I'm building a conference table for an architect: a stainless steel top glued flush to a double 3/4" layer of appleply, the ply edges showing for a high tech look. Contact cement means the steel has to go down perfectly - any other ideas? If I cut the ply a little large, I can sand the edges back to the steel. Any better suggestions?
Forum Responses
(Adhesive Forum)
From contributor T:
I would try a smaller piece of steel on wood to make sure it will hold properly. If it does, cutting the plywood large to begin with is a good idea. Then trim it close with a saw. Then use a trim router bit to do the final finish. If you don't have one the full length of the ply, then use a pattern router bit on the steel side, then turn the tabletop over and use a flush trim in the previous cut. You could also use a router bushing to trim away from the steel and 45 the edge with a bearing piloted bit in the trim cut. The cuts would have to be real close, but may give even a better appearance.