Thermwood Corporation

Edgetech CTS740 16″ Counter Top Saw

Listing #550846 Listed on: 03/16
Details - Machine for Sale
Price: $18,000.00
Type:Used - Good
Location:Kingston, TN
Sale Type:Dealer
Seller:Bryan Freese [Contact]
More Info:Link to more images and info at 360

Very hard to find, Edgetech CTS740 16″ Counter Top Saw. Very clean and it includes the telescoping left and right material supports. The main motor is 5 hp 208-230/460V/3-Phase. Variable feed speeds from 0-45fpm. This CTS740 also has the variable miter allowing you to lock it at any degree with fixed miter positions for 90°, 45°, 22-1/2°. The 16″ saw blade allows for up to 5-3/4″ depth of cut. 45″ cross cut cap. at 90°, 42″ at 22-1/2°, and a 31″ cut at 45°. Up top you will find a laser guide. There are (4) router stations. (4) Independent pneumatic hold downs with automatic retraction when changing saw position. Fully visible router template allows operator to ensure proper routing of draw-bolt cavities. Router guide pin with a rotating shaft for ease of operation and reduced wear to template
This fully functional machine has been fully cleaned and checked and is ready to work from the time you receive it. This is our guarantee to both you and your company. It is owned by 360 Degree Machinery and located in our inventory in Kingston, TN.

Link to more images and info at 360

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