moisture meter for veneer
Finding a moisture meter that can accurately "read" veneer. June 14, 2000

Wood technology Web sites
A short list of Web sites with information about characteristics of given species. 1998.

Why is machined teak blotchy?
If you're not familiar with it, one property of freshly machined teak can take you by surprise. 1998.

Stained oak from supplier
There are solutions for stained, milled, not-yet-dried oak lumber, but first , one must determine the cause of the staining. 1998.

Underwater wood: Worthless?
Generally speaking, submerged lumber is often a total loss. 1998.

Second-growth cypress -- it's just not the same
Second-growth cypress lacks the natural decay resistance of its first-generation counterpart. 1998.

Teak Tips
Tips for gluing this oily wood - 1998

Can You Undo Glue?
The success if undoing glue joints depends onthe type of glue -1998

Quani?? Konnei??
Description: Konnei, a species from tropical Asia. March 2, 2000

A brief history of wood glues
Is there a difference between white and yellow wood glues? 1998.

Are templates best for this job?
Using a template to repeat patterns on veneering project. June 14, 2000

Drying South American hardwoods
Dr. Gene Wengert provides a resource for information on drying tropical hardwoods. 1998.

Delta 12.5-inch planer
Participants discuss the performance of the DeWalt 12.5-inch planer. April 9, 2000

Mist-type dust collection
Water-mist dust collection techniques for capturing ultra-fine dust. June 14, 2000

A source for submerged wood
A supplier for lumber cut from submerged logs is provided.

Discoloration in steamed beech
Tracing the source of discoloration as a result of beech steaming. 1998.

Tips for machining pecan
The Wood Doctor offers three things to bear in mind when machining pecan. 1998.

Worms in ash
Are worm holes in just-bought ash a cause for concern? 1998.

Lilmited options for blue stain removal
Blue stains in pine can only be removed through planing or heavy bleaching. 1998.

Graduate-Level Information on Woodworking
Ideas on where to find well-researched information about woodworking. 1998.

Rung Remedies
Suggesteed repairs for loose chair rungs - 1998

Tannic acid stains in oak
October 16, 2000

Uses for applewood
Applewood. Huh! (Good God, y'all) What is it gooood for? August 10, 2000

Problem with veneer over MDF
Veneer applied over MDF is splitting and cracking - what could be the cause? March 21, 2002

Bubbles in veneer
Why are bubbles appearing in veneer applied with PVA glue in a bag press? March 21, 2002

Bullnose Stair Tread Returns
Several ways to get a perfect return. April 14, 2005

Protecting edges of installed cabinets
Protecting newly installed cabinetry from the chaos of continuing construction. November 15, 2000

How did our forebears dry lumber?
How lumber was dried for furniture construction prior to the introduction of kiln drying. November 21, 2000

Hemlock for homebuilding
The virtues and pitfalls of hemlock as a house-framing material. June 20, 2000

Heavy Butcherblock Countertop
Advice and tips for fabricating an oversize maple butcherblock top for a kitchen island. August 24, 2005

Patching damaged veneer
Repairing damaged veneer on the top of a chest of drawers. June 14, 2000

Production ideas for box columns
Joint selection and assembly tips for box-type columns. September 26, 2000

Health hazards of wood dust
Studies have shown that breathing wood dust can be hazardous to your health. 1998.

Bubbles in topcoat
Causes of air bubbles in the first coat. May 22, 2002

Production sanding of raised-panel profiles
Woodworkers offer tips on sanding a large quantity of raised panel profiles. September 26, 2000

Production sanding for humidors
There's no 'silver bullet' when it comes to the detail sanding that fine work demands, be it in a one-off or production environment. 1998.

Blending a Champagne Stain
Matching a popular color using the materials at hand

Preventing kickback
Diagosing the causes of recurring kickback, and finding cures. 1998.

Preserving a cedar deck
Best methods for treating and protecting wood decks from decay. 1998.

Birch for outdoor tool handles?
White birch's comparative weakness renders it a poor choice for handles on tools that must sustain high impacts. 1998.

Heat resistant veneer glue
There are glues that will withstand the high temperatures in heat-assisted finishing operations. 1998.

