Ex-Factory Biesse

Newton B-100 Boring Machine – 2 Spindle

Listing #550506 Listed on: 02/22
Details - Machine for Sale
Category:Boring Mach-Horiz
Price: $1,000.00
Type:Used - Good
Model:B -100
Location:Portland, OR
Sale Type:NonDealer
Seller:Jeff Behnke [Contact]
These machines were used extensively by chair, cabinet and general wood products manufacturers.
Pneumatic clamping and drill cycling. Simple adjustments for spindle locations (center to center and up and down), work thickness and depth of cut.

1 HP 208-230V 1Phase
Spindle Speed...3600 RPM
Drilling centers...1" to 8"
Max depth of boring... 4"
Air requirement...80-120 LBS. @ 3 CFM
Weight...370 lbs.

Shipping Footprint: 36" (length) x 36" (width) x 42" (height)
Weight: 450 lbs

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