Commercial Millwork Estimator and Sales

Listing #480545 Listed on: 02/09
Details - Offering Employment
Listing Type:Offering Employment (Full time)
Location:Charlotte, NC
Name:Barry Rigby [Contact]
Company:Metro Woodcrafter of NC, inc
We are seeking an experienced Commercial Millwork Estimator with some Sales Confidence & Charisma to join our team. The ideal candidate will have a strong background in commercial millwork estimating, with a focus on preparing accurate and detailed cost estimates for woodwork, cabinetry, and other architectural millwork projects. Ideally the Canidate would have Innergy software experience but that can be acquired fairly effortlessly. Reach out for details if this is you and you are ready for a fun, friendly supportive culture in this old school industry. Our company supports some of the most advanced machines available in the industry which aids in our ability to provide a wide variety of Millwork needs to our clients.

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