I have been asked if I will ship lumber via UPS or other means. Has anyone done this and what kind of problems did you encounter?
Forum Responses
I have shipped small amounts via UPS, up to six feet long and under 100 pounds. It costs around $25 for 55 pounds from NH to Ohio and $33 from NH to Philadelphia. You can call UPS with length, width, height and both zip codes and they will give you a quote. Just watch your pricing because the phone calls and packaging takes time, and I am running about 50/50 on phone/internet customers who back out after I put in the time.
We've yet to get a taker… shipping common carrier, though. Freight for 200 to 300 bd ft of lumber may end up half or more of what lumber cost originally.
We've got better freight costs for smaller orders with our trucking contractor, paying him extra for each additional drop and extra if it's a hand unload.
Gene Wengert, forum technical advisor