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Loading and Moving Big Logs with Minimal Impact
This starts out as a conversation about block and tackle mechanical advantage, but develops into a detailed and useful discussion of ways to skid and load logs without tearing up the woods or lot. June 18, 2010

Tree Harvesting on Swampy Land
Here is an argumentative, but also informative, thread about whether and how to extract useful wood from a plot of ground that is impassably wet during summer. June 14, 2014

Safe and Cost-Effective Tree Felling
The how and why of wedge cuts. February 26, 2005

Thinning hardwood stands
Advice on how to thin, prune and groom. February 6, 2002

Culling multi-stemmed trees
Should multi-stemmed trees be thinned from your woodlot indiscriminately? July 9, 2003

Limbing practices
To prune or not to prune your future sawlogs. (Forestry Forum) March 23, 2003

Finding woodlot property lines
Techniques for determining where your property lines lie when they're obscured by brush. September 19, 2001

Winches for Skidding Logs
If you want the muscle to move logs, you should look at hydraulic winches, not electric. Read on for other skidding advice. July 3, 2008

Twisty Trees are Trouble
Sawyer lore says the logs with the left-handed twist are best left to rot. April 20, 2011

Store-bought and home-built log trailers
Suggestions on buying and building log trailers and loaders. (From WOODWEB's Sawing and Drying Forum) January 21, 2003

Managing a Neglected Old Stand of Red Pine
A sixty-year-old red pine plantation is now crowded and unhealthy. What to do? June 14, 2014

Tax Advantages of Timber-Land Status
State and federal policies may help the landowner who manages his woods for timber. April 18, 2009

Lumber Stress in "Fence-Row" Trees
Cherry trees growing on a fence-line may have lumber stress (and interesting grain) March 14, 2005

Calculating board footage
Professor Gene Wengert explains it all. February 18, 2003

Forest management
A brief history of the sustainable forestry initiative in North America, from the European perspective. May 4, 2001

Managing Maple Trees in a Mixed Woods
There's good advice here on managing a mixed hardwood stand for long-term value and forest health. June 14, 2014

Log weight
Locating a chart and doing the calculations. September 2, 2002

Tree Blossoms and Honey
Wood is not the only thing that grows on trees — as the bees know. June 12, 2014

Spacing for a tree farm
Distance for planting walnuts and red oaks to be harvested. June 3, 2003

Getting a Fair Price for Standing Timber
A few insights into the market for standing timber, logging services, and logs. April 20, 2011

What's Included in a Timber Cruise
Fine points of what a forester may or may not count when inventorying a stand of timber. April 18, 2009

Availability of Eastern Red Cedar
Cedar is fast-growing and plentiful. June 14, 2014

Killing Cull Trees
Tips on knocking out the unwanted saplings on a growing timber lot. April 18, 2009

Are Trees Damaged by a Nearby Fire?
A brush fire or bonfire can damage hardwoods pretty easily. Softwoods are less vulnerable. June 14, 2014

Urban Forestry: An Evolving Discipline
Managing the United States' extensive urban tree cover is an increasingly sophisticated effort. November 4, 2010

Marketing Small-Diameter Lodgepole Pine
Lodgepole pine produces good construction lumber, but small-diameter logs may not yield much value. December 30, 2007

Russian Olive Wood
Russian Olive is considered a weed tree with few useful lumber characteristics. January 25, 2010

FSC Certification Basics
Quick tips about the certification process for the Forest Stewardship Council. September 6, 2010

Beavers, Oak Trees, and Lumber
What can a landowner do with beaver-killed Oak trees? February 29, 2012

How to move logs
Creative and practical ways of loading, unloading and transporting logs. Illustrated. (Sawing and Drying Forum) March 23, 2003

Protecting Your Woodlot Against Tree Poaching
Advice on boundary marking and legal measures to prevent unauthorized logging in your woods. June 15, 2014

Home Made Trailer and Crane
Fully illustrated description of a home-built log trailer and crane. March 2, 2003

Maximizing Lumber from a Log
Can quartersawing produce as much usable lumber as one company claims? January 29, 2004

Gypsy Moth Egg Case
Identifying these egg cases in the woods. January 6, 2005

Traitement des ronces avec Pentacryl
Identification de ces oothèques dans les bois. 6 janvier 2005

Certifying Sustainable Forest Management
Rewarding Good Deeds in the Woodlot September 1, 2001

Red Alder Pros and Cons -- Pricing, Availability, Usefulness
Pros discuss the cost, availability, and characteristics of Red Alder solid stock and sheet goods. February 25, 2005

Waste wood into profit
Sawyers turn wood otherwise destined for the landfill into a business. June 5, 2002

Estimating BF in standing trees
Guidelines for accurately estimating lumber yields in standing timber. July 26, 2000

Cambium miner's effect on lumber grade
Gene Wengert on cambium miners, what they do, and whether the result affects lumber grade. 1998.

Minimizing Federal Income Tax for Forest Landowners
Tax law changes effective since 2004 provide new ways to write off reforestation expenses. Here's some info on how the rules work. May 19, 2007

How much land for a living
How many forested acres are needed to supply enough timber to support you? June 3, 2003

Sustainable forestry
How sustainable forestry relates to the woodworker and consumer demands. June 3, 2003

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