JOS2105 Operations Manager - Indian trail, NC (Industrial Lumber and Pallet MFG)

Listing #480374 Listed on: 01/08
Details - Offering Employment
Listing Type:Offering Employment (Full time)
Location:Indian Trail, NC
Phone:(954) 889-7835
Name:Brian Jackson [Contact]
More Info:Link
Operations Manager - NC
Job ID JOS2105
Starting base salary: $90-130K

Day to day managing sawmill, assuring all employees are following guidlines, while staying focused on productions goals. This organization is NOT set in their ways and looking for someone in this role to bring new ideas to the table. There is room to move up with this growing company and this position reports to a Regional Operations Manager.

-Proven experience in Hardwood Sawmill opertions and or manufacturing management.
-A track record of the daily operations of a sawmill - process, sizes, quality, grade, etc.
-Implement SOP's including the safety policies of the company.
-Previous management of teams larger than 50 employees.
-Hiring and termination of the mill's employees.
-Optimization knowledge for the mill is a must!

For consideration & more info send your resume (in Word.doc) & contact exclusively:

Brian Jackson, VP
Global Woodwork & Fixture Industry Recruiters


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