Thermwood Corporation

Wadkin 18" Woodturning Lathe RUH - rare!

Listing #550153 Listed on: 01/31
Details - Machine for Sale
Price: $7,500.00 negotiable
Type:Used - Fair
Location:St. Michaels, MD
Sale Type:NonDealer
Seller:Mark Harris [Contact]
More Info:Google Drive with more information
This Wadkin RUH 18" Woodworking Lathe was donated to the Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum. It has been in storage for 5+ years but is in nice condition. Based on the machine test number, it was built between 1957-1959.

From the Wadkin catalog:
18" Woodturning Lathe R.D.H. Wadkin
This is a machine for the heaviest and largest class of work. With a range of speeds varying from 100 to 1900 r.p.m., any class of turning, either between the centres, or on the faceplates, can be done.
It is self-contained and requires no countershaft, which not only simplifies any installation difficulties, but makes for the greatest economy in floor space.

The Bed is of heavy section with wide machined faces, and is arranged with a sliding motion away from the headstock by rack and pinion, to give any width of gap. This is a big advance on a gap bed machine, for it will be readily appreciated by those who have had experience of the ordinary gap bed lathes that, owing to the gap plate being of a fixed length, it is not always convenient to adjust the tool rests to the best position when working on a narrow job .

The Headstock Spindle is mounted on Timkin taper roller bearings. It is driven by a motor mounted in the headstock, driving on to a nine-speed
gear box through the medium of vee belts.
The spindle is arranged at front for receiving the face plates, and bored out No.3 Morse taper to take the centres. It is also extended at the back to
receive a face plate for turning large work .
The spindle is arranged with a lock to facilitate the quick removal of the face plates, and provision is made to cut off the current automatically when
this device is in operation. A handbrake is provided to the spindle, the operation of which automatically switches off the driving motor.

The Tailstock is bored out and fitted with a long steel poppet, controlled by large handwheel and square thread screw. It is arranged with set over
motion for taper turning. The front end is bored out No.3 Morse taper, the same size as the headstock spindle. Centres are self-discharging.

The Hand Turning Rest can be fixed in any desired angular or lateral position along the bed by lever handle. The too l rest is adjustable vertically
and is fitted with removable steel plate.

Travelling Rack Slide Rest can be supplied when required. It is provided with a lateral movement along the bed controlled by rack and pinion and
a cross motion controlled by square thread screw. Tool post is secured on a swivelling base on the cross slide for angular work.

Outside Turning. We can supply, when desired, either a tripod stand complete with universal adjustable hand rest and face plate for turning work of large diameter, or an independent travelling carriage mounted on a base with rack and pinion movement also a cross traverse and a central rotating movement.

The Motor and Control Gear are by leading British makers. The control gear is of the automatic contactor type, operated by push buttons. An interlocking switch is provided which operates in conjunction with the spindle lock .

Google Drive with more information

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