Strange stories from the sawmill
Sawyers trade tales of unusual objects discovered in wood, during processingd - June 21, 2000

CAD Drafting Services for the Woodworking Industry
For some comapnies, outsourcing CAD work make sense - 1997

Housed Versus Butted Stair Stringers
Pros give tips on staircase construction. April 11, 2005

Re-Fortifying Ancient Wood
Wood can survive for millenia if it's buried under certain conditions. Here's a description of a method for saturating ancient wood with penetrating epoxy under vacuum pressure, to make it strong enough to be workable. October 13, 2005

Why use water-based finish?
With all the problems, why bother? April 17, 2002

Finishing MDF
How to achieve a smooth finish on MDF, where the sealed face has been removed. November 29, 2000

Analyzing aniline dye problems
Understanding the complexities of aniline dyes and their application. October 9, 2002

All about polyurethane glues
Pros, cons and various applications of polyurethane adhesives. November 7, 2000

Best stain for cherry?
Recommendations from visitors on the best processes and products for staining cherry. March 28, 2000

Le bois reste coincé dans la raboteuse
Quelques causes et solutions possibles au problème du bois mouillé coincé dans une raboteuse. 14 juin 2000

Financial Success in Woodworking
Philosophies and turning points on the path to $100K a year. January 6, 2005

Vacuum application FAQ
All aspects of vacuum and how it is used by the woodworker. March 18, 2002

Installing crown moulding
Calculations and tools for cutting crown angles. May 17, 2003

Working With Leg Levelers
Revising an installation process to include leg levelers. October 20, 2004

Are Cabinet Makers Carpenters?
Mulling over the dividing line between skilled tradesmen who all build things out of wood — but in different ways. July 20, 2011

Setting Up Excalibur Slider
Tips and photos for accurate alignment. March 14, 2004

Three-phase motors 101
Three-phase power and converters; explained in layman's terms. June 19, 2003

Chip-free dovetailing in plywood
Building dovetailed plywood drawers without chipping; European and American approaches. April 24, 2002

Scribing cabinets and Z clips
Issues of overhang and attachment are discussed. February 19, 2002

Flattening boards with a planer
Methods for planing warped wood flat. September 25, 2002

Woodshop Waste Percentage
How much wood do you waste in the construction of your product? June 21, 2004

Stupid Woodworker Tricks
With a nod toward David Letterman, pros discuss their least-best moments. January 24, 2005

Speeding Up CNC Router Production
Tips on operation, loading and unloading for efficiency. December 26, 2004

Shop lighting
Best bulbs for brightness and efficiency. February 12, 2003

Crown Molding Detail -- For Sloped Ceilings
Calculating angles and inside corner details for crown applied to sloped ceilings. April 2, 2004

Woodworking 101: The Basics
and shows how it can affect various production operations. 1998.

Eliminating Wood Problems -- An Industry Review: 10 Ways of Eliminating Wood Problems
Gene Wengert explains why eliminating wood problems begins and ends with monitoring and controlling the moisture content (MC) in wood -March 18, 2000

Are bone-dry biscuits necessary?
Questions about the dryness and size of biscuits. April 24, 2002

Cabinet construction joinery
Different joinery and construction methods. November 24, 2002

Finishing in-house vs on-site
Is quality compromised when cabinets are finished on the job site? November 22, 2003

Wood, the environment, and Man
A wide-ranging overview of the state of the primary processing industry, and where it may be going from here. August 10, 2000

Getting Mahogany Flat
Very hard woods with alternating grain patterns sometimes develop waviness when sanded with wide-belt equipment. Here's an extensive discussion of the characteristics of Mahogany, and of ways to approach it using both hand tools and power equipment. November 12, 2005

Achieving Consistent Copes
Why is it so difficult to cut copes the same every time? October 5, 2004

Constructing large passage doors
Using the right materials, glues and assembly methods. September 2, 2002

Estimating Start-Up Costs
A brand new business owner seeks input on projecting first-year expenses. January 6, 2005

Chordal's Letters Considered by Today's Shop Men
A discussion of a century-old book about shop craft, "Chordal's Letters" by James Waring See, available today as an on-line archive. February 6, 2010

Test your gluing knowledge
Answer these true-or-false questions to see what you know about adhesives and gluing. 1997

Melamine Cabinet Boxes
Can melamine move in as plywood quality degrades? October 5, 2004

Sink cutouts in post form tops
Woodworkers share their favorite methods. April 3, 2002

Value-added pricing: Why? -- Because you're worth it!
We all fear "those guys in their garages, doing work for cheap." But we really have nothing to fear at all.

Regular or dewaxed shellac?
is an appropriate primer coat. May 22, 2002

Finish room heating
Safe systems for keeping you, your finishes and your spray equipment cozy. November 22, 2003

Too-tight biscuits
Biscuit joining tricks and techniques. March 23, 2002

Drawers and the Utilization of Space
Why slide-integrated drawer systems are less costly to produce and provide greater space efficiency than traditional drawer construction. 1998.

