Ex-Factory Biesse

Baker BBR-0 ABX Band Resaw

Listing #550040 Listed on: 01/22
Details - Machine for Sale
Price: $8,500.00 negotiable
Type:Used - Good
Location:Dubuque, IA
Sale Type:NonDealer
Seller:Chad Lueken [Contact]
***Manufacturer's Information:
Baker Products 12" x 12" Single Head 30 HP Resaw Model BBR-0 / ABX

The Baker "ABX" Band Resaws are designed to save space but give you the same great features of larger band resaws. The Baker "ABX" features the frame and headrig of our "BX" model, but use an "AX" model conveyor belt. This means that the head-rig can be adjusted up or down and the conveyor stays at a fixed height.

Because the conveyor belt stays at a fixed height, it is easier to interchange and integrate with other material handling systems in your facility. This versatile band resaw is perfect for those who need a space saving high production band resaw.

Accepts material up to 12" x 12" and uses a 12"-wide conveyor
Main Drive Motor: 30 HP TEFC
Variable feed speed from 0-95 feet (0-29 m) per minute
Versatility: Rip 2-sided slabs; size and resaw 3-sided cants, 4-sided cants, and boards
28" Dynamically balanced solid metal band wheels
4" diameter dust outlet requires 500 CFM

Dimensions & Weight:
Length: 84 in
Width: 93 in
Height: 68 in
Weight: 2,000 lbs

Owner's manual included

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