Need a Shaker Style Cabinet Door Tool Set?

Listing #550053 Listed on: 01/23
Details - Machine for Sale
Category:Tool Room Equip.-Misc.
Price: $2,395.95
Type:New - New
Location:BLAINE, WA
Sale Type:Dealer
Seller:Gary [Contact]
More Info:Website: Rangate Bevel Shaker Cabinet Set
** Rangate Bevel Shaker Cabinet Set **

▶ Our new set is designed specifically for beveled shaker cabinet doors between 3/4" and 1". Thanks to the stacked design pioneered by Rangate, your depth settings are consistent between tenoning and profiling and changing over only requires vertical movement of the spindle.

▶ Shaker-style cabinet doors are one of the most in-demand trends for interior cabinetry. We developed this tool based on feedback and requests from our clients, who were looking for a simple and cost-effective way to produce shaker cabinet doors in volume. While 'true' shaker doors can be produced without specialized tooling, the process can be slow and cumbersome. By using the same design principle as our Stile and Rail set, we engineered a new tool set designed to enable intuitive set-up and streamlined production for shaker-style cabinet doors.

Do you already have our Stile and Rail Cabinet Set? We engineered the Bevel Shaker Elements only (RCCDB160) to go with your existing set:

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Website: Rangate Bevel Shaker Cabinet Set

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