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Allowing for Movement in Tops

Attaching table or cabinet tops in a way that allows wood to move. August 30, 2007

How do you fasten solid tops on cabinets to allow for movement? Screws in slotted grooves, figure 8 hardware, sliding dovetails?

Forum Responses
(Furniture Making Forum)
From contributor J:
I use all the above depending on the situation. Can you be more specific?

From contributor F:
I like countertop fasteners (figure eight hardware). Inexpensive, fast, simple and reliable. Though the breadboard ends on my 12/4" figured maple dining table are attached from underneath with screws in slotted holes. The project dictates the method.

From contributor E:
Sometimes if there is room, I use small cleats with unglued biscuits in them. The cleat can be screwed underneath the top and the biscuit goes into the skirt. Use a no. 10 biscuit in a no. 20 slot.

From contributor C:
I like the slotted cleat idea - very ingenious, less metal. Very reliable, dry biscuit slides.