Teaching Seminars Offered by DMC at Your Location or Online

Listing #479730 Listed on: 08/29
Details - Offering Services
Listing Type:Offering Services (Full time)
Location:Colorado Springs, CO
Name:David M. Creech [Contact]
Company:DMC Millwork Consultation
More Info:www.millworkconsultant.com
DMC offers these teaching seminars at your location. Call DMC at 719-755-8897 for more information:
1. Estimating - How to estimate to affect increased profit
2. Project Management - Tried and proven techniques for increased profit
3. Purchasing - How to reduce expenses and risk from price changes
4. Contracts - Finding contract landmines and disarming them in a world where the GC seems to have the upper hand.
5. Integration - How to integrate your company completely resulting in increased profit.

There is no cap on number of attendees from your company. Fee is $3,495 per seminar (all expenses included)

Contact DMC at 719-755-8897 or dmcmillwork@gmail.com

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