Crown moulding with angled ceiling
Is it possible to take an out-of-kilter ceiling into account? November 22, 2003

The Most Important Skills to Learn
An apprentice woodworker asks what he should concentrate on for a career in the trade, and gets a full helping of good advice. October 2, 2005

Climb cutting and why not
Climb cutting on a shaper with feeder--safety and procedure issues. September 19, 2001

Restoring Historic Windows
How to keep what's good, and make them work. April 11, 2005

Flat Panel Cabinet Doors
Using solid wood or veneered MDF for panels. April 18, 2004

Making Fluted Pilasters
Detailed tips on efficient fluting, including images of a shop-made jig. October 5, 2004

Curved cabinet doors
What's the most efficient way to build radius frame-and-panel doors in-house? May 15, 2002

Scribing in Difficult Situations
Techniques and tactics for problematic scribing. September 9, 2004

Accurate Miter Cuts on Very Large Beams
A wide-ranging set of suggestions for making fine miter cuts in 6-inch deep members. July 12, 2012

To dado or not to dado?
The pros and cons of dadoing melamine cabinet boxes. November 22, 2003

FOB defined
Origins and meanings of the term "freight on board." (Sawing and Drying Forum) March 23, 2003

Tiny Bubbles
Are tools or techniqes to blame for the bubbles appearing in this ICA poly? October 20, 2004

Specialty Sawing Vocabulary
A newcomer asks for definitions of terms like "resawing," "ripsaw," and "chopsaw." December 30, 2005

Shop ceiling heights and heating types
Suggestions on minimum ceiling height and more for a new cabinet shop. August 13, 2002

Keeping cutterhead balance
Number of knives and other factors in cutterhead balance. (From WOODWEB's Solid Wood Machining Forum) March 5, 2003

Components--Not Cabinets
A longtime adherent of the system process of cabinet manufacturing makes his case for componentizing. 1998.

Drawer Construction
Choosing an efficient method over farming out the work. June 4, 2004

- What makes a cabinet "custom"?
Is there a specific standard that qualifies a cabinet as custom? June 24, 2002

Aching Glue Joints
Diagnoses and cures for a variety of problems related to the gluing up of panels in solid lumber. 1998.

20-foot span for saw shed
What approach should be used for strength and reliability? April 2, 2002

Faux marbling
Creating a decorative finish to match a marble mantel. November 22, 2003

Why Build Face Frame?
Reasons the face-frame tradition survives. September 9, 2004

Walnut Butcher Block Countertops
Techniques for creating a beautiful butcher block countertop are shared. May 10, 2005

AWI CAD Standard?
If there isn't one already, why not? December 26, 2004

Color matching and grain repair
Learning the necessary skills. (From WOODWEB's Finishing Forum) January 21, 2003

Ellipse jig
Making your own jig for ellipse-based arcs. (From WOODWEB's Cabinetmaking Forum) March 5, 2003

Thickness of Rough Lumber
Identifying and sawing for specific dimensions. May 19, 2004

Ripping hardwood straight
Why do ripped pieces come out banana-shaped? July 9, 2002

Exterior door finishes
Products to use for protection from rain. May 22, 2002

Face frame clamping options
Woodworkers discuss their clamping systems and share pictures of what works for them. July 24, 2001

WOODPRO - Species Selection Made Easy
A free complete working computer program (that can be downloaded at WOODWEB), allowing woodworkers to select the most suitable wood species for any particular application - 1997

Gluing cherry without glue line
Is glue type, color or amount responsible for prominent glue lines? September 24, 2002

Laying Out, Routing, or Templating an Ellipse
Here are several approaches to cutting a large ellipse: elegant jigs, slick pencil layout tricks, and sources for paper or MDF templates. May 16, 2008

Steam bending and lamination
Switching from glulam to steam bending of curved furniture parts. July 22, 2003

Slabbing and Drying Big Logs
Preventing cracks in Monterey cypress. April 18, 2004

WOODnetWork Discussions: Glue
The correct amount of clamping pressure is vital to a strong bond - 1998

Flatsawn to Quartersawn
Cutting both types of lumber. December 17, 2003

Applied wainscot
Creating fake raised panels for the lower portion of walls. April 3, 2002

Green barn siding
Making board and batten siding from freshly sawn lumber. June 19, 2003

Face Frame Assembly Table
Developing a bench for fast and accurate assembly. March 14, 2004

Repairing veneer sand-through
Short of firing the employee, what's the best fix for recurring sand-through in veneer edges? November 15, 2000

Face-frame joinery techniques
Cabinetmakers discuss various techniques for joining cabinet face frames. October 31, 2000

Joining boards end to end
What's the best way to do it when creating a 20' oak top? April 2, 2002

Multiple cut crown molding
Handling such installations with accuracy. April 3, 2002

Shop arrangement and setup
Shop owners describe the best and worst aspects of their workspaces. March 21, 2002

AutoCAD Dimension Lines
Cleaning up extension lines. December 26, 2004

Clamp Cart
Shop-made carriers for clamps. December 26, 2004

Wide-Board Table Top with no Warping
Can it be done? Maybe. February 26, 2005

Attaching Face Frames to Cabs
Preferred methods of joinery. January 28, 2004

Installing cabinets over tile
Tying kicks to a tile floor, and the complications presented by floor-integrated radiant heating. February 19, 2002

Sanding Hard Maple
A cabinetmaker complains of little swirl marks, and gets advice on sanding (and card scraping) technique. July 21, 2005

Small parts on P2P
Using a spoilboard to solve problems of no suction with small parts. March 20, 2001

Glue Joint Failure
Dr. Gene Wengert delves into one of the primary problem areas affecting furniture manufacturers: glue joints. 1998.

