Ex-Factory Biesse

Hoffmann PU 2 Dovetail Macine

Listing #550715 Listed on: 03/07
Details - Machine for Sale
Category:Dovetail Machines
Price: $3,500.00 negotiable
Type:Used - Excellent
Model:PU 2
Location:Skokie , IL
Sale Type:NonDealer
Seller:Paul [Contact]

Production-duty, freestanding dovetail routing machine with solid cast aluminum table and heavy steel frame. Machine is designed to rout a single dovetail keyway with each machining cycle. For Dovetail Keys sizes W-0,W-1, W-2, W-3, and W-4.


Large work surface is designed to be at a comfortable working height, the router motor is controlled by a contactor and a 4" dust collection port is located at the back for connection to a central dust collection system.


The keyway location is adjusted by positioning the guided center fence plate on the machine table; the keyway length (routing height) is adjusted by setting a height-stop rod to the desired setting.

Routing height adjustment road with scale

Pressing the pneumatic foot pedal starts the machining cycle:

Pneumatic clamp secures work-piece and motor is switched on
Router head advances until pre-set height is reached
Router head returns to home position and motor is switched off
Pneumatic clamp releases work-piece
Output is approx. 16 routing strokes per minute, which translates into 2 completely processed rectangular frames. These numbers include material handling, but obviously depend on routing depth, feed speed, material flow and operator performance as well. Flow control valves on the main pneumatic cylinder allow the operator to adjust the upward and downward feed rate independently, depending on the material being processed. A 4" diameter dust collection port in the back is used to connect a central dust collection system.

The supplied router bit is solid tungsten carbide, made to exacting specifications. Depending on the routing depth and the material to be routed, the useable cutter life is approx. 10,000 strokes, often times even more. Every machine is shipped with a tool kit and set-up jig, which allows a router bit change in only minutes.

Large 1,000 watt router motor and cast-aluminum machine table

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