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Properties of Yemeri Wood

Yemeri is a Central American tropical hardwood that is good for utility lumber. July 18, 2008

I do some sawmilling here in Montana with my ‘85 LT40, mostly Douglas fir and Ponderosa pine. I have a little property in Belize and have a few large trees in the 3-4 foot diameter range. The locals call them “yammery” maybe “yammary” I’m not sure. They say they are good lumber trees and are also used for dugout canoes. Does anyone have any experience with this tree and perhaps knows its scientific name?

Forum Responses
(Sawing and Drying Forum)
It is spelled ymeri. Correction: yemeri. The Latin name is Vochysia hondurensis.

From contributor B:
I manage an operation in Belize which just got in to the lumber business last year. We have not cut any Yemeri but I'm sure my mill manager knows it well. I'll ask around for you to see what some locals think.

From contributor A:
Here is a summary from my coworker. Turns out we had cut some and I knew it as San Juan.

Yemeri: Botanical Name – Vochysia hondurensis, local; San Juan.

Sapwood is generally 3–5 inches wide yellowish grey not much difference from Heartwood pale pinkish brown – grey. Straight grain occasionally interlocked which produces stripe figuring on quartersawn.

Weight is 26-30 lbs per cubic ft @ 11%mc. Fairly high shrinkage from green to dry lumber approx 9/16, prone to warping. Cup and twist during seasoning stable when dry.

Not lasting in ground contact.

Working qualities: it saws without difficulty along the grain. It planes easily without pickup, liability to grain-raising which requires care in sanding.

Uses: house siding, general utility wood, box/crate making. Not a very good lumber for much, we use it more here for form boards and the like.