Correcting dowel hole runout
Finding and correcting the cause of dowel hole runout in CNC-machined parts. November 7, 2000

Think before you take the CNC plunge
WOODWEB technical advisor Brian Personett offers some food for thought to those thinking about purchasing CNC equipment. November 15, 2000

Frameless Cabinets With Traditional Look
Achieving quality and style with framless construction. April 4, 2004

Conversion varnish vs. lacquer
The pros and cons of each, including comparison of durability and repair. October 30, 2002

Increasing moulder knife life
Increasing length of runs between sharpenings. March 21, 2002

Dado processing
Methods and equipment for producing dados. October 30, 2003

Waterborne lacquer and polyurethane
What is the difference? March 23, 2002

Assembly table
A cabinetmaker shares a photo and description of his shop's assembly table. October 30, 2002

Miterfolds for clean corner joints
A sweet technique for classy corners. November 21, 2003

Humorous Tool Definitions
Do not read this while drinking, or your beverage may go up your nose and on your keyboard. December 28, 2006

Estimating board footage
Most accurate and most accepted methods of figuring BF for lumber. December 17, 2002

Should engineers do parts drawings?
Product engineers can draw impressive sketches. But should they be expected to write code? November 15, 2000

Supporting Overhanging Granite
Building a structurally sound kitchen island. November 22, 2004

Making Interlocking Shelves
Constructing sets of shelves with fitted parts. October 20, 2004

Sliding Table Saw Tips
Sliders are a little different for those used to working on a standard table saw. January 24, 2005

Coped Crown Installation
Coping in an octagonal room. April 18, 2004

Cabinets over outlets and cables
Options for installing over electrical outlets and computer cables. July 9, 2002

Millwork Touch-up and Repair
A visitor seeks advice on how to get training in the fine art of fixing faults. February 26, 2005

Router Bits for Raised Panels
Horizontal versus vertical bits for cutting raised panels. January 28, 2004

Outfeed Table Plan
Construction ideas for an outfeed table with mounted router. March 14, 2004

Joining cabinets - at a 45 degree angle
Cabinetmakers offer illustrated tips on joining a line of cabinetry which incorporates a 45-degree-angled unit. April 3, 2002

Making Curly Maple "Pop"
Finishers share ideas for bringing out the best in this stressed wood. February 26, 2005

Machining crown moulding
What's the best way to run crown moulding? May 2, 2001

Applying Kuhn edging
Methods, glues and clamps to use. April 2, 2002

Dehumidification drying of thin stock
Simple drying methods for small, thin stock. (Sawing and Drying Forum) March 23, 2003

Face Frame Efficiency
Avoiding bottlenecks in face frame construction. September 20, 2004

Dadoing techniques
Using a router to make dados. June 24, 2002

Safety and climb cutting
Safety issues involved in climb cutting with a shaper. January 21, 2003

Hand-Peeling and Hand-Hewing Logs
Hand tools and techniques for de-barking logs and squaring timbers. May 9, 2007

Cost Cutting and Productivity Boost for Small Box Production
Outsourcing some lumber profiling for a small custom item could carry a big comparative advantage. April 15, 2012

Flat Panel Door Material
for the job? February 25, 2005

Vertical Siding
Types of siding for "old barn" look. August 9, 2004

Joint Tape "Shadows" -- at Veneer Seams
Why does the area from which tape was removed accept stain differently? March 14, 2004

Wood Choice for Horse Stalls
Is there any kind of wood that horses won't chew on? July 18, 2008

Log weight
Locating a chart and doing the calculations. September 2, 2002

Gluing dovetails and finger joints
Which adhesive is best for these joints? May 15, 2002

Determining pricing
Finding a balance between fair and greedy pricing. June 5, 2002

and we do mean HARD. 1998.

Finishing Custom Staircase
Tips, tricks, and rituals. February 26, 2005

History Snapshot: A World War II Wooden Airplane
A video and discussion of an Australian World War II fighter plane built with wood and glue. February 19, 2013

Considering Bifocals
As we age, some of us need bifocals for good close-up and distance vision. In this thread, cabinetmakers who've switched to bifocals discuss the fine points of different types. September 21, 2005

Glue Line Failure in Cherry Panels
Are these joint failures due to product or process? May 10, 2005

Installing refrigerator end panels
The search for better methods. April 3, 2002

New shop specs and layout
Electric power and other considerations for a new cabinet shop. April 24, 2002

Vomit-Like Odor of Bacterially Infected Wood
When cabinets or wood smell like vomit, a likely culprit is bacterial infections in the trees the wood was made from. Unfortunately, there is no known fix. April 20, 2008

