Ex-Factory Biesse

Balestrini Micron 2

Listing #550730 Listed on: 03/08
Details - Machine for Sale
Category:Tenoner-Dble End Foreign
Price: $1,250.00
Type:Used - Fair
Model:Micron 2
Location:CORONA, CA
Sale Type:NonDealer
Seller:Paul Kelly [Contact]
This is a Balestrini Micron 2 wired for 240 volts 3 phase.

The machine functions perfectly electrically but the prior owner tried to work on the pneumatics and put the air lines back together incorrectly.

I have replaced all of the air system parts and looked for a schematic of the air system, but have not found anything. This is a steal if you have the knowledge of the pneumatics of this machine.

The machine is clean and I can demo it in my shop electrically. The two motors and the adjustable speed and stroke work perfectly.

The machine is very heavy at over 1000 pounds and is all cast iron!

I have the instruction manual for it as well.

When working it is capable of 650 slot mortises per hour! It can also do one at a time as well.

Amazing for chairs and hardwood furniture.

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