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Quality Cabinets is Colonial Saw's 4,000th Streibig Customer

Listing #433048 Listed on: 03/19
Listing Type:Announcement
Location:Belleville, MI
Name:Colonial Saw
Web link:Streibig Vertical Panel Saws - Video

Belleville, WI - Colonial Saw installed its 4,000th Striebig in North America! Number
4,000 was delivered and installed at Quality Custom Cabinets in Belleville in January.
The business was founded in 1978 by Ed Pierick Sr. Second generation owner, Ed
Pierick Jr., took over from his dad five years ago and has continued to grow the high-
end residential cabinet business. According to Ed, Jr., the Striebig Compact has already
made a significant impact on their business. This video illustrates the improvements
they’ve seen moving from a table saw to the Striebig Compact panel saw.

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