Rangate MOVING SALE | Deep Groove Glue Joint Cutter (ends Feb. 24)

Listing #550373 Listed on: 02/14
Details - Accessory for Sale
Category:Tool Room Equip.-Misc.
Price: $700.00
Type:New - New
Manufacturer:CutterShare by Rangate
Location:BLAINE, WA
Sale Type:Dealer
Seller:Gary [Contact]
More Info:CutterShare by Rangate - Deep Groove Glue Joint Cutter
** Rangate Deep Groove Glue Joint Cutter - Moving Sale **

List: $ 895.95
Specials: $ 700.00

** Moving Sale Ends Feb. 24 **

▶Our glue joint tool is used for solid wood along-the-grain glue joints. It's designed to join your stock on edge. We engineered it to achieve level of accuracy you won't believe until you try it for yourself, and see the incredible fit of the joints it cuts.

▶This tool is designed for width of stock up to 47mm and incorporates a depth profile for easy reference and setup. This design also creates increased surface area contact between the joined pieces, giving your workpiece a stronger joint. This is especially important for end joints which endure more shearing. Often simple butt joints will shift out of place during gluing- this tool solves this issue, allowing for stronger joints and easier referencing for glue-ups.

Want to see more Moving Sale Items? Contact us at info@rangate.com

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CutterShare by Rangate - Deep Groove Glue Joint Cutter

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