Eliminating Burn Marks when Routing Flutes
Tips on router techniques to prevent burning at the end of flutes, and on tools and methods for removing burn marks when they do happen. December 28, 2005

Cyanoacrylate adhesive
How does this glue work for gap filling? (From WOODWEB's Finishing Forum) March 23, 2003

Raised-Panel Ends on Upper Cabs
Fast and classy construction. March 14, 2004

Tumble Sanding for Toy Parts
Advice on how to cobble together a tumbling drum arrangement to sand small wooden items. March 12, 2015

Truing-up rough wood
Planers will not remove the bow from rough stock; jointing is required before boards can be properly thicknessed. February 13, 2001

A Jig for Producing Shelf Pin Holes
The search for equipment to make drilling holes simple and systematic. May 10, 2005

Veneer buckling
Preventing veneer from expanding and buckling through proper gluing and application methods. November 7, 2000

Finished end panels
How to install pre-finished end panels. April 3, 2002

Face frame alignment
Getting good alignment with mortise and tenon joinery in face frames. December 6, 2000

Alternating growth rings in panels
The debate between alternating growth rings and matching grain. September 25, 2002

Curved Work - with Form Outside the Bag
Creating vacuum-pressed curved parts with the clamping form outside the vacuum bag. March 10, 2002

What's the Best Pencil for Woodworkers
A few jocular comments notwithstanding, this is a serious question for the professional woodworker. December 28, 2014

Doors for a Wide Entertainment Center
Designing doors to hide an extra-wide TV. May 10, 2005

Webbing type adhesives and veneer
Ar canister spary systems appropriate for use with sheet veneer? September 25, 2002

Optimal feed rates for CNC machining
What are the best feed rates for CNC work? October 31, 2000

Cross-Cut Setups for the Shop
Woodworkers discuss radial-arm saw and sliding miter-saw choices for cross-cutting stock in the shop. May 16, 2008

Getting Your Waterstone Back in Shape
If your waterstone isn’t flat, it can’t deliver a proper edge to your tools. Here's how to fix that. December 18, 2013

Applying Nosing to Prefinished Plywood
The search for a satisfactory way to treat the seam where nosing meets plywood. May 10, 2005

Setting up a powerfeeder
The care and use of powerfeeders. November 7, 2000

Radius Corners on HPL Counters
Applying laminate strip without pull-away problems. May 19, 2004

Determining MC by weight
Tools and techniques for measuring moisture content by weighing lumber cuttings. January 4, 2001

Crown Molding With Staggered Cabinets
Making a smooth transition from cabinet to cabinet. July 20, 2004

Square-trimming face frame stock
Woodworkers share their secrets for getting dead-square cuts on the ends of face frame members.

External Crosslinkers, Explained
Finishing Chemistry 301 is now in session. February 26, 2005

Waxing Equipment Surfaces
Using butcher's wax to make wood move easily across machine tables. April 18, 2004

Vacuum Dried Red Oak
Achieving quality and color. May 19, 2004

Regulations for finishing operation
Concerns about building, fire and environmental laws for new shop. March 23, 2002

Jigs for shelf pin holes
Speeding up the drilling process. March 23, 2002

Tips for creating spalted maple
Creating spalted lumber by creating the correct conditions. January 4, 2001

Working with hickory
How to get around the difficult machining characteristics of hickory. July 24, 2001

Making Custom Molds for Storing Objects
Thoughts on two ways to make form-fitting pockets: moldable materials, or CAD/CNC imaging. March 28, 2015

Joinery for Decorative Posts and Beams
Advice on tools and methods for mortising big timbers in non-structural situations. February 11, 2010

Assorted Videos for Millwork Installers and Cabinetmakers
January 25, 2007

Shop-Made Frame Assembly Table
Details on construction, including images. March 14, 2004

Grinding custom shaper knives
Does it make sense to grind your own shaper knives? June 6, 2001

Comparing Low Angle and High Angle Planes
Woodworkers discuss the differences between low angle and high angle planes, and the appropriate uses for each. February 14, 2010

Veneer pressing time
Necessary waiting period between hot-pressing and further processing of panels. November 18, 2002

Facing frameless melamine cabinets
Facing and finishing melamine carcasses to attain a high-end, traditional look without face frames. April 2, 2002

Laminated Gunstocks: Grain Direction Considerations
Strength is gained when the wood grain direction of plies is alternated. Here's a discussion. August 15, 2012

Calculating Remaining Edgebanding
Formula to determine how much is left on the roll, with a nod to Archimedes. March 14, 2004

Keeping lumber flat during drying
Advice from Professor Gene Wengert on drying lumber in order to produce flat, true boards. December 12, 2000

Warping and cracking in glued-up pine
To find clues for cracked and warped pine panels, a measure of moisture content is needed before the splitting occurs. 1998.

