Ex-Factory Biesse


Listing #549740 Listed on: 01/02
Details - Machine for Sale
Category:Edge Band Under $20K
Price: $1.00
Type:Used - Good
Location:Lillian, AL
Sale Type:NonDealer
Seller:Bill [Contact]
Phone:251 223-2020
Low hour but non-working because the PLC and controller are not communicating. We purchased this used and found that the previous owner had attempted to make their own data cable, with no luck. This could be all that this machine needs. We were going to order a cable from Stiles, but the jobs were stacking up and we didn't have time to wait so we went in another direction. We planned on fixing it but now we need the room to add a new moulder. This machine is in great shape mechanically. Control panel doesn't even show wear. All track pads and pressure rollers are perfect and seem to have very little use. Equipped with pre-mill, production glue pot, top/bottom trim, finish top/bottom trim, corner rounding, scraping and buffing. Our new moulder will be here at the end of the month and we could load it onto your trailer at no cost at that time.

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