Architectural Millwork Company Analysis (Total Company Integration Program):

Listing #479635 Listed on: 08/13
Details - Offering Services
Listing Type:Offering Services (Full time)
Name:Dave Creech [Contact]
Company:DMC Millwork Consultation
More Info:DMC Website Link
Do you see production, engineering, estimating and project management inefficiencies, problems with employees, lack of proper use of technology, or all of these negatively impacting your net profit?

DMC strongly believes in TCI, Total Company Integration, as a means of working through every aspect of your company and arriving at solutions that will always save money and increase net profit, when properly implemented.
DMC performs an in-depth evaluation of your company to review the entire business and identify opportunities that would increase net profit. We consider every aspect of the business. This is a week-long process.
We will then complete an in-depth report for you within three business days of the visit to your location.

The fees for this are prepaid and invoiced at $6,850.00 which includes all expenses except lunches on Tuesday through Thursday. Continued training is on a fixed sum basis by the week at the above amount. Call DMC at 719-755-8897 (personal cell) or email

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