Ex-Factory Biesse

Gannomat CONCEPT 70 EASY Case Clamp

Listing #550773 Listed on: 03/11
Details - Machine for Sale
Category:Clamps-Case: FeedThru
Price: $11,800.00
Type:Used - Excellent
Location:Mid Atlantic, VA
Sale Type:Dealer
Seller:EX-FACTORY INC. [Contact]
More Info:Gannomat CONCEPT 70 EASY Case Clamp
This solid platen Case Clamp is specially designed to save space, time and labor in all production situations. Whether it is your only Clamp or a second Clamp, the "Easy 70" gives you faster cabinet assembly production.
Minimal floor space required: Length (79"), Width (32"), Height 82.6".
Pressing force is exerted along the horizontal axis of the dowel joint by the side pressure beam.
Continuous working surfaces (fixed sidewall and side pressure beam) eliminates setup time for carcasses with fixed shelves, stretcher rails, etc., and small carcasses like drawer boxes.
Working Capacity: Min. clamping width 6”, max. clamping width 51.2”, max. clamping height 66.9".

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Gannomat CONCEPT 70 EASY Case Clamp

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