1.25 and .75 spindle assemblies.
Original guards and hold downs, plus upgraded Aigner guards and hold downs, which cost in excess of $1000.
Includes optional hood for bearing and flush trim work. F-34 Feeder.
Numerous tooling, which cost $4200 new and are all in excellent shape, include: (1) a very versatile angle cutter, adjustable in one degree increments with indexed, two-sided replaceable knives, (2) a versatile Bimex head, which like the angle cutterhead, uses the same replaceable two-sided knives; used with a bearing underneath or on top, its essentially a giant flush trim tool but also works great for super clean rabbeting; (3) a Schmidt cutterhead that holds corrugated knives for deep horizontal cutting, such as raised panel work; it has an integral bearing in the base; (4) a 3 tall Schmidt molding head holds those corrugated knives in front of it; the wood pieces clamped in it are just placeholders; (5) various 3/4 cutters with spindle spacers.
More images of the shaper and tooling can be provided. Willing to sell shaper for $7500 without tooling.