Seminar on Contracts at your location

Listing #479731 Listed on: 08/29
Details - Offering Services
Listing Type:Offering Services (Full time)
Location:Colorado Springs, CO
Name:David M. Creech [Contact]
Company:DMC Millwork Consultation
More Info:Link
Learn how to read contracts, when to sign, how to gather information that applies directly to your profitability based on the history of the general contractor and owner, and much more. See what this seminar covers in the list below.

Contracts received from many general contractors have become a joke. Basically, the following is the meaning of these so-called contracts nowadays: "provide everything we demand of you, and we don't have to pay you. After all, we are a team, a partnership". Yeah right! Why are we in this business - let me think - for a profit - to provide a product we can be proud of? So how do we do that when next month we are going out of business? Something has to change, and education, I believe, is the answer.

DMC Millwork Consultation provides seminars on understanding and negotiating contracts with general contractors at your location. This is a "must attend" class for anyone in our industry who has had difficulty with contracts and the repercussions that occur when you sign a contract that is far less than fair. It is also a must for project managers.

The class is open to all of your employees, whether 1 or 50, for $3495.00. Since it is held at your location the price per person is far lower than sending someone to a seminar venue - and the price gets lower with the more that attend. You will also receive our DMC Estimating and Project Management program which normally sells for more than the cost of the seminar. Total cost for the seminar for any number of employees and the DMC Estimating and Project Management Platform is still only $3,495.00.

In this class we will address:
1. How to read contracts
2. When to sign the contract in the process
3. Integrating the contract with your facility
4. Landmines in the contract
5. The Kenny Rogers model - “Know When to Hold ‘em, Know When to Fold “em”
6. The parts of the contract
7. What does it mean if you sign a contract that ties you to the GC contract with the owner?
8. The Contract and Your Proposal
9. RFIs and the Contract
10. Construction documents and your contract
11. The pitfalls of signing a one-sided contract
12. Lien rights and your contract – when and how-to lien a project
13. Mitigating the problem of only getting paid when the GC gets paid
14. Your rights when there are delays
15. Using a CPR (Critical Path Report)
16. Who signs the contract?
17. FSC, LEED and your contract
18. A discussion of CSI Format
19. AWI and your contract
20. The AIA Contracts
21. Relationship building with contracts
22. Intra-company communication and your contract
23. Your contract and production schedules
24. Your contract and submittals
25. Contract vs your proposal
26. Change orders and your contract
27. Templating and your contract
28. How to flatten production to meet a tight schedule tied to the contract
and more.

Contact DMC to set this up at your conference room. Further information can be found on our website, Go to the "Want To Hire" page. Or call me directly, Dave Creech, at 719-755-8897.

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