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Colonial Saw Celebrates 75-50-50

Listing #432974 Listed on: 05/22
Listing Type:Announcement
Location:Kingston, MA
Name:Colonial Saw
Web link:Colonial Saw
In 2024 Colonial Saw celebrates 75 years of supplying American Wood products manufacturers with European technology. 2024 is an important year in more ways than one. This year, Colonial Saw also celebrates 50 years of partnership as the exclusive importer of Swiss made Lamello Joinery Systems and Striebig Vertical Panel saws. Colonial Saw introduced the biscuit joiner and vertical panel saw to the United States cabinetmakers in the early 1970s and has been sharing Swiss innovations from Lamello & Striebig ever since.

To celebrate these milestones, Colonial Saw will host a celebration in June at our Kingston, MA home office where guests from near and far will attend. The party continues at IWF -Atlanta in August so please swing by Colonial Saw Booth #B5753 for the Anniversary festivities.

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