RoboPac Compacta 6 Semi-Automatic Stretch Wrapper

Listing #550629 Listed on: 03/02
Details - Machine for Sale
Price: $8,500.00
Type:Used - Good
Model:RoboPac Compacta 6
Location:Kingston, TN
Sale Type:Dealer
Seller:360 DEGREE MACHINERY LLC [Contact]
More Info:Link to more images and info at 360

Auto Film Clamp
Highly reliable, dual rod cutting system fully automates the wrapping process.
Auto Film-Cutting Device
Automatically cuts film at end of wrap cycle, saving operator an estimated 30 seconds per load.
Pneumatic Top Platens
Infeed and outfeed units automatically adjust to ensure proper stabilization of the product. The length of the run can be adjusted manually, if needed, to compensate for products of varying height.

Link to more images and info at 360

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