I was contemplating Chordal's Letters last night on the way home from work. I think he would be so pleased to know that over 100 years later his writings are so informing and edifying. For those of you who don't know, edifying means to educate in a morally uplifting way. There is a lot of this type of inspired thought in this book.
I'm going to post a bit of this from time to time. I'm sure some of you will get your own link to the online version and find your own favorites. For now I point to the preface. This gives some insight to the man, James W. See.
Extracts from Chordal's Letters - Click here to read now
Extracts from Chordal's Letters - Click here for the option of downloading a PDF version
Forum Responses
(Business and Management Forum)
From contributor A:
Thank you for exposing all of us to this literary work. It is often still pertinent to the shop environment, although there are some terms I am not familiar with (does anyone know what "blackguard" means?).
I have not read it in depth, but skimmed the first few chapters. The point he makes that a workingman can have as good (if not better) a life as anyone is, I believe, accurate.
I am not a shop owner, but as a benchhand I have many times worked with others in this trade who grumble, complain, and wallow in the "us vs. them" view of the employee/employer relationship. I think in this day and age unions only perpetuate this notion. Even in the current economy, a good employer negates the need for union interference.
The preface outlines the value of education, even in workingman (or blue-collar) culture. I have a college degree but we still cannot equate education with good character, as I think was often done in Chordal's time. I have worked only one shop in my career so far that is not teeming with small-minded, bigoted trash. What is it about this trade, or any trade for that matter, that attracts so many men/women of questionable character? Is it because there is essentially no filter? If you can lift 100 lbs. and shoot a nail gun, you can do the job. All employers do their best to hire quality people, and it is a gamble no matter what the first impression. I try my best to uphold the work ethic and model of good character that was my father's example.
Chordal, I think, would advocate that there is more to a good employee than how much they may help the bottom line. If we set higher standards for the conduct of the workingman, we could improve not only the public perception of our trade, but the quality of those who choose to practice it.
"In our land, the ignorance of the mass will insure the total destruction of the existing civic form." - Chordal
black•guard (blgrd, -ärd)
1. A thoroughly unprincipled person; a scoundrel.
2. A foul-mouthed person.
tr.v. black•guard•ed, black•guard•ing, black•guards
To abuse verbally; revile.
Isn't this yet another thing that those of us in this business/career/lifestyle know, but have failed to communicate to the world at large? We may look like knuckle dragging Neanderthals, but we can think and reason, we are human, and we deserve respect and a measure of acceptance similar to other professions. We have (almost) all learned to derive great satisfaction from our daily grind. Does that cause such jealousy that we can't be allowed in as equals?
Sometimes I am still surprised by the gulf that lies between us and the rest of the world, yet I am unsure as to how to bridge it.
We did this to ourselves.
As our benefactor, Chordal points out, the smart mechanic of today has prosperity available to him that Lords of earlier centuries never dared to dream of. All through his writings you will see missed opportunities in our shops, 125 years after we were gifted the clues.
We've always had the respect of the community. Tell anyone what you do for a living and you always get a nod of approval. Look at the price point of our product. Outside personal aircraft and high end art, there are not a whole lot of consumer purchases available with our price tag.
So we've got the respect and we've got the revenue. The only thing that is missing is the discipline. And we have to get that ourselves.
If you are interested in a discussion of meaningful work, watch the conversation between Charlie Rose and Malcolm Gladwell. It's well worth watching.
Big tip: Whenever you see a set of drawings show up bigger than a baseball bat, there is a good chance they are going use them like a club on you.
The poor impression people have is not without some truth. How many guys on this forum have had formal training or any training before opening a shop? It's a case of not knowing what you don’t know. It is sort of ridiculous to take responsibility for something you don’t know how to do.
The Chordal letters talk about ethics, but ethics comes after training. Before there is training, there has to be interest or a willingness to learn which does not occur if you “already know it.” Today’s culture does not foster genuine interest in much of anything beyond being entertained, which is the antithesis of interest.
Malcolm Gladwell discusses a possible root cause for why some people are interested in what they do and why some people are not. He speaks of meaningful work. For work to be meaningful, it needs to have three ingredients: You have to have some autonomy in your decision making, the work has to be complex (it has to require some concentration), and there has to be a reward that is correlated with your effort.
He goes on to theorize that people are interested in learning new things because of how it bears on meaningful work. People who are curious about lots of things are more interested in their personal time to research those things because they fundamentally believe that there will be a reward coming from the effort.
With all the comments here stating, "we build high end cabinets," one could conclude that there is no real "profitable custom market" for serving the masses or average Joe, outside of the box stores, since there are obviously more McMansions out there than average houses. How many people have truly custom (exotic) items made: cars, clothes, shoes, jewelry, or even homes?
What would a Pollock be worth if it sold in a thrift store as opposed to an art auction?