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Note: The purpose of the Lumber Exchange is to provide listings of specific items, species, lots, lifts or bundles of lumber or timber for sale. General listings of always-available supplies or postings of your firm's capabilities, are not appropriate for the Lumber Exchange. Listings that do not contain specific references to size, species, quantity, and price will be removed.


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Today's Sponsors
  • 360 Degree Machinery
    Specializing in high end American, European, and select Import woodworking machines.
  • 2Sand
    Abrasive Grit Sandpaper and Sanding Supplies
  • American Fabric Filter Co.
    Provider of Custom Made Filter Bags and Transfer Sleeves
  • ECabinet Systems
    Free, Fully Functional Cabinet Design Software and Kitchen Layout Software
  • Weinig Group-USA
    Wood Moulders and Knife Grinding Equipment
  • T-Tool USA LLC
    Quality Tool-Holders, Tooling Supplies and Accessories for Numerous Cutting and Grinding Applications
  • J&P Machines
    Design and Production of Custom Equipment for the Manufacturing Industry
  • American National Knife
    Manufacturer of HSS and Carbide Tipped Woodworking Knife Sets for Planers, Jointers, Molders, Shapers
  • The Millwork Studio
    Millwork Shop Drawings and Estimates
  • RT Machine Co.
    Stocking Distributor of New and Used Woodworking Machinery
  • Air Handling Systems
    Your Best Source for Dust and Fume Collection
    Individualized Placement Services, Specializing in Millwork Design Engineers
  • Shop Gear Inc.
    Distributor of Co-matic Power Feeders, Le-matic Portable Edgebanders, and Supplier of Woodworking Machinery, Tooling and Accessories in North America

Become a Sponsor today!