3d Cnc
Programming 3D work on a CNC. August 26, 2004

What's the Easiest Wood to Work ?
Woodworkers rate wood species on machinability, looks, and stainability. December 14, 2005

Mother-of-Pearl Inlay
A few tips on laying mother-of-pearl into wood. November 12, 2006

Tear-out on raised panel corners
Eliminating corner tear-out on raised panel cabinet doors when using CNC equipment. November 7, 2000

Veneering Rounded Corners
Methods for smooth application. February 28, 2004

Moulding Calculator Spreadsheet Program
A free downloadable Excel spreadsheet that calculates the price per foot to charge for mouldings. December 16, 2000

Machinery setup: Squaring up your saw
How to make sure your saw is cutting square. February 12, 2001

Capabilities of a Pocket Hole Machine
When drilling a screw hole in a stile, how close to the edge can you get? May 10, 2005

Maple Toners and Finishing
Techniques and options. February 26, 2005

Cutting crown moulding laying flat
Calculating angles properly. April 2, 2002

To glue or not to glue
Is glue necessary in frame assembly for raised panel doors? January 31, 2001

Distressing Techniques to Mimic Driftwood
A woodworker seeks advice for creating the shipwreck look. March 17, 2005

2x4 Base Under Base Cabinets
Constructing ladder bases. December 26, 2004

Making Box Beams Look Hand-Hewed
It's hard to duplicate the look of an authentic hand-hewn beam, but here are some suggestions. August 24, 2005

Calculating Springback
Simple formula for determining amount of springback in bent solid wood. April 18, 2004

Turning and Drying Burls
Burls for bowl turning are best turned while green, and then dried. Here's a little detailed info. January 14, 2008

Line-boring for adjustable shelves
The full range of options for getting shelf holes in place is reviewed. 1998.

Door/drawer gaps in Euro-style cabinets
Americans need to apply the looser European standards to door and drawer gaps to avoid frustration when ordering these parts from other manufacturers. October 18, 2000

A Lap Joint for Curved Members
Ideas for tools and jigs to dado out for half-lap joinery where two curved pieces meet. December 7, 2007

Crafting a Tongue for a Horse-Drawn Mower
Advice on wood choice and fabrication methods for making old-fashioned wooden farm equipment components. December 31, 2012

Dowels: Best for frameless construction?
The case is made (no pun intended) for doweling in frameless cabinet construction. 1998.

Antique Finish for Natural Pine
Finishers share ideas for creating this effect. February 26, 2005

Finishing MDF Doors
Urethane-based paint versus pigmented lacquer for paint-grade doors. August 9, 2004

Five value-added approaches
Professor Gene Wengert presents ideas on adding value to your wood products. April 2, 2002

Upper Cabinet Heights
Suggestions for upper cabinet dimensions in a kitchen with high ceilings. May 10, 2005

Cypress board and batten siding
It's better to kiln dry that cypress before siding your house with it than to let air-drying suffice. 1998.

Gang rip yields
Determining the factors which influence optimal yields. June 13, 2001

Kiln dried: Better than air dried?
Why kiln-dried lumber is the best option for wood that will eventually 'live' indoors. 1998.

Raised glue lines after curing
A glue line that is raised days after parts are assembled and the glue has cured is a sure sign of wet lumber. 1998.

Making painted desk tops durable
Creating tough surfaces for office furniture. October 31, 2000

Rating drawer slides
What does a drawer slide weight rating mean, exactly? February 12, 2001

When to Apply Glaze
Finishers share their procedures. February 26, 2005

Trying to cope
and how to do it. May 15, 2002

Jig for beaded faceframes
Photographs of a shop-built jig. June 4, 2003

Training draftsmen for woodworking
Can an engineer learn the nuances of drawing millwork in CAD? March 20, 2001

Gluing white oak panels
Because of its density, white oak lumber must be machined carefully for panel glue-up, and assembled within an hour of preparation. 1998.

Repairing a sequenced MDF door
reverse the terminal warp of a sequenced MDF/cherry door. 1998.

Learning the trade
How to approach a woodworking firm about becoming an apprentice. November 7, 2000

Sliding table saw basics
General information for first-time users of 'sliders.' 1998.

Lumber drying options and efficiencies
The Wood Doctor's favorite references for making decisions among lumber-drying options. 1998.

Alternatives to dado cabinet construction
John Elvrum offers a practical approach to identifying viable, mechanical alternatives to traditional dado joinery of cabinet boxes. 1998.

