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Hiring Wood & Furniture Finishers (Needham, MA)

Listing #480776 Listed on: 03/17
Details - Offering Employment
Listing Type:Offering Employment (Full time)
Location:Needham, MA
Name:Julie Paredes [Contact]
Company:Wayne Towle Master Finishing & Restoration Inc.
More Info:Link
WOOD & FURNITURE FINISHERS: experienced in all phases of furniture refinishing and wood finishing. Experience with spray guns (HVLP and/or air assisted), sanding, staining, color blending, color matching, and touch up. All levels of experience encouraged to apply.
Have you been a painter or floor finisher and looking to use those skills in a new way? Are you creative? Like to work with your hands?

We are the premiere wood & furniture finishing company in New England and beyond.
We have openings in our shop in Needham, MA. We also have crews working all around Boston, Metro West, the Cape and Islands and occasionally out of state. Car required for site workers. Travel and meals stipend paid for long distance jobs.

Send resume or letter of work history and a brief statement explaining why you believe this job would be a good fit for you to

All inquires are confidential. Immediate openings. Competitive pay, health insurance, dental/vision insurance, 401K, Paid time off.

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