Project Manager

Listing #480557 Listed on: 02/11
Details - Offering Employment
Listing Type:Offering Employment (Full time)
Location:Pompano Beach, FL
Name:NEIL GAVAN [Contact]
Company:Baron Manufacturing
Baron Manufacturing is a millwork company located in Pompano Beach, FL. Our company focuses on large commercial interior projects and all of our millwork is fabricated in our fully automated 100,000sf facility (Pompano Beach, FL).

We are looking for an experienced millwork Project Manager. This person will be very familiar with the millwork industry, be able to read/interpret architectural drawings, interior design drawings and millwork shop drawings. This person will need to be organized and have experience in taking millwork projects from the submittal phase to successfully completing the project.

Baron Manufacturing is looking for the project manager to grow with the company and the sky is the limit! The compensation for this position is very competitive and the right individual can do very well at Baron Manufacturing.

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Baron Manufacturing

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