Techniques for making tapered rips
Various machine and jig options for producing large quantities of tapered parts are offered . January 9, 2001

Routing a Curved Edge on Thick Butcher Block
To profile 2.5-inch-thick butcher block, you need to use a template and cut from both sides. September 27, 2008

Finishing aromatic cedar -- don't do it!
Is it possible to finish a cedar ceiling, yet preserve the color and aroma? March 20, 2001

3-phase to single phase
Is it possible to convert 3-phase equipment to single-phase power? March 20, 2001

All about glue size
A basic explanation of this product and how to use it. February 13, 2001

Steam bending wood
Information resources on how to steam bend wood. January 24, 2001

Drying small pieces of wood
Unusual methods for drying wood, including boiling. February 28, 2001

Causes for warpage after planing
Why boards may warp after surfacing. January 16, 2001

-- Architectural Woodworking Forum -- Moisture Effects on Wood (Video)
Wood Doctor Gene Wengert explains in detail about the ways moisture affects wood, in a seven-part YouTube video series. December 31, 2012

Using a moisture meter
How and where to use a moisture meter. November 14, 2001

"M" particleboard grades
The difference between grades of particleboard is explained. June 14, 2000

"Crying" Spanish cedar veneer
Cleaning up and fabricating "crying" Spanish cedar veneer. June 14, 2000

Wood Medallion Accuracy Tip
Here's a slick trick for making all the angle cuts work out on a multi-piece medallion. November 28, 2006

Dark liquid from walnut: Toxic?
The Wood Doctor says: Stay away from this stuff! 1998.

End-grain to end-grain gluing
Choosing an appropriate adhesive for end-grain to end-grain glueups. January 25, 2001

Production Tips, part three
Part three of three from Woodworking International Magazine, offering proven ideas for increasing efficiency in production shops. 1998.

Production Tips, part two
Part two of three from Woodworking International Magazine, offering proven ideas for increasing efficiency in production shops. 1998.

Partnerships and Other Ways to Share Shop Space
The pros and (mostly) cons of partner-run businesses. October 27, 2009

Better moulder finish quality
Eliminating snipe on mouldings. August 13, 2002

Production Tips, part one
Part one of three from Woodworking International Magazine, offering proven ideas for increasing efficiency in production shops. 1998.

Beaded Face Frame Fabrication
There's more than one way to bead a frame, as this discussion proves. January 24, 2005

Base cabinet installation
How to cope with wavy floors. April 3, 2002

Producing Stable Part Stock
With little time and no system in place, can this shop produce parts that won't move over time? October 20, 2004

Proper nail hole touchup
Using a material to fill holes that will be compatible with the finish. July 9, 2002

How to make a tenon
Accurately sized tenons without a tenoner. September 25, 2002

Building a Glue Press
Creating a glue press system in-shop. April 2, 2004

How do you do it? -- CNC Programming
Programmers share their methods. August 17, 2004

Pencil Preferences
Craftsmen discuss the pencils they like and where they carry them. November 11, 2005

Board and Batten Nailing Techniques
Board and batten siding details for good performance. May 16, 2008

Promoting blue stain
How to promote this visual effect in a stack of red pine. March 21, 2002

Portable Plunge Cut Saw System
Does this system make sense for use both in the shop and on the job? May 10, 2005

Building Arched Toekicks
Descriptions and images of tested techniques. September 9, 2004

Powderpost beetles in hardwood beams
Is there any way to get rid of powderpost beetles riddling oak beams with holes? November 7, 2001

How I cut a 5-sided beam
Fully illustrated details. October 30, 2002

Halogen lighting: Passing the temperature test
How high-heat halogen lighting is tested for safety, to ensure it is appropriate for various applications. - 1998

Problems Cutting Full Bullnose
Cutting a profile in pine stock on a router table. March 14, 2004

Pinned Mortise and Tenon
Orienting the grain in pins on shaker-style doors, according to tradition. December 26, 2004

Biscuits for face frames
A discussion of using biscuits for assembling cabinet face frames. Pros and cons of biscuits on face frames, and equipment used. November 21, 2000

Bandsaw Blades and Cut Quality
Blade characteristics go a long way toward explaining the smoothness of bandsaw cuts. December 1, 2005

Planer is tearing-out -- on white oak, but not red
What could be the culprit when a planer is tearing out on one type of oak, but not another? June 14, 2000

Hand Hewn Look for New Cabinetry
Achieving an old-fashioned look with antique and contemporary tools. May 10, 2005

Procedures for shop-floor medical emergencies
What to do when a serious accident occurs in the shop. September 26, 2000

Pocket-screwed face frames
A time-saving method for frame assembly compared to dowels. 1998.

Production laminating -- is hot or cold press faster?
A laminator looks for time-saving pressing techniques. June 14, 2000

Planer vs. spiral insert heads -- for planers
Which provides the best finish--a planer type or a spiral insert knife head? January 16, 2001

Hogging Out Large Bowls
Ways to speed up the pesky process of removing large quantities of wood from the inside of a bowl before final turning. April 30, 2006

Bandsaw and Router Templates and Jigs for Cutting Shapes
Advice on setting up to efficiently and cleanly cut and route multiple copies of the same complex curved shape. December 12, 2008

Best preparation for bent ash
Dr. Gene advises a fishing-net maker on the best ways to prepare ash for bending into frames for his products. 1998.

PUR adhesives
A Q&A on PUR hot melt formulations and their proper use. December 6, 2000

Built-up Crown Molding Configuration
Achieving unique looks with standard crown profiles. May 8, 2004

Poor Adhesion After Edging MDF
Why has the edge come off this MDF? Maybe it's the glue, maybe it's the method... May 10, 2005

Biscuits for edge-gluing solid stock?
and solution. July 18, 2000

Pin and pinless moisture meters
The pros and cons of pinless and pin-type moisture meters. March 20, 2001

Problems with Franklin polyurethane glue
Ideas for coping with shorter glue drying times caused by humidity. January 24, 2001

Borer holes in oak timbers
Which creepy-crawlies caused those holes in structural members of an oak timber-frame building? January 16, 2001

Pricing Cabinet Installation Work
Pros discuss their differing approaches to charging for kitchen and bath cabinet installation work. January 24, 2005

Blind woodworker's story
A blind cabinetmaker tells the story of his education and career in woodworking. (From WOODWEB's Cabinetmaking Forum) January 21, 2003

Veneering with contact cement
Is this kosher? October 30, 2002

Drawing Units and Precision
Deciding on the level of precision needed for cabinet and millwork design. October 20, 2004

Building Separate Kicks
Different methods of building and installing toekicks. August 7, 2004

Electric Moisture Meters
A guide for using portable electric moisture meters on lumber. May 3, 2001

Biscuits Or Butt Joints
High-quality, high-speed cabinet joinery techniques. October 20, 2004

Moisture content oven tests
Microwave ovens versus drying ovens for MC testing. October 30, 2002

Bending 3/16 Solid Wood
Methods for bending wood to fit an arch. October 5, 2004

Concealing Cleats in Cabinets
Constructing cases to hide cleats. November 3, 2004

Adding value to old pallets
Examples of how woodworkers have recycled pallets and other old wood into new products. June 5, 2002

Splitting stiles with pocket screws
Suggestions are offered on how to overcome the problem. July 24, 2002

Chip-free cutting of composite panels
Consider these factors when striving for chip-free cuts in composite panels. February 13, 2001

Dangers of On-Site Finishing
Health and fire risks that accompany improper ventilation. September 20, 2004

When to use waterbornes
Applications where waterborne coatings will and won't work. May 22, 2002

Distressing Wood
Learning how to give new furniture that well-worn look. January 6, 2005

Staining and Blending Difficult Woods -- Alder, Birch, Maple, Poplar, and...
A three step coloring technique to achieve rich, dark, even coloring on a variety of wood species - March 16, 2005

Spray Shop Layout
Setting up an efficient spray-finishing area in an expanded shop. December 26, 2004

Oil finish with airless equipment
Technique and tools to achieve excellent results. May 22, 2002

Drilling a Hole the Length of a Log
People have actually succeeded at drilling holes in logs the long way. Here, they explain how to do it. December 27, 2006

Percer un trou de la longueur d'une bûche
Certains ont réussi à percer des trous dans des rondins en utilisant la méthode la plus longue. Voici comment procéder. 27 décembre 2006

Durable Joints For Crown Molding
The fine points of gluing and pinning crown molding copes and miters. February 25, 2005

Dyes and Wash Coats
Conditioning "naturally blotchy" woods to accept stains and dye uniformly. February 26, 2005

Matching stain to existing work
Techniques for matching the finish of new work to that of the existing cabinets in a cherry kitchen. November 7, 2000

Designing for Large Pocket Doors
Choosing quality hardware for TV entertainment center. March 14, 2004

Hanging Cabinet Doors
The efficiency of hanging doors before or during install. January 28, 2004

Where Doors and Panels Meet
How various cabinetmakers deal with the relationsihp between overlay doors and the adjacent edges of finished end panels. January 24, 2005

- Wood species
Information on tree species and their uses. March 20, 2001

Filling nail holes in prefinsihed moulding
The installer has shot your custom-milled cherry job full of nail holes. What do you do? September 19, 2001

Teak Finish on Kitchen Cabinets
Teak may be naturally water resistant, but in a kitchen environment, even this tough lumber needs some help. February 26, 2005

Treating Soft Wood to Reduce Tear-Out when Turning
Soaking the piece in a sizing or finish solution can stiffen the material for cleaner turning results. November 27, 2007

Bending wood -- options
Products and methods for bending wood. March 23, 2002

Dowel drilling and use guidelines
A quick guide to dowel clearances and practices, including drilling depth, diameter-to-edge ratios, and dowel selection. 1998.

Affûtage de couteaux de façonnage personnalisés
Est-il judicieux d'affûter soi-même ses couteaux de façonnage ? 6 juin 2001

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  • Unique Machine & Tool
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  • Western Dovetail
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  • Carter Products
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